

2,877 ratings
[Abandoned] Misc. Robots++
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
File Size
3.946 MB
19 Aug, 2016 @ 11:50am
20 Dec, 2022 @ 9:23am
60 Change Notes ( view )

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[Abandoned] Misc. Robots++

Search for "robots++" and filter by game version to find up-to-date alternatives

Thank you to the community and all those who have contributed; this mod has been kept on life support for many years, only being updated by community submissions. I think it's about time I hammer a nail into this coffin and let more motivated people carry on with it. Of course, mod authors, feel free to republish with any changes you want to make.

--- Original description for posterity

Robots? Y u no Robots++ also!?
More Robots!!!
More Better!!!

Contains multi-talented robots to serve your colony. It also adds a research tab, materials, and a new Robotics workbench for crafting the Misc. Robots and Robots++ objects.

R++ was made using the "Misc. Robots Xtension" provided by Haplo. Big shout-out to Haplo for the awesome misc mods, eh!

Robots++ Contains The Following Bots
These bots combine multiple abilities to perform common colony tasks
  • Kitchen Bot
    A unit capable of cooking, as well as sowing and cutting plants.
    A useful robot both in the kitchen, and on the farm.

  • Crafter Bot
    A unit capable of smithing, tailoring, and crafting.
    The perfect slaves for an automated assembly line!

  • Builder Bot
    A Builder unit capable of constructing, deconstructing, repairing, and mining.
    It will also cut plants that are in the way, but may not be used for farming.

  • ER Bot
    An Emergency Response unit capable of treating patients and fighting fires.
    Don't be scared of the needle; it wont hurt (much).

  • Omni Bot
    The OmniBot is at the end of the techtree
    and requires you to research all of the other robots first.
    The OmniBot can do the jobs of all the other robots.

R++ also changes the Hauling and Cleaning Misc. Robots.

Multiple Tiers of Robots and Research
There are five tiers of robots:
Tier 1 Simple robots have Amateur skills (4),
Tier 2 Basic robots have Professional skills (8),
Tier 3 Intermediate robots have Master skills (13),
Tier 4 Advanced robots have System-Class Master skills (16),
Tier 5 Anti-Logic robots have GodLike skills (20).

Each tier has a faster movement speed and more fire resistance than the previous.
Hauling and Cleaning type robots are much faster than any other robot in the same tier.
Higher tiers also recharge at faster rates!

What The Hack - must be loaded before misc robots
Androids [b18] ?
More Scenario Parts [1.0] ?
Advanced Animal Framework - causes builder bot constructions to be low-quality

People running R++ and Clean Pathfinder together have reported "memory leaks". Unknown fault, probably ours; assume R++ is incompatible with it.

Localization & Translation
Community translations are included. If you would like to translate for R++ please use the /Languages/English/[github.com] folder as a template and make a pull request!

Load Order
(see the picture)
R++ requires Misc. Robots. Keep them close together and near the top. It's advised to only keep large collections of mods, like the Misc. Mods, close together near the top. Single-file mods and other mods should be loaded after them (not a rule set in stone, but it can fix a lot of headaches).

Example Mod Load Order:
  • Core
  • Misc Robots
  • Misc Robots++
  • (other mods)

Report bugs in the Github Issues[github.com]
But before you do, please verify your load order is correct!


Official Forum Thread[ludeon.com]
Official Github Project[github.com]
Steam Bug Reports
Steam Suggestions

Pre-github legacy versions are mirrored at files.fm and mega.nz. The appropriate links can be found in the download section of the official forum thread.

Wish vash was included? Well... too bad because it's outdated!
Popular Discussions View All (37)
16 Nov, 2024 @ 11:37am
The bots no longer construct anything
Moss Monkey
14 Apr, 2024 @ 5:35am
R++ Bug
LiL Potart
13 Feb, 2024 @ 2:23pm
Robots have too much wealth
Nerus Nexus
DarkNova 24 Feb @ 5:18am 
sioul03 24 Feb @ 5:09am 
I have a problem with the robotic matrix craft. I can't craft them in the workshop and I have the Robotic workbench when in theory it should no longer exist. I can craft robot cleaners and so on, but I can't craft robot components. Could this be caused by an incompatible mod?
会打球的坤坤 12 Feb @ 6:41am 
Haphazard 9 Feb @ 4:10pm 
Viking Kiwi 9 Feb @ 5:38am 
飞天一号 2 Feb @ 8:14pm 
现在1.5版的Misc. Robots++没有简体中文支持,可以把这个版本里面的翻译文件搬过去
TiAmo 18 Jan @ 4:17am 
KaiserMax 16 Jan @ 6:31am 
Ronewird 16 Jan @ 5:20am 
Shinichi Izumi 12 Jan @ 4:10am 