From The Depths

From The Depths

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Millennium Titan
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27 Dec, 2016 @ 3:15pm
28 Dec, 2016 @ 6:53am
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Millennium Titan

This is a fairly big shipwith the length of 460 meters.

The ship has 4 massive advanced cannon capable of destroying almost any big force.
and 12 smaller 2m dual barreled advanced cannon, good at taking out semi big air units
4 mega lasers capable of taking out massive amounts of drones

Price: 2.250.000 materials
volume: 250.000 m3

#### NOTE ####
if windows says that ftd is not responding. "just click wait for program to respond"
SevenDreary 29 Dec, 2016 @ 10:55pm 
Good for you. Good night.
Abaddon 29 Dec, 2016 @ 1:46pm 
I have singular cannons which take a plunderer to pieces in seconds
SevenDreary 29 Dec, 2016 @ 1:10pm 
A lot of ships I make can't get through its sheilds. They can generally overpower any anti missile defence systems though.
Abaddon 29 Dec, 2016 @ 1:08pm 
Killing a plunderer does not mean the weapons are effective. It simply means you can beat one the tutorial factions ships. There is no real achievement there
SevenDreary 29 Dec, 2016 @ 12:16pm 
I've only dropped 7 projects... all the others I've finished. The Inside - Outside thing is just the weapons on the outside have their explosive parts on the inside. Not effective? If they can kill a plunderer, I'd say they're decently effective.
Abaddon 29 Dec, 2016 @ 2:04am 
What you see on my workshop posts are very old an not effective vessels. I don't really ever upload my things because I never call them finished. My ships may not seem incredibly dangerous from the outside. But on the inside.
SevenDreary 29 Dec, 2016 @ 1:01am 
Also, weapon wise, Syndi, your ships aren't much scarier. They only are twice this things size... well, of the ships you've put online. Later today (Since 3 in the morning), I'll have your ships you've posted online fight some of my ships. See who's better. (No offence meant to anyone.)
That also means I'll test this ship out more, see how it holds up against my new faction I'm working on.

Also, Syndiwolf, are you gonna make a Custom Campaign? I'd definetly play it if you have a varietly of massive battleships and small fighters. My Custom Campaign only has relatively small designs. Good night. (Or morning... depends on where you live.)
SevenDreary 29 Dec, 2016 @ 12:50am 
Yeah... I agree with you on the opinions. And also, big block wise as a negative is contracitory to your 1150 meter long ship... the longest thing I've ever made was a 437 meter long bomber called mint that went 1000 meters per second. I can also agree that this thing's weapons are mediocre at best. This thing couldn't beat my "Sylver" battleship even if there was 3 of them... And I only got 40% done with that ship... I couldn't spawn it in anymore... same with "Scarlet's Nightmare" Another super battleship... A mortar and laser box pretty much.

With me I design my vehicles first, then add weapons. It's never failed me so far, so I'll keep rolling with it and you roll with yours. Also, I would build massive ships, but I'm not the kind of person to turn down graphics on a game much... only on The Crew.

I honeslty need to go to bed... it's 3 in the morning. :steambored:
Abaddon 29 Dec, 2016 @ 12:41am 
Decorations and fanciness are all opinionative judgements. The ship being big block wise is only a negative for it. The weapons are well... Could be worse I guess... When I make ships this size (and bigger, I'm kinda the guy who decided making a 1150m long ship is a good idea. It wasn't) I have a mix of design through it. With focuses on weapons, but not to go so far as to base everything on them
SevenDreary 28 Dec, 2016 @ 11:50pm 
I just find blocky ships interesting... I never make them so I kinda end up liking the look. It's something different for a change. Looking at some of my newer stuff, they're super fancy. This just is a change of pace for me. Also I have little patience for making such large ships from scratch. (I generally take bits and peices from other hulls and put em together. Oversized welding, some may say.) :steamfacepalm:

Also Syndi, this is a pretty big ship block wise. Not resource or weapon wise... Both of those are quite sad amounts for something this big. Reminds me of a tank I built with 1/6 the length and 5 times the resource of this thing. 4000 constant damage laser FTW. Anyway, I'll leave this blocky battleship to it's being efficient by not have decorations, something I tend to go overboard on. (Decorations are pretty! >_<) Just Syndi... don't be salty, he only has 190 hours in FTD. I have over 1,000. I'll shush up now.