The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Stillness [ Skyrim Murder Mysteries I ]
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8 May, 2016 @ 1:08am
10 May, 2016 @ 8:56am
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Stillness [ Skyrim Murder Mysteries I ]

A guard told you about a murder that happened recently and if you solve the case there will be a great reward. You were told to look for notes of some sort at the burnt down house in falkreath where the innocent farmer got killed. The guard wanted you to track down the murderer and execute the law.

I thought that skyrim lacked mods with some kind of detective work so that is why i decided to make this serie of mods.
I did not delete anything while making this mod and it's not relying on any other mods.
The mod does not involve any dialogue but i plan to add it in the next installment, it instead relies to tell the story of the mod through notes and journals. You do not get a single guide line, not even in the beginning, i wanted a mod without any help what so ever exept the small description in the beginning. If you still require help you can look though the library of screenshots or ask me in the comments and i will try to help.

You will travel trough diffrent landscapes and cities to figure out who killed the farmer and hopefully have a hard time completing the mod, it's pretty short and meant to be completed in 1-2 hours.
This is the first installment of skyrim murder mysteries!
The charm of these mods are that there is no map markers or quests, you have to figure out it all by yourself

The mod is not compatible with mods that change the interior in all of the inns or mods that change the argonian assembly's interior.
I have tried the mod with expanded towns and cities and it seems to work fine. ( ) exept a couple of trees are gring in the middle of the house but the note is still there

I used no mods that changed the interiors in the screenshots.
Visual mods used in screenshots:
Climates of tamriel
enhanced lights and FX


Fixed note location mistyping
Next update
Typos and grammar will be fixed in the notes (im swedish so my english isnt that great)
new screenshots will be released that specify a bit more.

Known bugs
Some notes seem to be moved for some players
Popular Discussions View All (1)
6 Sep, 2017 @ 10:24am
FiShy  [author] 3 Dec, 2017 @ 12:21pm 
Thanks :D
mcschuerfix 3 Dec, 2017 @ 4:58am 
I have solved the murder puzzle. I found totaly 7 notes (last note = message to the player and one key named "key". The key could open two things. Great mod! :steamhappy:
mcschuerfix 3 Dec, 2017 @ 12:47am 
Thank you. I try it again. :steamhappy:
FiShy  [author] 2 Dec, 2017 @ 1:57pm 
the burnt house is above the bandit camp with all the bees in front of it as you head west from Helgen toward Falkreath, you just head up the hill beside the camp going south and you will find it. if you get to pinewatch you have gone too far west, just backtrack to the bandit camp and go up the hill.
FiShy  [author] 2 Dec, 2017 @ 1:55pm 
this quest is HARD, and there are NO quest markers. You'll have to discover everything by yourself, and closely examine the spots that are hinted. The story is progressed through notes, so look for notes.
FiShy  [author] 2 Dec, 2017 @ 1:54pm 
A guard is not supposed to tell you anything, i say TOLD. You should search the house for a letter... (maybe under a flipped bed?)
mcschuerfix 2 Dec, 2017 @ 1:20pm 
I have tryed it again. I found now the burnt house in Falkreath but there was no guard coming to me. The man who was dead in the burnt down house is named Batokon Northerner and when I arrived at Falkreath bevore I found the man a courier give me a letter with the text: I know that you have murdered him and so on, which I read. But there is no quest starting to examine the murder, because no guard comes and talk to me. What can I do?
mcschuerfix 2 Dec, 2017 @ 6:51am 
But your ideas and efforts to create crime puzzles in Skyrim via mod, I find very good! I love crime puzzles too. The quests "Blood on ice" part 1 and 2 were entertaining too. :-)
mcschuerfix 2 Dec, 2017 @ 6:43am 
Hello, thank you for answer. Normaly no problem for me. Now my last trying was to "fly" via tcl over Falkreath to find your foto with the house in Falkreath on it .. the mountains on left side and high walls but there is nothing. I think in this case is a possible conflict with other mods I have. But I need principly no markers, because I had solved also the complicatest puzzles in over 100 mods for my skyrim. I use also CT for selfprogramming mods. Thank you. :steamhappy:
FiShy  [author] 2 Dec, 2017 @ 5:50am 
Yeah probably. There is no marker though, so you'll have to find it by yourself.