Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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ED - Marcinea
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8 Dec, 2016 @ 1:16pm
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ED - Marcinea

The Earth Dominion comissioned the Marcinea Class Corvette in 2091 AD, now the primary escort to any destroyer among Alliance and Dominion Fleets . With the production cheap and affordable but steady and readily available in 274 days, made it uncomparable to any other human vessel for production mobility. However the only draw back is it's size, unlike newer corvettes, the Marcinea has a compartmentalized structure for hull integrity and oxygen pressurization. The Vessel also has only one entrance and exit as many earlier space faring vessels of the human factions. The Marcinea class Corvette features an array of weaponry from gatling turrets to Bofors & Little Davids that rip through fighters, asteroids and enemy hulls like a hot knife in Phalasian butter. Formidable in hazardous situations, some Earth Dominion fleets comprise of entirely Marcinea class corvettes, which can be devastating in numbers ranging from 8- 50 per "Domino" . Interior refinery, blast furnace and assemblers all keep the engineering staff busy for most of the duration of a deployment into sub-sector regions of hostile nature. The conveyor systems run throught the vessel to maintain acces and proper distribution of ship based utilities. Overall it has ben a great model in service until the year 2109 when it was replace by the Narmidius class, and now if not dismantled, they are sold to the highest bidder and even some deserters & pirate factions have their hands on these formidable vessels. Even the Baltriat Trade Republic possesses a number of Marcinea class corvettes in their trade fleets.