

98 ratings
Less Boring Players!
MOUNT TYPE:: Item Replacement
File Size
124.455 MB
12 Apr, 2017 @ 4:01pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Less Boring Players!

Tired of how Synergy's playermodels are so bland and boring? Ever wanted you and your friends' playermodels to be more exciting? You like Beta? Me too!

Thankfully, that's what Less Boring Players is for!

  • Less Boring Players replaces the Male and Female citizen AND rebel playermodels so they are much more unique.

  • This pack only replaces the playermodels. NPCs will not be changed.

  • Some of these models were made using models and textures that were made by Valve and ended up being leaked to the public, however it DOES contain recreations.

  • I owe a huge thanks to Balimbanana for helping me get this addon uploaded (the workshop publisher tool wouldn't cooperate with me)!

  • This addon was made possible by Valve Cut Content !

Here is the list of models & what they replace:
Male_01 - Lazarus Moses (made by NullenHL2B/slackingstacker )
Male_02 - Conscript/Animal (made by Valve Software )
Male_03 - Cremator (made by Valve Software )
Male_04 - Trenchcoat Metrocop (made by Gmadador )
Male_05 - Samuel (made by Valve Software )
Male_06 - Cohrt (made by Valve Software )
Male_07 - Borealis Worker (made by Valve Software )
Male_08 - MLG Boy Man (made by CrazyBubba )
Male_09 - Gas Mask Citizen (made by Gmadador )

Female_01 - Citizen w/ Odell textures
Female_02 - Stenographer
Female_03 - Babushka
Female_04 - Hacked Together Rebel Model (Beta Citizen+Conscript Vest+Hooded SAS Mask)
Female_05 - Unchanged cuz Laziness
Female_07 - Hacked Together Rebel Model (Beta Citizen+Conscript Helmet+Radiopack)

Most of models/textures - Valve Software
Additional Model Creators/Modders - NullenHL2B/slackingstacker + CrazyBubba + Gmadador/JimJon
Uploading to Synergy Workshop - Me
Assisting me with Uploading to Synergy Workshop/Helping me get through the pain - Balimbanana
a meme lover 22 Jul, 2023 @ 1:33am 
that gas mask citizen looks like on of the guys from the get your free tv's mod
Troidord aka Rhizome 23 Aug, 2022 @ 1:04pm 
not workin for me
WUZ'S-UP 11 Jul, 2020 @ 3:23pm 
Is there addon for this on GMOD too?
Boomerang Monkey 7 Jun, 2020 @ 1:48am 
B a b u s h k a
I Darkstar X 6 Jun, 2020 @ 6:59pm 
So it won't cause any probelms with joing? That's a relief
Biozeminade  [author] 6 Jun, 2020 @ 6:56pm 
@I Darkstar X It's clientside only. Your friends gotta have the pack installed in order to see the same character skins as you.
I Darkstar X 6 Jun, 2020 @ 6:40pm 
Are playermodels clientside, or will my fiends see it even if they don't have it installed?

In general how do mods work for SYnergy?
Boomerang Monkey 16 Mar, 2020 @ 5:37am 
B A B U S H K A 'S C O O K I N G L E S S O N O N H O W T O M A K E B L I N
FoxXxZ 8 May, 2018 @ 8:20am 
Lodac77 13 Dec, 2017 @ 2:37pm 
Its not working for me