Arma 3
688 ratings
PLP Urban Packs: Barriers and Fences
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Structure, Terrain
File Size
73.582 MB
10 Jun, 2016 @ 3:42pm
3 Jan, 2020 @ 4:51pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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PLP Urban Packs: Barriers and Fences

What I like about Cities is that everything is king size, the Beauty and the Ugliness.
-Joseph Brodsky

PLP Urban Packages provide hundreds of objects to furnish your urban environments, with a focus
on western surroundings, as well as private and public properties. Create individual
gardens, parks and public squares, build construction sites and light up your scenery!

This first pack, to be released in the Urban Pack Series, contains many Barriers and Fences
in numerous variants, like Barrier Tapes, Site Fences, Parking Blocks, Tubes, Cones and more.


Find the Items in Eden-Editor under 'PLP Urban Pack (Barriers and Fences)'
This package can also be used in 'Zeus', 'Mapbuilder' and the incredible 'xCam' from Silola.

Known issues:

* 'Direction Bumpers', 'Spike Strips' and 'Boom Gate' are static objects only


* Concrete-, Road- and Mobile Barriers by Pixel-Cloud
* Crash Barrel by AtomStudios
* Direction Bumper and Parking Block (Cone) by CoSwiz
* Wood Barriers by 3d_molier
* Boom Gate by SanguineArts

Most of these artists can be found on and

One or more textures used on the included models have been created with images from -
These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit for more information.

Any unauthorized modification of the released files is not allowed without any written permission by the author(s).
You are using those files at your own risk.
Author(s) of those files are not liable for any damage or loss of data caused by using of those files.
Usage of those files is also prohibited for any commercial purposes.
dacsol3 20 Oct, 2024 @ 2:55pm 
can we have a list of all objects? its little hard for me to find thing when i forgot names easy due to my other intense job as content creator and podcast host. please make a list with picture of all object. that would make easy to find objects
smithcollin207 12 Oct, 2023 @ 11:00am 
the police barriers dont excist
BlackFalco 28 Jun, 2022 @ 7:24am 
Thank you very much for ths one! :D
just one quick question : is there anway to make it possible to have a little picture of the object when i point it in the editor? so that i know what i'll place ...cause now i cannot see anything and so everytime i have to place the object in order to know what it is :)
HoodleCV 19 Apr, 2022 @ 11:59pm 
Micke 14 Feb, 2022 @ 8:11am 
Good evening I am contacting you to find out if you can authorize the use of your mod on our server we will set up rewards for donors, 15 donor reserve slot and some car skins your mod will not be used for commercial purposes
Predator14 7 Aug, 2021 @ 3:01pm 
Have projects in progress? what will be the next update? Will there ever be grounds for making maps?
Predator14 7 Aug, 2021 @ 3:00pm 
No it's good I finally find! ;) thank you ! ;)
poolpunk  [author] 7 Aug, 2021 @ 1:56pm 
Hi Predator! What what do you mean with "US Barriers"? Which photo are you talking about? Sorry, but i dont get both questions ..
Predator14 7 Aug, 2021 @ 4:45am 
Are there no US barriers? and how did you get the sign on the road in white in the photo?
KordoX 7 Jun, 2021 @ 4:46pm 
Thank you Poolpunk!