Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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89 ratings
Game Mode: Classic, Custom
File Size
9.882 MB
6 May, 2015 @ 8:40am
1 Change Note ( view )

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A symmetric "Three lane highway" style map, adding some valor to awp maps with multiple cover and attack options.
You can also find grenades and deagles on the middle section.
Splashy 7 Jul, 2020 @ 10:03am 
Very cool map
LeetZero  [author] 16 May, 2015 @ 11:39pm 
It uses the layout, indeed. Also I used the in-game description and I went completely short on it, maybe I should edit it now with a full description though it technically fell from any recognition now as one week passed and it fell out of Most Popular this Week, so I am not sure how will new people get to see this map anymore either way.
god likes me 16 May, 2015 @ 8:43pm 
i'm confused. isn't this a remake of an AVA map? if it is, are you not supposed to give proper credit? unless you're also on the team in AVA that made it, that is.
POSTOL 14 May, 2015 @ 1:13pm 
Good jop,i you +1;хорошая работа я поставлю +1 лайк
Please appreciate my work;Пожалуйста оцените мои работы
LeetZero  [author] 13 May, 2015 @ 11:29pm 
Thanks for the nice comment Angel, nice to see it got you back in the game :P
Crimson Angel 13 May, 2015 @ 9:00pm 
After not having played Counter-Strike for 4 years I found that this map has made it easier for me to relearn how to play the game. It's easy to learn, fun to play, and just overall an awesome job! I enjoy playing on it and I would recommend it to everyone! :)
Пармизан 13 May, 2015 @ 8:50am
I think its not bad.
dhoine 13 May, 2015 @ 7:41am 