Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

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Keepers of Sacred Groves
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28 Jan, 2016 @ 5:17pm
1 Feb, 2016 @ 12:56pm
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Keepers of Sacred Groves

In 1 collection by ✝ Gamlingwine
When the workshop man throws in a little extra units
4 items
Neighbouring tribes are abandoning the Old Ways, converting en masse to Christendom, proselytising in your pagan lands and threatening to cut down the sacred trees of your Gods and ancestors.
Will you prevent such profanity from being committed?

The Keepers of Sacred Groves are warriors, chieftain and priests based off the role of the Gothi in many ancient germanic (most notably norse) societies. Now that Christianity is spreading through Gaul and Germania, former spiritual leaders and priests find themselves without a purpose. They leave their native villages to enlist in the remaining Pagan forces, pledging loyalty to any King still true to the Gods.

Recruitable so far by

I have no idea how balanced they are, but supposedly they should prove a little bit OP to compensate for the effort and resources invested in religious buildings to fight off immigrant blasphemers.

They wear (as it is also visible from the screenshots) either leather or light mail tunics, sport 'small' shields, and thus are not be used as first-like infantry. Supposedly, they are to take the role of elite flankers-chargers, and to enhache this feature they have a handful of charge-related abilities at their disposal.

I've tried to depict former chieftains hailing from smaller tribes of Germania, and as Gothi (priest leaders) of such tribes they are accustomed with life in the forest, where the Sacred Rites/Groves of ancient germanic peoples were placed. Their armour reflect this, and not only they wear leather but they also feature pelts and headgear made from wolf skin. Any roman influence was removed, due to the fact that very rural pagan chieftains probably existed in isolated areas in the northern regions, so for example these warriors throw axes before a clash. For main combat they use germanic axes and spears (thank the Gods the axe animation works well with the sword mesh!)

They are recruitable for 850c, upkeep 450c, from rank III City germanic religious buildings. The recruitment is not available to the Langobards, which I've played extensively and already boast heathen-themed units.

Abilities: Frenzied Charge, Push, Steady Advance, Killing Spree, Second Wind.

Try coupling them with my tanky Custodes Defectors (Franks only) for an impressive result!
As always, I'm open for all suggestions, requests, whatever. If there's any glitch just let me know and I'll handle it. If you don't simply like the unit, tell me, others' opinion is important to me when it comes to my work.
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 22 Mar, 2019 @ 10:19am 
Perhaps. But I doubt my mod still works? Maybe if one handles what is necessary to have it updated on his client.
Grimmulf 20 Mar, 2019 @ 12:25pm 
is the Ai gonna use them?
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 25 Aug, 2016 @ 11:20am 
Might be because I did not update the mod and by forcing it into the game some parameters don't work ad they did in the previous version, in which I built the unit? No idea
iHerc 12 Aug, 2016 @ 7:25pm 
So, just to share this with you, Milo...

This mod, in conjunction with Skidvar's general bodyguard mod, for whatever wonky reason does result in allowing Frankish generals to use this unit. I want to say it also pops up for another faction, but I don't remember which. As if this wasn't rad and awesome enough, with the addition of some skill overhaul mods, I'm not even sure you really need extra units in the army...

I squealed like a schoolgirl.
Turin 4 May, 2016 @ 10:34am 
Seeing units of armored Gothi is like when Rome: Total War had an organized unit of Druids armed with War-picks.
Revk@ 26 Feb, 2016 @ 1:18pm 
Please update Mod for the new version games. thanks
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 2 Feb, 2016 @ 8:36am 
me neither
LordZarmack 2 Feb, 2016 @ 7:29am 
rememberd that i cant be arsed =p ha
LordZarmack 2 Feb, 2016 @ 4:53am 
go for it xd
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 2 Feb, 2016 @ 4:48am 
if not, it'd be worth to put a few hours to recreate them. lmao