Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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HDFS Atmospheric Miner Mk4 (No Mods)
Type: Blueprint
Mod category: Exploration
File Size
743.637 KB
20 Nov, 2015 @ 11:58pm
3 Dec, 2015 @ 12:37pm
13 Change Notes ( view )

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HDFS Atmospheric Miner Mk4 (No Mods)

At less than 300 Blocks this smooth riding little mining craft is the perfect craft for your mining fleet on planet. With plenty of power to boast a hefty load of ore within it's cargo bay.

In order for the HUD to work you may need to click "start" on the timer block in the K menu.

If the HUD Still does not work, Press K - click the Eye to show hidden - Find the program block - click edit - click remember and exit.

Fully Survival Ready

Operating Instructions

The mk3 comes with a HUD that will actively display your current cargo status. To activate the HUD simply press start on the timer block. If the HUD does not update after pressing start, go to the program block, click edit, then remember and exit.

Though the HUD will display your cargo is full before you fill everything, it is done that method to ensure peak operational efficiency.

!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!

Pay CLOSE attention to the battery power. If your batteries run out of juice while on the job, you will still be able to function but at a very limited capacity. The engines will be sluggish to respond.

Stone Rejection System

Not looking for stone? Turn on the stone rejection system, be warned though if you are lagging in multiplayer it is not advised that you use this system, or while moving at high rates of speed. If the physics simulation of the server you play on is slow, the stones have a chance of rebounding into the ship.

Drakedge  [author] 26 Dec, 2015 @ 12:49am 
It depends how heavy you were. As seen in the pictures, this ship is designed more as a trench digger, which turns out to be more effecient on planets since the ore veins are generally very thin. If you were trying to mine at a 90 degree angle, it's not going to work that way. Most of the thrust on this ship is downward, so at the steepest I would use it at more of a 45 degree angle till you get to the ore, then hallow out a crater and work in circles at level flight as seen in the pictures above. Be mindful of your weight, depending on your inventory settings you can overload it pretty easily. On 10x inventory I usually return to base at around 145k kg
Lanx 25 Dec, 2015 @ 5:02am 
I used this on mars and had a lot of trouble with the thrust. I couldnt climb out of a steep hole with the backwards or forwards movement. I ended up having it get stuck down my mining hole and just grinding it up. Does it just not have a lot of thrust available? Whats the deal.
Drakedge  [author] 30 Nov, 2015 @ 1:56am 
I also added two new additional LCD screens for power and damage status reports.
Drakedge  [author] 30 Nov, 2015 @ 1:46am 
Constantly tweaking lol... it's my main miner on my server so as I find things that could be better I fix it. I changed the default paintjob, fixed naming issues, changed a couple other minor things.
Dark Link 30 Nov, 2015 @ 1:04am 
Thanks :)
Drakedge  [author] 29 Nov, 2015 @ 2:33pm 
A few new changes - added stone rejection system, moved a couple reactors, fixed the default hot bars.
Dark Link 29 Nov, 2015 @ 2:43am 
Ahh perfect, thank you so much!
Drakedge  [author] 29 Nov, 2015 @ 2:42am 
The most recent update added a projection block behind the main lift engine for repair purposes.
Dark Link 29 Nov, 2015 @ 2:32am 
Just wandering what the recent update was for?
Drakedge  [author] 22 Nov, 2015 @ 4:51pm 
Fixed an error with the build