

27,487 ratings
EdB Prepare Carefully
Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
3.773 MB
31 Jul, 2016 @ 10:26am
21 May, 2024 @ 9:31pm
60 Change Notes ( view )

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EdB Prepare Carefully

Customize your RimWorld colonists, choose your gear and prepare carefully for your crash landing! Use the optional point limits to try to create a balanced start or keep points disabled to build the starting group that you always wanted to try. Save your setup as a preset so that you can start your game the same way later.

1.5.12 Released (21 May 2024)
A version of the mod compatible with RimWorld 1.5 and the Anomaly expansion is now available. This release of the mod also includes some new features and fixes to longstanding issues.

IMPORTANT: The latest version of the mod now requires that you have the Harmony mod installed. Previous versions did not have this dependency, so if you're not using it already, you will need to subscribe to it.

There are always lots of bugs in the first few releases for a new version of the game. After the first several releases, it's starting to look more stable, but there are likely still issues that need to be fixed. Please post bug reports in the Discussions.

Change notes:

. F R E Q U E N T L Y . A S K E D . Q U E S T I O N S .

Why doesn't the "Prepare Carefully" button appear for me?
First and foremost, make sure that you've enabled the mod. This will be obvious to experienced mod users, but if you're new to RimWorld mods, you need to go into the Mods menu when you start the game and explicitly enable a mod after you've subscribed to it.

If you've got dozens of other mods installed, it can be difficult to know what's causing this. Sometimes, an error while loading another mod that is before Prepare Carefully in the mod order causes Prepare Carefully not to load properly. In other cases, I have heard that some people have success with uninstalling and then reinstalling the game, but it's difficult for me to recommend that approach. Posting the game's log file somewhere (if you know how to do that) can help, but only do so if this if you've pared down the number of mods you're using to a minimum.

When I click the Prepare Carefully button, it doesn't do anything or I get an error message. Why doesn't it work?
This usually happens because another mod is doing something that Prepare Carefully does not expect, and it causes an error. It's impossible to test with every mod out there, so issues like this are inevitable. However, we do try to continue to improve the error handling in the mod to try to avoid them.

Where should I put Prepare Carefully in my mod load order?
When you have dozens of mods enabled, they can interact in unexpected ways, so I can't say that it definitely doesn't matter where you put Prepare Carefully in the load order, but in principle it shouldn't matter too much. When we're testing the mod, we usually put it at the bottom of the mod list.

How do I help you figure out which mod is causing the problem?
You'll need to experiment to figure out which mod is causing the problem. If you have development mode enabled, you'll likely see some clues about where the error is happening. If you figure out which mod it is, you can let me know, and I'll try to take a look. Unfortunately, a lot of times when I try to reproduce a problem, it works just fine for me--it's frustrating.

Which other mods don't work with Prepare Carefully?
We're always trying to make Prepare Carefully compatible with as many other mods as possible, but with so many mods out there it can be difficult. Help us by trying to figure out which mods are causing problems and reporting it in the "bugs and issues" discussion.

I'm using point limits. Why does {insert thing here} cost the number of points that it does? It should cost more/less.
The point system relies on the vanilla game's built-in "market values." These market values are balanced for vanilla gameplay and not for setting up a starting group of colonists. I've made some tweaks to try to balance this, but it really is an impossible task, and you will see things that seem wrong. For example, the vanilla values for colonists do not take passions or traits into account (for the most part). I've added costs for passions, but I've left traits alone.
Popular Discussions View All (191)
13 Mar @ 8:31pm
PINNED: Bugs and issues with version 1.5
24 Apr, 2024 @ 7:17am
VERSION 1.5 Released
21 Jan @ 1:49pm
Bugs and issues with version 1.4
Alu 19 Mar @ 4:05am 
the guy saying that you have to do it after landing and dev spawn them is also wrong you can spawn up to like 10-20 in char editors menu before landing
the part about less bugs is irrelevant
all the pawn designer mods are buggy as fuck rn
the only advantage char editor has in that regard is that you can fix busted pawns using it easier
Alu 19 Mar @ 4:02am 
character editor is during generation too and so is pawn editor but pawn editor is still too young
and has some annoying bugs due to having no coder for a year
Lord of the Hold 19 Mar @ 3:58am 
I get that half the comments section is determined to steer people to other mods, but the fact is those mods only kick in AFTER you're on the planet. Most of us who are still seeking fixes to this mod want it for what it does for us during planet generation. Things like being able to seed the world map with premade pawns in other factions.
Latex Santa 19 Mar @ 3:50am 
It's easier and better to use Character Editor. Less bugs, too.
You merely have to do most of the work after you drop onto the planet, assuming that you want a whole custom team.
Just spawn in as many pawns as you need via dev mode, open up Character Editor, customize them, and you're done.
It can even handle social and blood relations.
Zer0 17 Mar @ 5:16am 
Is it normal for saved pawn to have desaturated skin color?
zoroththeawesome 16 Mar @ 1:47pm 
I love this mod, part of my load out always. I have run into some bugs though, if your still active I would be happy to assist you in fixing them. Most notably I am finding issues when it comes to setting items and animals that spawn with the pawns.
GiS 12 Mar @ 2:40pm 
A small question: Is it accessible to attach possessions to a character?
Bigmanfentanyl41 9 Mar @ 8:14pm 
doesnt work
Daniel Matute 8 Mar @ 7:44pm 
Start near items don't appear on new colonoies and some configurations are not saved.
Clearly™ 3 Mar @ 2:41pm 
All of a sudden, "Start Near" items have not been appearing with my new colony. Nothing has changed for me.