Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

28 ratings
Ozhara's Default Custom Terrains
New Workshop General: Terrain
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6.333 MB
22 Jan, 2016 @ 12:41pm
17 Dec, 2016 @ 5:26am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Ozhara's Default Custom Terrains

Additional Terrains
With African Kingdoms several new 'custom terrains' were added.
They have neither an individual look by default, nor are they used anywhere officially.
But they can be modded and used in scenarios and random map scripts giving us a possibilty to add custom terrains without breaking mp.

I started to define a fix set of new terrains for these so map authors do know their maps will always look as intended for everyone using one of my terrain mods if the map was created with my terrain set in mind.
Some of the rms of Captain Midnight already make use of them.

Everyone that uses one of my terrain mods will have these custom terrains covered as soon as I implemented fitting versions of them to the mod they are using.

For all other people that want to keep the default terrains, I created this pack that contains terrain versions created using the default terrains and therefore do keep that look.

These terrains are added in this mod:
Moddable Land70 (g_m00_00_color | const=70)
Gras2 with flowers

Moddable Land71 (g_m01_00_color | const=71)
Gras2 with mud (it's between Gras2 and Moorland)

Moddable Land72 (g_m02_00_color | const=72)
Gras2 with dark brown earth

Moddable Land73 (g_m03_00_color | const=73)
Alternate Gras3 with a rocky ground

Moddable Land74 (g_m04_00_color | const=74)
Alternate Gras with rocky ground

Moddable Land75 (g_m05_00_color | const=75)
Alternate Gras2 with rocky ground

Moddable Land76 (g_m06_00_color | const=76)
Overgrown rock

Moddable Land77 (g_m07_00_color | const=77)
Desert rock

Moddable Land78 (g_m08_00_color | const=78)
Frozen rock

Moddable Land79 (g_m09_00_color | const=79)

Moddable Land82 (g_m12_00_color | const=82)
Lava rock

Moddable Land83 (g_m13_00_color | const=83)
Lava rock with gras

Moddable Land84 (g_m14_00_color | const=84)
Lava rock with snow

Moddable Land85 (g_m15_00_color | const=85)
Lava rock with magma cracks

Moddable Land86 (g_m16_00_color | const=86)
Lava rock with more magma cracks ans very little smoke

Moddable Land87 (g_m17_00_color | const=87)
Lava rock all covered with magma, ashes and smoke

Moddable Shore90/Moddable Beach (g_m20_00_color | const=90)
Shallow roads

Moddable Shore91/Moddable Beach (g_m21_00_color | const=91)
Dry shallows with sand bars/ground showing through

Moddable Shore92/Moddable Walkable Shallows (g_m22_00_color | const=92)
Swampy shallows with much more plants (like an overgrown lake, fits my gras terrains)

Moddable Shore93/Moddable Walkable Shallows (g_m23_00_color | const=93)
Light shallows with more water and less plants (like a lake with little plants, fits my gras terrains)

Moddable Shore94/Moddable Walkable Shallows (g_m24_00_color | const=94)
Frozen Shallows for winter maps
Ozhara  [author] 23 Jan, 2016 @ 4:35pm 
It's all in the description.

There are additional moddable terrains now.
But by default they all have the same look. All land terrains do look like gras1, and all shallow terrains like the default shallows.
Like that they are of no use.
But like all other files they can be modded, so modders can fill in their own additional terrains into these 'empty' terrains. That way we can create much more diverse maps than before.
That of course means that if any map is created using one of those additional terrains, for everyone not using a mod covering these terrains, they will show up with their default look.
And for everyone using a mod filling in different terrains than the mod the author used, it will look strange at best or worse.
So defining a fix set helps authors to ensure people will get the intended look.
And by doing this mod I can ensure everyone using it will be able to get that look with dfault terrains in case the modder created the map using my terrain set.
Heavylifting 23 Jan, 2016 @ 3:37pm 
What the heck? Why?