ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

28,052 ratings
Upgrade Station v1.8i
Content Types: Mod, Structures, Rebalancing
File Size
245.781 MB
19 Dec, 2016 @ 9:07am
4 Feb, 2018 @ 3:40pm
34 Change Notes ( view )

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Upgrade Station v1.8i

In 1 collection by Ghazlawl
Ghazlawl & Friends Server
32 items
Mod ID: 821530042

Allows you to upgrade the quality of weapons, armor, tools, and saddles from primitive all the way to ascendant. Even works with items from other mods! Can also salvage items for resources.

This mod doesn't change any core files and is stackable with other mods (see below).

... Yes, it works with TEK armor!


Rocket Launchers & Tek Rifles

Vanilla rocket launchers and TEK rifles can't be upgraded. However, I have created a small companion mod that allows you to replace your vanilla rocket launcher with an upgradeable one.

Feel free to sub to the "Classic Rocket Launchers" mod if you'd like to be able to upgrade your rocket launchers!

We may do the same for Tek rifles in the future.


Weapons, armor, tools, and saddles from other mods can be upgraded and/or salvaged as long as the mod author has used the appropriate item as a starting point for their items (Hatchet for "Super Hatchet", Boots for "Tek Boots", etc).

While I can try my best to ensure items from other mods can be upgraded and salvaged I can't control what other mod authors do in their mods. When in doubt, put this mod last in the load order. :)

The Upgrade Station can upgrade all items from any mod as long as the item has an upgrade path. Items that don't have an upgrade path (C4, Tripwire, Wooden Spear, etc) cannot be upgraded because they don't have a quality index. Some items, like the Builder's Helmet, will identify as being valid to upgrade but won't actually upgrade in a meaningful way.


Version 1.8i has been released! This update should fix the crashes that result from multiple players attempting to upgrade/salvage/blueprint/augment the same item. For more information, please see the Version 1.8i Release Notes.

Highly Configurable

If you're finding upgrade requirements to be too low for your liking please note that the upgrade formula is completely configurable via INI settings. Please read this discussion for more info as well as a link to the formula to give you an idea how it works:

Latest Updates
  • Fixed armor stat bug. (Was using hypo-/hyper-thermal multiplier.)
  • Fixed "Classic Rocket Launcher" not being upgradeable.
  • Added future compatibility with "Upgradeable Tek Rifle". (Working on it.)
  • Removed unused files.
  • Re-cooked with the latest dev kit to fix minor UI issues that WildCard's update(s) introduced.
  • Upgrade Station no longer removes colors when upgrading items. (Yay!)
  • Updated quality colors to match WildCard's latest changes.
  • Fixed freezing issue some players were experiencing when placing an Upgrade Station in the world.
  • Fixed item skin duplication bug.
  • Fixed various item skin bugs. Edge cases may still happen; please report in Bug Reports.
  • Fixed ammo duplication bug.
  • Fixed quality index colors not updating for some players when upgrading items.
  • Fixed Rocket Launcher upgrade/augment bug. (Vanilla rocket launchers can't be upgraded.)
  • Fixed Tek Rifle upgrade/augment bug. (Vanilla TEK rifles can't be upgraded.)
  • Fixed generic resource fishing rod upgrade/augment bug for some players.


Have a suggestion for this mod? Let us know! The current list of suggestions can be found here:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions? We have answers! Check out the list of frequently asked questions, or ask your own question, here:

Admin Commands

For a full list of admin commands please view the Wiki:

Primitive Tier

cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/UpgradeStation/UpgradeStation/PrimalItemStructure_UpgradeStation.PrimalItemStructure_UpgradeStation" 1 0 0

cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/UpgradeStation/BlueprintStation/PrimalItemStructure_BlueprintStation.PrimalItemStructure_BlueprintStation" 1 0 0

cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/UpgradeStation/AugmentStation/PrimalItemStructure_AugmentStation.PrimalItemStructure_AugmentStation" 1 0 0

Metal Tier

cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/UpgradeStation/UpgradeStation/PrimalItemStructure_UpgradeStation_Metal.PrimalItemStructure_UpgradeStation_Metal" 1 0 0

cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/UpgradeStation/BlueprintStation/PrimalItemStructure_BlueprintStation_Metal.PrimalItemStructure_BlueprintStation_Metal" 1 0 0

cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/UpgradeStation/AugmentStation/PrimalItemStructure_AugmentStation_Metal.PrimalItemStructure_AugmentStation_Metal" 1 0 0


This mod took a lot of time and resources to create. Also, hosting costs ain't cheap! :) Like all of our mods, this one will be always free. All of your comments, ratings, favorites, sharing, and subscriptions help a lot! However, if you would still like to contribute even more, please feel free to donate.

Thank you for your support! ^_^



Other Mods

Links to some of our other mods:

Our Sponsors

This mod is sponsored by our friends at G-Portal. Use the links below to get a 5% discount on your game server!

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Popular Discussions View All (140)
31 May, 2024 @ 2:51am
Servers Runing This Mod.
7 Aug, 2024 @ 10:25pm
PINNED: Bug Reports
29 Dec, 2024 @ 3:15pm
PINNED: Suggestions
Sylvoute 12 Mar @ 4:41pm 
This is because the stack mod doesn't mod the "chitin/keratim" item. Some mods will do.
And some other mods will allow you to get chitin, if you put one or more chitin in the station before salvaging. (so the same for polymer, fur/hair, etc...)
BloodravenD 12 Mar @ 4:15pm 
Pretty nice mod, however when salvaging things that use keratin or chitin, you get a chitin/keratin item, that doesn't work with mods that change stack sizes.
Darkspread 12 Mar @ 4:12am 
Hey ! very nice mod, thx for the work !
But in Fjordur for the Andrew saddle, we can't use the damage augmentation .... certainly not considered as a weapon
Sylvoute 9 Mar @ 1:55pm 
same items !
ThatsYourPing 8 Mar @ 4:30pm 
Is there a functional difference between the metal and primitive buildings included in the mod, or do both tiers provide the same items?
Pulsaraw 15 Feb @ 11:31am 
Thank you ahah !
Sylvoute 15 Feb @ 7:45am 
You need to select the item you want to upgrade.
That should be the problem ;)
Pulsaraw 15 Feb @ 4:18am 
Hello, I have a problem, I can not upgrade for example my leather helmet, I have the button “attempt upgrade” grayed knowing that I put anyway fibers, skins and several resources, because I also tried to upgrade a metal pickaxe and it remains grayed ... a solution? Thanks for your help. I have a screen in case
i sus 14 Feb @ 9:21am 
TheWolfssegen 9 Feb @ 7:16pm 
@Rezzo God's work