

5,001 ratings
Misc. Robots
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
3.034 MB
14 Jul, 2016 @ 2:22pm
28 Jul, 2024 @ 3:52pm
95 Change Notes ( view )

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Misc. Robots

This mod adds some robots to buy from traders:

- Haulingbot
A small drone to help you hauling stuff around
- Cleaningbot
A small robot to help keeping your home clean

The source code for all Miscellaneous mods can be found on my GitHub:

Hint for the load order:
1st: Try the defined load order.
--> If robots still make problems, move Misc. Robots and Misc. Robots++ at the END of your mod list
Misc. Core (Not needed if you only use Misc. Robots)
Misc. ... (--> other Miscellaneous Mods)
Misc. Robots
Misc. Robots++ / other mod depending on Misc. Robots

Known Incompatibilities/Issues:
- Misc Robots is incompatible to Base Robots.
- Misc. Robots is compatible to Deep Storage, but you have to reduce
the required intelligence in the Deep Storage Mod Settings
- Mods that add lots of traders may reduce the chance that you can find a base station
- If you can't repair your robot, make sure that there is enough free space for the ingredients around the base
It needs at least three free spaces!

Special thanks to mrofa and Vas for the graphics.
(Version: 1.5.1)
Language: English, German, Russian, Chinese

Thanks to duduluu and Biscuit for the Chinese translation
Thanks to AlexDeluxe and Well for the Russian translation

- The robots here can be bought, and with the right research, crafted.
-> Since 1.1 you can craft them once you've researched 'Fabrication'
-> Since 1.4 you also need the research 'Standard Mech Tech' (when Biotech is active)
- You can assign them to an area by clicking on the area name in the robot info panel or in the Robots tab.
- Before a fight you are encouraged to recall the robots so they don't accidently wander into the fight area.
- If you want to finetune the robots, there exists a mod thanks to EgotisticalElf: MiscRobots WorkTab Support
Popular Discussions View All (89)
1 Feb @ 5:55am
UI errors in 1.0
5 Jan, 2023 @ 11:45am
cannot activate any bots at all
22 Feb, 2023 @ 11:06am
All bots work except Kitchen Bot not cutting farms.
Wet Steak
幸运长笛 7 hours ago 
@alex.vagni Maybe you can try this method: there is a dropdown menu in the selection interface, which by default means born near the colonizer, which will cause the robot to disappear. Should choose to be born together with colonizers.
cabmoomoo 18 Mar @ 1:16pm 
@Grays I'm not this mod's author, but this question does get asked regularly for Misc Robots++. It's a known and unfixed bug in Rimworld itself when you have both Steam Workshop and locally installed versions present on your system. When swapping over to the Workshop version, a lot of patches will break just because the local version is still in the mods folder. I talk about it more in this Github Issue [github.com], if you'd like. Haplo could solve it with a change to the patch, but you can solve your problem right now by simply removing the local version of SOS2 from your mods folder.
Grays 18 Mar @ 10:25am 
Would it be possible to add support for Save Our Ship 2? My robots quickly suffer from hypoxia and decompression when they step outside of a breathable area. The Vacuum Adapted gene from SOS2 modifies pawns to be immune to vacuum effects, perhaps that could be adapted?
FJSA 17 Mar @ 2:40pm 
Can you please support for DeepRim and Multifloor?
Haplo_X1  [author] 24 Feb @ 1:32pm 
You should never start a new game with some robots. Start a game with some robot-stations instead. Robots without a station will bug out most likely..
alex.vagni 23 Feb @ 12:04pm 
Is it normal that when i try a new game with some robots they don't appear on the map at all?
Haplo_X1  [author] 23 Feb @ 3:57am 
Just fyi: you should post this in the robots++ thread. I think they have robot matrix es. This mod only uses the base resources. ++ expands on them :)
crashfly 19 Feb @ 4:16pm 
@sioul03 - do you have the research completed? that has to be finished before the items that make up the robot are available to build.
sioul03 19 Feb @ 7:46am 
I have a problem with the robotic matrix craft. I can't craft them in the workshop and I have the Robotic workbench when in theory it should no longer exist. I can craft robot cleaners and so on, but I can't craft robot components. Could this be caused by an incompatible mod?
Guy Incognito 8 Feb @ 9:43am 
@BioDiesel122 you need a pollution pump to clear contamination