Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

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Frankish Custodes Defectors
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31 Jan, 2016 @ 3:27pm
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Frankish Custodes Defectors

In 1 collection by ✝ Gamlingwine
When the workshop man throws in a little extra units
4 items
Subjugate the whole Europe and repel the Hunnic invaders with your freshly mustered Frankish Custodes!

Before continuing, know that this unit is not very balanced yet. I also want to specify this unit belongs to the Grand Campaign. That said...

This small mod adds a heavy infantry unit to the Franks faction, recruitable from a rank III Settlement, for 550c. As you can see, despite being OP, the unit aims to be as history-wise as possible. (if I invest time and creativity in creating something, I want to enjoy it thoroughly - and viceversa).

The Roman Imperial German Bodyguard, (Latin: Germani corporis custodes or cohors Germanorum) was a personal, imperial guards unit for the Roman emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty (30 BC - AD 68) composed of Germanic soldiers.

The members of the German Bodyguard were recruited from the Germanic tribes resident in, or on the borders of, the Roman province of Germania Inferior, with most recruits drawn from the Batavi but also from neighbouring tribes of the Rhine delta region. Little is known about their organisation; the 500 bodyguards were formed up in five centuries, each century commanded by a centurion. from inscriptions it is known that there existed, as in all Roman cavalry units, the officer rank of decurion. The exact size of the unit, which was at least partially mounted, is also unknown, but is described in ancient sources as a cohort, which in this period normally implied a strength of c. 500 men, or less precisely as a numerus, whose size could vary. Under the Emperor Caligula, the Bodyguard may have consisted of 500 to 1,000 men.

Their indirect successors were the Equites singulares Augusti (disbanded only in 321AD) which were, likewise, mainly recruited from the Germani.

Also read this

Germanic peoples, including those tribes in the Rhine delta that later became the Franks, are known to have served in the Roman army since the days of Julius Caesar. After the Roman administration collapsed in Gaul in the 260s, the armies under the Germanic Batavian Postumus revolted and proclaimed him emperor and then restored order. From then on, Germanic soldiers in the Roman army, most notably Franks, were promoted from the ranks. A few decades later, the Menapian Carausius created a Batavian–British rump state on Roman soil that was supported by Frankish soldiers and raiders. Frankish soldiers such as Magnentius, Silvanus and Arbitio held command positions in the Roman army during the mid 4th century. From the narrative of Ammianus Marcellinus it is evident that both Frankish and Alamannic tribal armies were organised along Roman lines.

After the invasion of Chlodio, the Roman armies at the Rhine border became a Frankish "franchise" and Franks were known to levy Roman-like troops that were supported by a Roman-like armour and weapons industry. This lasted at least till the days of the scholar Procopius (c. AD 500 – c. AD 565), more than a century after the demise of the Western Roman Empire, who wrote describing the former Rhine army as still in operation with legions of the style of their forefathers during Roman times.

Aside from the history lesson from Wikipedia... I designed these guys to be tough and heavy because I dig very heavy infantry above all else, and chose the franks because it seemed to be a good addiction to their already various roster. They also seemed to be one of the few tribes to have had relations with the Romans extensively enough to be able to field deserters from the WRE.

The unit has the following Abilities and Attributes:

Stationary and Mobile Testudo, for dealing with cavalry and infantry respectively;
Killing Spree, trading fatigue for a large damage-boost;
Second Wind, when the battles last too long and fatigue is peaking;
Counter-Cav tactics, as I felt they would suffer from shock mounted units too much later in the game;

Disciplined, meaning it regroups after rooting and doesn't lose morale if general dies
Encourages, boosts nearby troops' morale
Hides in forests like everyone else

Also has 2 javelins which I consider useful only for taking down rooting/disengaging enemies

If anyone is having any issue with the unit, please let me know. I would also like to make heavy frankish cataphracts and I already have posted a bow unit: Royal Merovingian Hunters, a missile unit with high hitpoints and melee proficiency. Be sure to check them out!


This mod is identical to my previous one with the same name, the only difference being its packfile is unique and doesn't cause conflict with Deputy Dropshot's 'Frankish Cohorts'. Both are available because the subscribers likely are using the unit in their campaign and savefiles containing the unit from the mod before the fix would get freezes.
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 12 Apr, 2021 @ 3:51am 
It will probably be easier, but alas I've never had to investigate this feature at all. I only ever played the base campaign. Sorry.

Ask around, someone will know!
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 9 Apr, 2021 @ 9:22am 
No problem. I wish you well in your attempt and thanks for the appreciation.
Curiously this may be the only one of the mods I made so long ago, that I would still use and like to this day. If I played Attila that is.
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 8 Apr, 2021 @ 9:42pm 
There you go. I remember using this guide. It was made for Rome 2, but the two games are nearly identical so this aspect is the same in both.
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 8 Apr, 2021 @ 4:24am 
Hi, thanks for the offer, but no, money ain't the thing. I'd rather do it for free if I had to do it. It's just dishonest to be paid for such a thing in my book.

But what I can say is that you can most likely fix this yourself by spending some time watching videos on youtube. It didn't take me that much to create this unit nor did it take much skill. It's all about editing some values through the modding application offered by CA. I remember it being simple, but even if I had to invest 5 hours into this it would be an enormous amount of time for my current lifestyle.

I think the guides on steam also have material about creating units so you can simply follow the steps there and just copy all values and model items from my own mod. You could even republish it if you manage to do that.
Jonarus_Drakus 29 Jun, 2017 @ 12:02pm 
The WRE gets, as default, a unit called the Cornuti Seniors (sp?), its a medium/heavy spear infantry unit that was traditionally made up of peoples of Franko-germanic origins.

If you're looking for more 'defector' type units to add to the Franks, they would be my first choice.

✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 29 Feb, 2016 @ 2:33am 
No idea then. Does I cause a CTD? I wouldn't see a reason why mods need to be updated.
Revk@ 27 Feb, 2016 @ 8:31am 
I unfortunately don't know as))
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 27 Feb, 2016 @ 7:24am 
never done this before. Am I just supposed to hit update on the launcher?
Revk@ 26 Feb, 2016 @ 1:17pm 
Please update Mod for the new version games. thanks
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 17 Feb, 2016 @ 10:36am 