Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns

2,305 ratings
American McGee's Alice HD (From the Origin Complete Edition) for Steam's Alice Madness Returns Version
By PorcusGrunzus
Since I saw many people complaining about the Steam version missing the official HD version of the first Alice game, I decided to upload it and make a guide how to install and play it. The files come straight from Origin's Complete Edition.

Steam never released the Complete Edition and EA pretty much gave no support for Steam. Also its quite difficult to get the Complete Edition. Only a few stores offer it for Origin and also only for some specific regions like US. Origin itself removed the complete edition.

No need to bother anymore, thanks to this guide!
Download & Installation + Hints & Troubleshooting

1. Download the necessary files from here:
Replace "X" behind mediafire with a dot "."

If you own the Complete Edition on Origin, but wanna play the game on Steam, you can simply use the Alice1 folder from the Origin version.

2. Extract and move the Alice1 folder to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Alice Madness Returns

3. You need to have launched the game at least one time for the next step.
Go to: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\My Games\Alice Madness Returns\AliceGame\Config
And open the file "AliceEngine.ini" with notepad. Look for "GIsSpecialPCEdition=FALSE" and change it to "GIsSpecialPCEdition=TRUE". This will unlock the Complete Edition content. Now you will have a main menu option to launch the classic Alice HD game. Another positive side effect is that all the exclusive Complete Edition costumes and weapons for Alice Madness Returns will be unlocked. This trick was already known and explained in many other guides. However, Steam is missing the HD version of the first Alice and that is the sense of this guide after all.

4. This is the last step. In the same AliceEngine.ini search for "Alice1Path=..\..\..\Alice1\bin". This line is directly above the "GIsSpecialPCEdition=" line. Change it to: "Alice1Path=..\..\Alice1\bin".
Yes, there is a difference in case you wondered. I removed one "..\". This change is neccessary to get the game to run with the Steam version since it has a slightly different folder structure than the Origin/Complete Edition.

Thats it. After this you can launch the Alice HD version anytime from the main menu of Alice Madness Returns.

Have fun playing this old classic!

Other hints and troubleshooting:

I should note that this HD version includes all official languages for the game. English, German, Spanish, French. The game seems to use the language that is used in Alice Madness Returns.

By default the game never launches in fullscreen. You can fix this with editing the default_pc.cfg file in the bin/base directory of Alice1. Just change "seta r_fullscreen "0"" to 1. You maybe have to delete the other config files in the same directory. I think the only file that you need to have there is the default_pc.cfg. In fact the game puts a config file into your Documents/My Games directory. Just editing this one didnt fix the fullscreen for me though.

EAX might work. It always reverted to Miles after every restart though. Couldnt fix this sadly. I always changed it to EAX2 in the sound option each start. Or just leave it on default Miles if you dont wanna bother with it. But Windows Vista to 10 shouldnt use EAX correctly anyway. You should try using sound driver tools like Alchemy to enable EAX in the game. Alternatively a tool called DirectSound should work too.

If you have tearing, force Vsync over the driver. The game has no Vsync option sadly so forcing it over the driver is the only way. And to avoid Aliasing, just use 4x Anti Aliasing in your driver.
I should also note that this game works in 4K. Not kidding, was pretty surprised myself. Running an old game from 2000 with the Quake 3 engine in 4K is... Well, weird. Back then we mostly played with 800x600 and stuff. Good ol' times, haha.

There is also a nice HD texture pack available from an artist named OmriKoresh. She is very talented! Definitely check it out! This further improves the already "HD" version, since most textures were unchanged and only stuff like widescreen, controller support has been added. Also, if you play in German, Spanish, French language, there are further patches on the same website to fix some problems that appear when using other languages with the texture pack.

>>>NEW 2024 MUST HAVE<<<
Recently there was a mod released that fixes countless issues the game has! You can find it here:

Please tell me if the download file should be no longer downloadable.
You are also welcome to add mirrors in the comments. I will add them to the guide.
Please use 1 single file. So look for a hoster with at least 1GB file size uploads.
Flytrap 19 Mar @ 7:56am 
@shade00 @Darkals_X Please read the guide again. The link you clicked on is intentionally wrong to throw off the link detection algorithms.
shade00 19 Mar @ 4:21am 
mediafire website died off looks like?
Darkals_X 16 Mar @ 12:48pm 
link no working! re up pls
mike 16 Mar @ 2:07am 
I would like to shout out @warmhotself on reddit They helped me fix my crash issue was super helpful Im Ready to play a game ive heard about back when i was in highschool long long ago lol
mike 15 Mar @ 9:26pm 
im with @moxxi i did it all and it just opens and crashes after i click alice 1 game
Moxxi 13 Mar @ 6:39pm 
It doesnt work for me for some reason. game keeps crashing when i try to launch alice 1.
Maze_ 12 Mar @ 5:22pm 
Rory Kenneigh 7 Mar @ 9:37am 
I was so confused why it wasn't working. Then I realised I forgot to delete the ..\ step. And yes, this works on Steam Deck.
Danielle LeFay 4 Mar @ 5:58pm 
March 2025 , works perfectly



☽ | Luna | ☾ 1 Mar @ 3:32pm 
thank you so,so much ! :APTrose: