Men of War: Assault Squad 2

Men of War: Assault Squad 2

3,663 ratings
Red Rising Modification 3.3 BETA
File Size
18.381 GB
27 Feb, 2016 @ 2:00pm
29 Oct, 2018 @ 3:57am
26 Change Notes ( view )

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Red Rising Modification 3.3 BETA



Red Rising Modification was originally just a compilation of several modern warfare mods, but since we started working on this project back on October 2014 we radically changed the gameplay by adding a lot of graphical and technical contents made by our team such as new kind of gameplay, new skins and models for our many factions.

- Over one hundred units from the modern age is available to play !
- A lot of modern themed maps!
- Tons of modern weapons and equipment!
- Over 50 playable factions in the editor and over 20 factions playable in multiplayer!

- Abkhazia

- Armenia

- Australia

- Azerbaijan

- Albania

- Belgium

- Bosnia and Herzegovina

- Cambodia (Khmer Rouge and Modern Cambodia)

- Canada

- China

- Croatia

- Egypt

- Finland

- France

- Georgia

- Germany

- Great Britain

- Greece

- Indonesia

- Iran

- Iraq (Saddam Era)

- Iraq (Modern Era)

- Ireland

- IS

- Israel

- Italy

- Kurdish Forces

- Japan

- Kazakhstan

- Latvia

- Macedonia

- New Zealand

- North Korea

- Netherlands

- Norway

- Poland

- Portugal

- Russian Federation

- Serbia

- Slovakia

- Slovenia

- South Korea

- South Ossetia

- Spain

- Syria

- Soviet Union (50'/80' Faction)

- Tajikistan

- Thailand

- Turkey

- Ukraine

- Ukrainian Separatists

- United States of America

- Uzbekistan

- Yugoslavia (70'/80'/90' Faction)

- Vietnam

+ many skins of other countries!

- Albania

- Armenia

- Australia

- Belarus

- Bosnia

- Egypt

- France

- Great Britain

- Germany

- German Democratic Republic (80' faction)

- Greece

- Iraq

- Israel

- Islamic State

- Italy

- Japan

- Macedonia

- North Korea

- Poland

- People's Republic of China

- Russian Federation

- Serbia

- South Korea

- Syria

- Ukraine

- United Federation of Europe

- United States of America

- Vietnam

And soon we're going to begin the development our first standalone game, here you can check all the info currently known:

Steam Group:


Unknown IDF Soldier: Israeli voices
OberstRaoul: gave us a complete list on a text file full of bugs and suggestions.
Firescorpion: gave us a complete list on a text file full of bugs and suggestions, he worked no stop for 24 hours.
Ghostson1: helped us to figure it out some issues with the editor
Kapplebuzz: HUD
VLSS: Leopard 2A8 model
Lobu Cantabru: Spanish voices
Noders: australian voices
RagnoPaffuto: A very good mapper.
GG Knifemaster: lots of good maps on the workshop for RR
Viper and Xavier: lots of skins
Raptor: He made a youtube tutorial for explaining how to install the mod. Also massive effort to making the mod more popular
DiplexHeated: He made a big effort to make this mod more popular
MrComradDave: Nice guy who made some nice YouTube vids
The Shermanator: He made a massive effort to make this mod more popular
Tutorial Heaven and Spartacus: made youtube tutoriasl for explaining how to install the mod.
Operation Frenchpoint Mod Team: Thank you for the permission granted to us for using the model that you made, the VAB, VBL, AMX-10RC and Leclerc
And a big thank you to everyone else who has contributed in other ways, be it bug reporting or suggestions, we could not have done it without you! If you think you have been missed off the list give us a heads up and we will add you ;)

DISCLAIMER: Do not modify or redestribuite the whole mod without the developers consent. This include all contents even if they are not made by RR team.