Tales of Maj'Eyal

Tales of Maj'Eyal

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Shared Stash
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13.973 KB
7 Jul, 2016 @ 5:30pm
11 Aug, 2023 @ 11:36pm
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Shared Stash

Well, in Rogue-like games I enjoy replayability with loot and unlocks found by previous characters. But in this game a shared vault have a lot of restrictions placed on it. So what? I'm a programmer myself :)

After half a day diving into documentations and source code of other addons (original Items Vault included) this is what I managed to put together.

Shared Stash features:
- Shared between ALL characters
- Accessible through main menu in ANY type of game
- Supports creating and naming/sorting multiple stashes
- Removed all restrictions on transferring items
- You still can use official Items Vault addon with no known issues

All items are saved in the world.teaw file (player's profile), so the more items there are, the slower the game will save/load. This can lead to all sorts of bugs, so I don't recommend storing more than 100 items. If you want to store more, it's best to create a separate character and store items on him, and use the shared storage only for transferring thouse items.

Honestly, when I decided to check what happens inside the world.teaw file and why saving even one item multiplies its size, I was simply amazed at how inefficiently the data is stored. Offline Items Vault stores data about items the same way this mod does, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any other way to do it.

I usually only keep items in my shared storage for jewelry crafting / T5 random uniques I want to try rerolling, and useful stuff for all characters like items that allow you to breathe underwater, etc.

It's missing from te4.org. Why?
Cause game developer contacted me via email:


I just saw your addon Shared Stash being uploaded :)
I don't generally police addons at all unless they try to hack people or try to give for free one of the few paying option the game has and sadly this one does just that.

The item's vault already lets you share vault between chars (that's the whole point really) so the only point of your addons seems to go around the restriction of only working for donators.

I understand wanting to give stuff to people (since you yourself are a donator anyway), which is kind and which I'm also doing a lot (hell I give 99% of the game for free!); but I also understand the need for some money to well, pay for food and stuff.

I really do not see myself as an evil money grabber that has to be fought given how I'm already giving away so much and thus this addon, going against one of the few not free things, can not be put on te4.org.

I hope you understand how I feel about it :)
Kindly, your Dark God"

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To prevent swearing in the comments. We're all adults. Players who bought the game on Steam have already supported the developer with money. Whether you want to use this mod or not is entirely up to you.