

9,130 ratings
Simple sidearms
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
2.678 MB
16 May, 2017 @ 1:02pm
30 Mar, 2024 @ 4:42am
77 Change Notes ( view )

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Simple sidearms

With the invention of pockets comes the idea of bringing EVEN MORE WEAPONS. Because your snipers are getting really tired of getting shanked.

See forum thread for details.

Non-steam version and old releases can be found here.

For a simpler alternative, consider Pocket Sand:

If you want to express gratitude, support me or attempt to convert money into motivation, you can do so here: ko-fi.com/petetimessix

I've set up a Discord server[discord.gg], which is the preferred medium for discussion and bug reports.
Popular Discussions View All (47)
6 Jan @ 3:37pm
PINNED: Rimworld 1.4 Bug reports
17 Oct, 2022 @ 2:53pm
PINNED: Rimworld v1.3 bug reports
7 Feb @ 5:00am
Pawn puts weapon back immediately
The Earl of Shitterton
The Bard of Hearts 3 Mar @ 11:02pm 
Does anyone know of a mod that handles bionic weapons differently, to make them work with this mod? Or if not, is it possible, Pete, to include some kind of option to make bionics work in tandum with the sidearm or something, so they stack together, or otherwise aren't completely useless? Thanks for hearing me. And many thanks for all the mod work.
The Bard of Hearts 3 Mar @ 11:02pm 
Hello. First, I want to say I love this mod. I've been using it for ages now and on several runs. I can't imagine playing the game without it.

Second: I was hoping to bring up something to is sort of a side effect of using this mod. When you have the ability to equip a melee weapon and a ranged weapon at the same time (which is a good thing), it makes having things like bionic weapons (even fancy ones like those from EPOE) completely useless. Because if I can equip any basic weapon, its bound to be more efficient than the bionic implant. Testing it, it actually makes a pawn's DPS go down by a fare amount if the weapon they are armed with has higher ratings.
Nickydoo1994 1 Mar @ 11:04am 
Just recently had an issue with the mechanics of the mod.

During a combat one of my pawns lost an arm and fell unconscious. My doctor dragged her to bed and went to get medicine and the pawn woke up and decided it needed its weapons back.....despite the fact that she was still bleeding out from her MISSING LIMB. Doctor had to go pick up the unconscious amputee *again*

Is there a setting im missing to stop this from happening or is this a bug?
A N O N 25 Feb @ 1:34am 
Combat Extend compatible?
SaMaHaJoGu 19 Feb @ 5:00pm 
I lied. Both guns are from the Arma 3 weapons. Maybe there wasn’t enough range percent difference. Gonna tweak the range difference and see what’s up.
SaMaHaJoGu 18 Feb @ 5:12pm 
I’m seeing my sniper can’t change successfully over to a smaller ranged side arm. The guns keep glitching back in and out (from Gun Nut Core, I think). And then when the enemies get into lasso range from Melee Actions, he lassos them in and swap over to melee successfully.
eeveecator 17 Feb @ 4:33pm 
Soo I've had this consistent glitch, the pawns will successfully use sidearms in melee and such, but it just keep disappearing my weapons, I had everyone with masterwork and Legendary charge rifles, with sidearms for melee combat, but if they switch weapons a couple times in a fight their main weapon ends up disappearing, having to lose several Legendary charge rifles makes the auto switching weapons for melee combat option not worth
Bitterholz 17 Feb @ 9:37am 
As a workaround you could disable logs as weapons with something like Tweaks Galore, some other mods also have such setting. Personally never had that issue tho, so it might as well do nothing.:gorlak:
Twiggymc 17 Feb @ 1:10am 
I'm having a nasty bug were my pawns that have no weapons like fresh recruits or slaves, will go and try to auto equip a log only to become unselectable i cant do anything i cant tell them to drop the log and it lags the whole game and they stand there till they die, i looked in the options and i dont see log even up there as a weapon of choice, i tried disabling all sidearm options and they still try to equip the log
zyzyhasl 11 Feb @ 12:56am 
There is soft incompatibility with [SheathYourSword],
As I know,NewRatkinPlus and Miho use [SheathYourSword],
It's just a visual error, not displaying tools when colonizers are working with them.
There is no problem with switching functions.