Arma 3
466 ratings
APEX Drakon - Jet Powered UAV
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Equipment, Plane
File Size
57.762 MB
5 Oct, 2015 @ 12:53am
1 Change Note ( view )

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APEX Drakon - Jet Powered UAV


The APEX Drakon is the top of the food chain when it comes to quick, precise air strikes. Equip yourself with an extremely powerful jet-powered UAV for Arma III and absolutely control the battlefield. Equipped with a custom loadout editor, you'll be able to create the drone loadout you need for any situation. You'll find yourself in the air far more and re-arming far less.

Addon Contents
Includes the APEX Drakon .pbo file which comes with a single Drakon and a custom loadout editor built into the mod.

In order to spawn weapons on the UAV, you must place an ammo vehicle next to it such as the HMMT Ammo truck. These vehicles are located under the Support units menu. Also, spawn a NATO version of the Drakon so it comes with the AI needed to control it. If you spawn an empty one, you have to hack the UAV first.

Jet-powered UAV system
Nearly double the speed of vanilla UAV systems
4 external hardpoints and 1 internal bay
Custom loadout editor and service menu

(To be included in future builds)
HELLAD Solid State Laser system
Multiple camouflage patterns
Stealth and Laser selectable variants
Re-built UAV terminal

Arma 3 engine: Bohemia Interactive

Project lead: Church

3D Artist: Kiory

Code/Scripts: AWOL

Video Production: Church


Once in game you must spawn an ammo support vehicle next to the Drakon in order to access the APEX Support Menu. Enjoy!

Keep in mind the Drakon is still very much in an alpha state. This is our first release and there WILL be bugs. Here are a few we are aware of:

The Drakon still uses Arma III's unfavorable UAV system. We know, it's something we want to get away from.
The Laser Designator doesn't spawn on the UAV unless you first apply a loadout.
The UAV flight model needs to be cleaned up. It currently floats too easily and the stall speed needs to be adjusted.
The UAV turret cam works when it is stowed away, allowing you to see inside the drone. This will be fixed in a future patch.
The Drakon doesn't work with ACE's missile system. We're working on that. For now, do not use with ACE.

There may be many others. These are just the ones we're very aware of. Feel free to PM me with any bugs you find outside of these ones.


Popular Discussions View All (3)
29 Oct, 2023 @ 11:52am
Bug Reports
4 May, 2022 @ 9:52pm
1 Dec, 2016 @ 11:10am
Mutiplay severs...
soulgazelle 25 Feb, 2023 @ 6:43pm 
very interested in mod only conmcern as of recent is an issue with the hellfire lock on having to be within about 30 degrees of the nose:steamthumbsup:
Lezard The Only One 6 Aug, 2022 @ 4:29pm 
Guys, i have found how to use it, its really annoying cause you have to disable Ace to open the tablet, just disable ace, do your custom loadout and then save it, after you can eneable it again and load the loadout
Lezard The Only One 6 Aug, 2022 @ 4:22pm 
Someone know how to use a custom loadout on it ?
MoonCrawlerVG 2 May, 2022 @ 2:27pm 
love this mod
MirroRMonsteR 28 Mar, 2022 @ 11:51pm 
hey duck, how did you get this to work?
THEepicDUCK97 24 Mar, 2022 @ 9:54am 
This thing is awesome! I can see where developers wanted to expand, but it's exactly what I was hoping for! Great job devs!
Falx 24 Nov, 2021 @ 8:03pm 
Hello! Can you please key this mod!
Apolly007 17 Oct, 2021 @ 3:50am 
please update this thing!
DocHolliday 30 Sep, 2021 @ 12:10pm 
Just realized this project was abandoned, ouch. This is so promising, you'd think there would be more drone mods for this game but there isn't, this is literally one of if not the best drone mod, UAV plane specifically not including the MQ-12
DocHolliday 30 Sep, 2021 @ 12:06pm 
Hey just curious is the drakon supposed to be able to loiter around a target properly? because I can get it to loiter around a given point but it just constantly gains altitude, like past 6k meters, the camera at max zoom can't see through the clouds at that point. Just curious as this would make an insanely useful replacement to the greyhawk for drone surveillance and precision strikes from high altitude, thanks.