Total War: SHOGUN 2

Total War: SHOGUN 2

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1351 Nanboku-cho period (RotS)
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1351 Nanboku-cho period (RotS)


During the Kamakura Shogunate period the imperial court was split into two branches; the northern court and the southern court. Who became emperor of Japan alternated between the courts, so if a man from the southern court was emperor the next emperor would be from the northern court. However Emperor Go-Daigo defied this system and the Kamakura Shogunate by naming his own son heir, rather than someone from the northern court.

In 1333 Ashikaga Takauji, Kusunoki Masashige, Nitta Yoshisada, and Emperor Go-Daigo overthrew Shogunal regent Hojo Takatoki; ending the Kamakura Shogunate and starting the Kenmu Restoration. However disagreements between the Ashikaga clan and Emperor Go-Daigo regarding whether to have a henian type system (where the emperor ruled directly) or another kamakura type system (where the emperor had less power and the samuari has more power due to the shogunate) caused these alliances to break. In 1335 while putting down a rebellion by Hojo Tokiyuki (son of Hojo Takatoki) Ashikaga Takauji captured kamakura for himself. Emperor Go-Daigo then sent Nitta Yoshisada to defeat the Ashikaga brothers Takauji and Tadayoshi. Yoshisada was defeated, and Ashikaga Takauji and Tadayoshi marched on Kyoto. However in 1336 both were defeated by a force under Prince Takanaga, Prince Norinaga, Kitabatake Akiie and Yuki Munehiro. The Ashikaga brothers then fled to Kyushu, defeated the Kikuchi clan and again marched on Kyoto. In 1338 after defeating Yoshisada and killing Masashige Takauji captured Kyoto. He then declared that Emperor Komyo, from the northern court, was now the emperor of Japan and that he was the new shogun.

Though there was a brief peace this ended in 1350 after the Kanno Incident, when Tadayoshi tried to have Takauji's deputy, Ko no Moronao, assassinated. Tadayoshi was then forced to become a monk. However Tadayoshi rebelled against Takauji and sided with Emperor Go-Murakami of the Southern Court. Now Ashikaga Tadayoshi, Ashikaga Takauji, Emperor Go-Murakami, and their allies are fighting to determine who will will rule all of Japan.

Playable Clans


Ashikaga Takauji - I am the Soryo and my son will inherit this position. My natural son has been adopted by Tadayoshi but I have other sons. The Southern Court thinks they can take Kyushu from me but they are mistaken. I will send Hosokawa after them. My younger son is in capable hands in the Kanto where he can unite the unruly clans there. We will continue to drive the southern emperor from place to place in Yoshino...reminding him of who really rules Japan. The Uesugi have turned their backs to me...they are my kin but they will still die with Tadayoshi. Kanenaga thinks he has a chance in Kyushu...we will see....they have never fought a battle...maybe Otomo will overpower him. As long as we reward our vassals and allies with lands we will be safe. I will die with my boots off.

Kanto Kubo- I am Motouji. My father Takauji has left his more capable son in charge of his affairs in the Kanto with the help of our relatives Noriaki and the Ko hikan. The Uesugi have now turned their backs on us and taken Tadayoshi's side, so the duty to govern Hasshu, Kai, and Izu falls to the Ko clan and I. We will not relent in our duties & purge my great uncles forces (or any others who defy me) in the Kanto.


Tadayoshi - My brother elevated Moronao a year ago and with that sent me to take the tonsure. I am his brother! The Ko are our retainers' not on the same level as we, who are descended from Minamoto. Takauji cannot or will not reconcile at this time so I have been in contact with the Emperor. As I deliberate on which side to choose, it has become evident that some of our relatives have decided to accompany me. The Kira and Yamana have worked with us for many years as well as the Momonoi. If I were to just reach them they would provide powerful allies....then I would not need the emperor.

Inukake Uesugi - I am Tomofusa. My grandfather was killed 15 years ago by Nitta while protecting Takauji. My father was killed by Kitabatake Akiie 13 years ago while escorting Yoshiakira to the capital leaving us to be raised by our vassal Ishikawa Kakudo and kin Tomosada. We are close to Tadayoshi, having been part of the bureaucratic party of the Ashikaga. We will now follow him and defect. We have many branches of family surrounding us in the Echigo area. We will need to maneuver into the kanto and secure it for Tadayoshi.


Go-Murakami - I became emperor in 1339 and since then I have not know peace. I move from place to place in Yoshino where we have made our government. Without Ochi I would have been lost. I have recommended my sons to be the head abbots of monasteries surrounding the capital and with that Kusunoki, Enryakuji, Kofukuji and Negoroji have declared their intent for the emperor. If we can somehow take the capital back we would then own the majority of the central provinces. Once we do this with our assured help in the east (and Kanenaga in Kyushu) we will stamp out the rebels and take our kingdom back.

Kanenaga - I am Prince Kanenaga, son of Emperor Go-Daigo and brother of the current emperor. I have been appointed Seisei shogun with the hopes of restoring Kyushu to the rule of the emperor but in the 17 years I have been here I have made allies (Kikuchi and Aso) with little or no assistance from my brother. Does he forget his kin? Does he not think the blood of Ameratsu flows through both of our veins? Would it not be better to be independent of a father who disregards his duties...?


uanime5 : map making, coding, unit cards, and making new factions.
Stincky : historical research for clans, units, and regions. Writing the descriptions of each clan.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
20 Oct, 2020 @ 8:44am
PINNED: Tools and tutorials used for modding TWS2
17 Jan, 2022 @ 9:21am
PINNED: Download 1351 Nanboku-cho period (RotS)
Salmon Sashimi 刺身 3 Jan @ 9:29am 
id love a minor faction playable mod for this
Druzinik 31 Aug, 2024 @ 10:55pm 
Im in turn 67 of this mod and to be honest its pretty fun
倭国 8 Sep, 2023 @ 4:12am 
This is pretty amazing mod! But some of the names are off. On the start screen, it still has the Taira, Minamoto and Fujiwara and the Emperor has the name Minamoto in it.
Komo 10 Aug, 2023 @ 5:11am 
thanks o, I could not find the campaign_calendar, only dates in save game head and campaign preopen_map_info
uanime5  [author] 9 Aug, 2023 @ 6:31am 
The packfile manager is a fan made tool that lets you edit DB tables in pack files. You can also edit esf files.

To change the turn per years open the Startpos.esf and edit the campaign_calindar. Change the 4 to 12 to have 12 turns per year.
Komo 8 Aug, 2023 @ 7:16pm 
Is there a way to change the years per turn? or extend the time needed to finish the campaign? I felt I didn't had enough time before reaching the defeat screen :v
NoahsRebels 29 Jul, 2022 @ 4:23pm 
Thank you for the info once again. I was hoping to play as the Hojo or even one of the temples, they would make for an interesting campaign I think. This is a very well made mod and I love being able to play in different eras other than the 3 base ones.
uanime5  [author] 29 Jul, 2022 @ 2:44pm 
The name and flag can be easily changed, the territory is difficult due to how many entries there are. Also the start menu entries don't effect the game in any way, it just covers the start menu.

Without all the startpos files I made for Tweak you won't be able to use Bob since its using the vanilla files.
NoahsRebels 29 Jul, 2022 @ 12:42pm 
I see - thank you for the info. I was trying to make a new clan playable with this by basically replacing an existing clan like the Southern Court with another, and switching around the names and flags and territory, etc. I'm not sure of another way I could do this except through the in-game tutorial, but I was hoping to do it on the normal start screen so I could also make a description and clan traits and such. I did see another method online, but it involved using BOB, and it keeps giving me "failed to process startpos" error and I haven't been able to fix it.
uanime5  [author] 29 Jul, 2022 @ 6:57am 
That's very difficult to do using PFM. To change the ownership I have to make a new Startpos using Tweak. This can also make the mod crash if you have a general assigned to this settlement but don't move them somewhere else.

Basically I don't know how to do it this way.