ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

2,493 ratings
Builder's Helmet
Content Types: Mod, Visuals/Sounds, Rebalancing
File Size
1.797 MB
1 Sep, 2016 @ 4:29pm
22 Jan, 2019 @ 2:40am
39 Change Notes ( view )

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Builder's Helmet

In 1 collection by Grebog
Grebog's Mods
14 items
Builder's Helmet
This Builder's Helmet gives a buff, which helps you to build structures.
The target structure has a colored overlay. You can pick up the structure.
Autopick next item from inventory for last placed structure.

Press [Shift Middle Mouse Button] to choose the Structure in front of you.
Press [Left Shift Key] while placing to supress the auto build
New GameUserSettings.ini entry
[BuildersHelmet] FastBuildUsingShift=True/False
This toggles behaviour of the [Left Shift Key] while placing:
If set to True, you need to press the left shift key while placing to choose the next item automatically.
Default is False.

WARNING, Weight changes need an update of the mod due to Ark engine changes.

New fast-build mode. If you know minecraft, you will be familar with placing of blocks.
No need to choose the same structure item in the inventory repeatedly while placing more than one structure of the same type.
This Builder's Helmet gives a buff, which helps you to build structures.
The target structure has an outline effect. the outline can have one of seven different colors.
You can change the color by pressing the "Weapon Accessory" key (default "N" key).
Another great feature is, that you can pick up every structure you target.
This should work with any structure, even from other mods.
To pick up the structure press the "Drop Item" key (default "O" key). There is no timer to pick up, be carefull.
The rights for picking up is handled just as destroying a structure, but can be configured (see below)

Try this:
If you can't reach a structure without jumping you jump and press and hold the "Use"-key (E). The outline marks the selected structure.
Now press the "Drop Item"-Key (O) while holding E and you will pick up the structure.

The Builders Helmet can be configured to set the weight of the character. The default is "disabled" (see below)
Requirements for helmet or helmet skin
- character level: 1
- engram points: 2
required resources:
  • 2 stone
  • 10 fiber

Admin command:
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BuildersHelmet/PrimalItemArmor_BuilderHelmet.PrimalItemArmor_BuilderHelmet'" 1 0 0
Hide Engram (Game.ini)
OverrideNamedEngramEntries=(EngramClassName="EngramEntry_BuildersHelmet_C",EngramHidden=True) OverrideNamedEngramEntries=(EngramClassName="EngramEntrySkin_BuildersHelmet_C",EngramHidden=True)
(in Shootergame\Saved\config\WindowsNoServer folder for single player, in Shootergame\Saved\config\WindowsServer folder or LinuxServer folder for server)
[Builders Helmet] NoCollision=True/False No Collision for all placements which would throw the error "is obstructed" PreventPickUp=True/False set to True to disable picking up structures (default: False). PickUpDamaged=True/False If True structures can be picked up, even if damaged. (default: False) PreventPickUpDamagedPickupable=True/Yes Set to true for other modded structures which can be picked up, but are not allowed to pick up if damaged. (default: False) MaxWeight=0 0 to 2000 set MaxWeight=0 do disable MaxWeight(default). All other values overrides the players max weight for all players NoOutlineEffect=True/False Toggles the OutlineEffect on or off for all players(default: False) TimeToPickUp=3600 Set the time for structures to pick up in seconds, after the this time the structure is not pickupable anymore. (default=0 timer is disabled) NoCollisionKey=None/Alt/Ctrl/Shift example: NoCollisionKey=Shift (default: Alt) those keys are only the keys on the left side of the keyboard. None means that no additional keypress is required FreeFloors=True/False (False: default) for snapping foundations side by side. The builders helmet is indestructable but gives only 10 protection. HideBuffIcon=True/False (default False) to disable the buff icon PickUpBlacklist=StructureItem Class Name,StructureItem Class Name comma separated list of item class names (do not forget the _C postfix. those items are NEVER pickupable example: PickUpBlacklist=PrimalItemStructure_TekTransmitter_C PickUpWhitelist=StructureItem Class Name,StructureItem Class Name comma separated list of item class names (do not forget the _C postfix. those items are always pickupable, only relevant if pickup timer is set. example: PickUpWhitelist=PrimalItemStructure_Furniture_WoodTable_C FastBuildUsingShift=True/False If set to false (default), use shift key + left click to place without autopick. If set to true, use shift key + left click to place with autopick
The Outline Effect can pe toggled by the "MapMarker"-Key (default P)
I had to change the "Prevent Pick Up Damaged" to "Pick Up Damaged" to be clearer. As default a damaged structure should not be pickable.

Please have a look on the video above.
How it works: As you place a structure it shows a green preview if the structure can be placed and red if the structure is not placeable.
During placement press LEFT ALT key to disable the collision and you can place structures mostly anywhere by left clicking.
Sometimes the structure stays red, this is because this structures have to be used by the player, and on this location it is not possible if it is placed there.
Use at your own risk!
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This mod/code/work is protected by the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Creative Commons License.[]
Popular Discussions View All (42)
26 Oct, 2020 @ 4:25pm
PINNED: Servers Running This Mod
8 Nov, 2021 @ 6:02pm
PINNED: Found any bugs?
22 Jan, 2019 @ 7:04am
This mod doesn't work with a controller
Grebog  [author] 7 Nov, 2024 @ 8:26am 
Hello friends!
As you recognized, i did not update the mod for a long time.
Real life has completely consumed me, so I have no time for ARK and modding.
i know, this is not what you want to hear, but i hope this will change in the future.
i am working on it.
Sorry for that and thx for your support!

timjen06 1 Jul, 2024 @ 5:09am 
any chance of this coming to ASA
Z00ka 11 Jan, 2024 @ 7:14pm 
10-4 Specter 5 Nov, 2023 @ 12:59pm 
Any plans of porting this mod into ASA?
28t4 30 May, 2023 @ 12:51pm 
Ive just gotten back into ark and I want to put this mod into my single player world. However, it isnt showing up in the mod selection. Ive subscribed and reloaded my game several times. Anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it?
123 8 Mar, 2023 @ 9:25am 
I like the look of this but had a question, Would it be possible to edit the recipe making it more expensive & edit durability to make it 1-5 time usage? My reasoning is to fix a mistake in builds (ie if they need to remove a piece) but not allow all the functionality of this mod & to limit it by making it more expensive & not permanent.
stitch 5 Mar, 2023 @ 12:28pm 
Patch v357.3 has caused an issue with the Builders Helmet function.
ShadxwKin 3 Jan, 2023 @ 1:10am 
Is there anyway to get the weight to work I tried multiple things but nothing has worked trying to set it to 2000 which say it is the max
AlienSlof 19 Oct, 2022 @ 6:50am 
Best and most useful mod EVER! I love the building in this game, but sometimes mistakes happen, or I change my mind and this little mod makes everything just right. Saves me a lot of materials as well. Combined with some of the building mods I use, this one's a keeper!
RawwDaww 30 May, 2022 @ 8:30pm 
i can find it in my engrams page