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Star Bound Mod Collection
It's just a collection of useful mods to great enhance gameplay, all of them are compatible and working.

(Image source: Rick and Morty )
Items (49)
Frackin' Universe
Created by Sayter
FU Discord: Wiki: Disclaimer: Installing FU is a one-way trip. FU will affect your game universe and ALL characters. Note: Uninstalling the mod will cause crashes, unless you w...
Frackin' Music
Created by Sayter
Note: Does NOT require FrackinUniverse, but is recommended since most of the music will play on those biomes. What is FrackinMusic, and why is it so gigantic? It adds (does not replace) over 250 new songs to your Starbound experience pulled from various co...
Frackin Xmas
Created by Sayter
Enables holiday gear from beta, and RNG loot drops to craft them with. That's it....
FU/ztarbound S.A.I.L. Modded Race Support
Created by 🐱
A bunch of patches to make sure modded species get Frackin Universe's S.A.I.L. interface. If you're using a modded specie with FU (or ztarbound, which FU uses) and get a FAILSAFE interface when interacting with S.A.I.L., you need this. It is made of way to...
Xbawks Character Extender
Created by Kawa
Adds 36 easily-extended species buttons. FAQ Q. How do I add species? A. Find and install them. This comes with none. Q. How do I make species? A. This is not the place to tell you. Q. When I run it, it looks like crap. How come? A. You may have two mods i...
AMP - Another Mod Pack (Hair and Beak Collection)
Created by Heck.
Compatible with Starbound 1.4 : Bounty Hunter Update Ever wanted more variety in hairstyles without straying too far from the vanilla ones? Or maybe you just wanted to see some npcs with different hair? Fortunately, this is just what you need. This mod add...
Created by Annuschka This mod adds 275 new hair styles for all races. A lot of them are long (especially for the males) and most of the human male styles have beards too. Human and Apex have ...
More Hair For Frackin' Universe Races
Created by Mayonnaise Farmer
Are you like me, living in constant fear of the looming threat of being harvested by squid people? Probably not However, what you *ARE* is probably thirsty for some more hair for FU species, mainly the Kirhos. Did you see some cute rodent people and sudden...
Created by pixel.doge
Community Forum Individual Packs Version: Still working as of January 2019! The pack of (2015) adds new color selections for PCs and NPCs to use. Each color is unique to that race and body ...
Cutebound Human
Created by Octy
This is a standalone mod that enables human anime-like faces&hairstyles from "Make the Universe A Cuter Place", by Barb-tan and HDoomGuy. This mod compatible with any mod that doesn't affect human head and emotes....
Elithian Races Mod
Created by Aegonian [THEA]
DISCLAIMER: Back up your save files before installing. Characters and other save data, including ships and worlds, may be lost if the mod is uninstalled, so always keep a back-up! NOTICE: This mod requires a Character Creator extender in order to play as o...
Avali (Triage) Race Mod
Created by Fevix
Avali race mod for Starbound 1.4 The cutest predators this side of the universe rift We now have a Discord chat, come on in! No account needed! If you have issues, please go to and post a new...
FU + Avali Triage Patch
Created by Khe
What the patch does: Adds missing categories to blocks, for better Item Network support. Made adjustments to some descriptions, and to some names which were shared. Replaces references in produce-related recipes with their FU counterparts (including terram...
Lamia Race
Created by Antyrus
--------------------Mod version 0.9.1------------------- ------BASE COMPATIBILITY PATCH FOR 1.3 HAS BEEN APPLIED--------- ----MOD IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED, IF IT BREAKS IT BREAKS---- original mod location here:
Arachne Race
Created by Quintexial
Features: Adds race of half-spider, half-humans known as Arachne, with more health, higher jumps, and a slightly faster walkspeed. Includes custom respawn, death, and warp animations, as well as furniture, weapons, armour, and more. History: Mistral S91 is...
Arachne Mod Color Patch
Created by Null_Error
Changes the Arachne species to lack skin and instead be entirely covered in their exoskeleton, so they won't flop in half and have their head sag into a goey pile. Because this opened up a slider, you can now also choose the eye color of your Arachne chara...
Arachne Full Spiders Reskin
Created by Wonky
Creepy crawly spooders Find out what it feels like to have an exoskeleteon intead of an endoskeleton! Monochromatic but with a wide variety of colors! Poop out webs and crawl on walls! (web-pooping and wall-crawling abilities not included) Good-to-know's T...
Extended GUI
Created by v6
This is a client-side mod. Extends most of the GUI windows so you can fit more items at the same time. The songbook can be found as a seperate mod by the name of "Extended Songbook" For a non-...
Extended Songbook
Created by v6
This is a client-side mod. Extends the Songbook window so you can fit more items at the same time. If you want to extend more of your GUI then you can find the mod "Extended GUI" For a non-Ste...
Enhanced Chat Readability
Created by Eklei
This mod gives chat bubbles a striking transluscent black background for better readability, makes them 50% wider so there is less word wrapping, and makes them last 6 seconds (instead of the default 3 seconds in 1.0.3, or 4.5 seconds in 1.0.4). It also cl...
Enhanced Storage
Created by Neo
Enhanced Storage is a quality of life mod which improves the whole storage system of Starbound. On the one hand it adds a lot of new features to the usablity of containers, and on the other it adds many new content concerning storage and containers. Contai...
bk3k's Inventory
Created by bk3000
THIS REQUIRES NEW CHARACTERS. YOUR OLD CHARACTERS WILL NOT WORK! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO LOAD OLDER CHARACTERS - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ^Limitation won't apply if using Open Starbound or xStarbound (See pinned discussions for details) This is bk3k's Inventory. Thi...
Food Stack
Created by v6
This is a client- & server-side mod. If it is not installed on server then your stack can & will reduce to 1 when transferred to the server. Food Stack changes so food can stack up to 1000. To stack food that have different rotting time you will need to pu...
Efficient Watering
Created by zecra
-Water your crops without a cooldown rate -Water while walking -Watering time decreased -Watering AOE increased...
Ceiling Mounted Sprinkler
Created by Numenization
This mod adds a ceiling mounted water sprinkler that is meant to match futuristic style builds. It covers 8-10 blocks and constantly waters. It can be turned on/off with wiring and is a great solution to those who don't want to make holes in their crop fie...
Shellguard: Starbound Expansion Remastered
Created by Travelling Merchant
Welcome to the Shellguard: Starbound Expansion remaster! We have a public discord here! This mod is a full expansion to Starbound, focused around a new faction called Shellguard. Shellguard is a large scale mercenary group as wel...
FU / Shellguard Mech Compatability
Created by Sayter
Nothing fancy. Adds compatability for Shellguard mech parts to utilize FU mech stats, such as Mass, health bonus, energy adjustments, and so forth. 2 : updated damage values of a few weapons, but primarily balanced the Rotary cannon. 1.2: added support for...
XS Mechs - Vehicle Edition
Created by lophatkao
XS Mech Vehicles WORKS WITH 1.4 Buy the Controllers at Penguin Pete in the Outpost (or his Portable Outpost counterpart) {10% discount on controllers with Tabula Rasa!} More Info: CF Mod Forum Link More Mechs!: ZZ Mech Addon - Highly Recommended! Original ...
Higher Repair Costs
Created by lophatkao
Makes vehicle repairs cost 10x more auto chips. Requested by Gunbard here A fully destroyed vehicle now costs 50 chips (5000px) to repair instead of 5 (500px) ...
Universal Uncrafter
Created by Peasly Wellbott
The Universal Uncrafter device will take any item with a recipe - even from mods! - and reduce it to its material components. Material block types with no recipes can be converted into Grey Goo. Weak, easily gathered materials like dirt and gravel will con...
Weighted Grappling Hook
Created by Argle Bargle
Adds a new grappling hook that combines the speed and reach of the original Grappling Hook, with the gravity and physics of the Climbing Rope. It can be crafted in the Agricultural Station with the same ingredients as the normal Grappling Hook. 1.1: - Adde...
Flashlight Attachment for Weighted Grappling Hook
Created by Argle Bargle
Adds a variant of the Weighted Grappling Hook that has an attached flashlight. Keep in mind: the flashlight will point in the same direction as the device, by virtue of being attached to it. This means it will stop pointing towards your mouse when the hook...
Interactable Apex Pods
Created by Reyquiem
Allows you to use Apex life support pods as if they were furniture. I figured, hey, if we can sit around in Floran cages and Human force prison cells, why not Apex life support pods? Maybe that's not a very good reason, since these things are clearly prett...
Created by Star-X
This mod makes Frogg Furniture sell its entire stock of furniture at all times. Basically it does away with the "featured furniture" mechanic by adding all of the featured items to the normal furniture list. Now updated to 1.4, with the Egyptian set added!...
Created by Star-X
This mod makes Lana's Augment shop carry every augment at once. No more waiting a whole day to find that one damn augment you need! As it uses the patch format to change the number of augments per day to all of them instead of 3, it should be compatible wi...
Created by Star-X
This mod makes the penguin weapon shop ALWAYS carry their entire stock, instead of just 2 items. In other words, no more waiting a whole damn day just for another chance at one of the weapon shop items. It uses the .patch format, so it should in theory be ...
Shield Generator Switch
Created by Cipher
Starbounds Description ITEM IS A VANILLA ITEM! MEANING I DID NOT MAKE THIS I ENABLE IT. USE GOOGLE TO GET ITEM REFERENCE! Human Shield Generator is an object that 'protects' blocks in an area around it, preventing blocks from being placed or mined. It can ...
Better Shield Generator
Created by Cipher
Simple mod brings Shield Generator into the game! ITEM IS A VANILLA ITEM! MEANING I DID NOT MAKE THIS I ENABLE IT. USE GOOGLE TO GET ITEM REFERENCE! Setup Buy item from the Pixel Printer then place it attatch switch test with matter manipulator or whatever...
Melee Aiming
Created by Kais
Changes the standard (left click) attacks of broadswords and hammers to aim towards the cursor, instead of only horizontally left or right. Note: secondary (right click) attacks are unaffected. This mod will affect other mods' broadswords and hammers as lo...
Frackin Universe - Melee Aiming
Created by Almantuxas
Version: 1.3.0 - switched from manual patches to a semi-auto patcher using shell/batch scripting and Lua. A patch to allow the aiming of non-aimable melee weapons (battleaxes, scythes, etc.) from Frackin' Universe. NOTE: This mod doesn't contain the origin...
Quickbar Mini (DEPRECATED)
Created by Silverfeelin
This mod is now deprecated in favor of Stardust Core Lite, a newer, shinier version with additional features, maintained and updated in sync with Stardust Core. Please update your subscriptions and collections accordingly. - Zia 💜 For those still asking (i...
Recipe Browser
Created by Ziorys
An expandable Recipe Database. Inspired by a very similar mod for Terraria What it does: This mod allows you to find any recipe, craftingstation and -the reason i made this in the first place- products for any item in the game. What it needs: -QuickbarMini...
More Planet Info (work with 1.4.X not guaranteed)
Created by Erisss
THIS MOD IS SUSPENDED FOR UNDEFINED PERIOD OF TIME You should install those 2 patch-mods to make it work properly. Quest marker fix Lush planet fix This mod is SERVER SIDE since modifies lua files. More info about planets, moons, and some other system bodi...
[More Planet Info] 1.4 Quest Marker Fix
Created by Anter583
Patches the mod More Planet Info (made by: Erisss) to properly render the Quest Markers added in 1.4 by replacing the old Lua file (cockpitview.lua) with a modified one that incorporates parts from both MPI and the 1.4 update by adding in some missing ques...
More Planet Info - FU Patch
Created by Alb
Without this mod, there will be some planets that you'll just not be able to visit, as you'll be zooming out instead of clicking on the planet. The above picture shows the mod in action. Before, that planet was impossible to visit. Now I fixed it. PS: You ...
Various More Planet info Patches for FU
This file is a Quick fix for various Frackin Universe settlements and dungeons. With this you shouldn't see anymore of the dreaded error icons (Unless another mod adds settlements). It also ready to apply new surface dungeons for when other FU adds more se...
More Planet Info Lush Planet fix(Works with FU)
This is a quick fix for More Planet info regarding Lush Planets. With this mod, it should no longer show errors when viewing Lush planets. Use this mod in conjunction to the original for 1.4: