

252 ratings
The Armory: Expanded - 8 & 12 Player Checkpoint & Conquer Custom Theater
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447.840 MB
16 Apr, 2016 @ 11:10pm
20 Feb, 2017 @ 9:52pm
16 Change Notes ( view )

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The Armory: Expanded - 8 & 12 Player Checkpoint & Conquer Custom Theater

In 1 collection by DeltaMike
The Armory Modifications
16 items

ALL STOCK WEAPONS are unlocked for each squad member.
NEW CUSTOM WEAPONS: Click here for a full list (coming soon) of the weapons and the credits to their contributor, or simply look above in the gallery and browse all that are available.
NEW WEAPON ATTACHMENTS - Speed reload, speed holster, tactical sling, faster bolt action (sniper rifles), faster pump action (shotguns).
NEW VEST - New vest "Tactical carrier", carry even more ammo and up to 4 explosives.
M203/GP-25 no longer overwrite the ability to carry other explosives.
12 PLAYER VERSION - 2 Squads/Fireteams which consist of 1 Weapons Sargeant (Team Leader) and 5 Weapons Specialists each.
NEW! 8 PLAYER VERSION - 1 Squad/Fireteam which consist of 1 Weapons Sargeant (Team Leader) and 7 Weapons Specialists.
SUPPLY POINTS have been assigned for some balance in weapon choices, works best with server supply rate set at 50-60 range.
THEATER OVERRIDE COMMAND To load custom theater, use either command:
mp_theater_override "theater_thearmoryexpanded8p_default"
mp_theater_override "theater_thearmoryexpanded12p_default"


No upcoming updates planned for this theater, interested in something a bit more up-to-date?
Try the more current "The Armory: Expanded - 35 Angry Bots version" custom theater.

Popular Discussions View All (2)
12 Mar, 2018 @ 10:50am
Installation Instruction ?
BOT Opie
4 Jan, 2019 @ 6:31am
no me funciona
ALADYWKA 22 May, 2022 @ 3:10pm 
Is it possible to somehow use this mod in a single game ? if so, how?
needgun 30 Jul, 2020 @ 9:12pm 
When i play in conquer mode no bots from my team spawn, anybody else have this issue or know how to solve it? i tried spawning them through the console but when i die i cant "posses" any of them and mostly they just stand there until an enemy comes close, which leaves me with 2 options watching them stand there till they get gunned down or restart the whole thing
(-n00b-)ed 4 Jun, 2020 @ 3:41pm 
Although it is a bit outdated I still run this on my server; always will until something better comes along, which hasn't yet.
(-n00b-)ed 4 Jun, 2020 @ 3:40pm 
I agree, I've been requesting this for a couple of years.
Unfortunately DeltaMike has stated previously he has no intention of revisiting this theater, and people should just install the 35 Angry bots theater instead.
I do hope sometime when he's not so busy he changes his mind and updates this theater with the weapons and equipment from the Angry bots theater.
We can only hope.
ViNcE_PaRaDiSe 29 Jan, 2020 @ 3:27am 
Remaster for 2020 please with new weapons ! ;)
(-n00b-)ed 4 Mar, 2019 @ 12:00am 
Is there anyone who would be willing to make a few changes to this custom theater?
Mike is focusing on the Angry Bots theater and I just don't want the Angry bots on my server.
I like this theater but would like a couple of the weapons from the Angry bots added to this.
Such as:
The Honeybadger
The full auto SAIGA 12 shotgun with the drum magazine.
(This theater has a SAIGA, just not the right one).
MK4 scope is missing from the L1A1 SLR Optics list.
" M203/GP-25 no longer overwrite the ability to carry other explosives". Unfortunately this doesn't work. Selecting either grenade launcher still disables other explosives options.
SPAS-12 forearm and stock are glitched; they both show as foliage.
These are some of the additions/fixes off the top of my head I think would improve this theater.
I've looked at multiple videos and tutorials but I just can't get a handle on the necessary steps to give this great custom theater the polishing it needs and deserves.

采花大师胡英俊 15 Feb, 2019 @ 6:01am 
GarryRoach 21 Jul, 2018 @ 4:29pm 
can u add 16player version? plz!
(-n00b-)ed 19 Jul, 2018 @ 11:42am 
Thank you for the link.
As I said I was hoping that this mod could be updated with the Angry bot weapons and attachements as well as the the medic feature etc but leaving the bots the way I have them. Unfortunately I don't think Delta Mike is interested in doing so.
And after reading many posts regarding the Angry Bots mod it would be too much to try and run it on my server and get it to run properly. I'm not very good at messing with the necessary files and codes and I would just be making more headaches for myself.
So I'll just continue to use this mod the way it is.
Robomikel 14 Jul, 2018 @ 12:31am 
@(-n00b-)ed there is a cfg for the constant bot spawns that works great.

I have 4 servers running this as the base mod. works really well for me. added 42 maps on one. also have over a dozen other mods with it. every one that joins it has mentioned to be one of the best modded servers. besides Mike's own servers. i cant compete. Thank you Mike.