Planet Coaster

Planet Coaster

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Desert Park UPDATED (has a Spirit-Stallion of the Cimarron theme)
Tags: park, sandbox
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11.773 MB
2 Jun, 2017 @ 7:16pm
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Desert Park UPDATED (has a Spirit-Stallion of the Cimarron theme)

PrplGrl3's (Nightfury's sister) workshop item and description: Howdy, partners! This here park has a good 'ole variety of rides, stores, and loads 'a other entertainment. Come 'git yerselves a good hot meal or a bottle o' watah or other beverages at the stores scattered around the Wild West terrain. Or, if ye feel like goin' on a bit of an adventure, git yerselves on the train and explore the far corners of the Wild West. Ye just might run into some wacky rides! The train drops passengers off at 3 stations, and if ye prefer rides or adventures, the first two stations are for you! However, if ye have had enough of rides an' all the noise for the day, and just want to settle down an' relax somewhere in this park, the third station is for you! Passengers at this station can hike through a scenic trail in the desert and over to a cozy area high up on a clifftop, where they can settle down 'an relax, away from all the noise. The trail through the desert is a long one, but passengers arrivin' at the clifftop will think it worth their while when they see the breathtaking view from the top of the cliffttop, as it directly looks over beautiful grasslands, pine forests and canyons, and the wide open and sparse desert.
Ever heard the ole' tale of the brave stallion from the Wild West? Spirit was his name, and rumour has it his homelnd is in the grasslands somewhere in this park, miles away from civilisation, and if ye want to check it out for yerselves, y'all ought to 'git yerselves on the train and check it out for yerselves! There are also rumours from passengers ridin' on the Log Flume Canyon ride (on the left side of this park) that, somewhere at the very top of the canyon is the rocky platform Spirit jumped from, with the Lakota indian, Little Creek, on his back, to escape that no-good Sherriff and his henchmen. So if ye happen to go for a ride on the Log Flume, look up when you're in the canyons, ye just might spot it! Little Creek's Indian village is also close by this Log Flume ride and the canyons, so keep an eye out for it, can't miss it!
Recently, there's been a whole lot 'a no-good thievin' bandits stirrin' up trouble with our park visitors, so we've had to have fancy security cameras set up all throughout this park. We've hired over 40 of the best fully-trained security guards we can muster, so any bandits caught stealin' here will handed over to the sherriffs, or 'security guards,' as you call them nowadays, made to return the stolen items to whoever they stole from, and then be sent on a long, humiliating walk home. Other than that, partners, enjoy the park and have a lot a' fun, hope to see y'all visit sometime later again!
Two important notes:
1. Keep an eye on the mechanics at the second train station every now and then (the first station starts in the area close to where the main entrance of the park is), because, after they've each stayed at that station for a while, they'll each somehow move from that station and spawn back at the first station. Luckily, they're the only staff members in this park that do this, so you don't have to worry about the other staff members, including the mechanics at the first and third train stations, moving from their stations, they never move. It's only the mechanics specifically at the 2nd station that move, and there's only about 4 or 5 of them, so it's not too much of a problem. A good way to tell if the mechanics have moved is if any of the rides at the second station have been broken down for a while, and no one has fixed them for a while. It's simple to fix, though. I can't prevent the mechanics from moving, but I've planned ahead so that it's MUCH easier for you to deal with when it happens. I've written the Station that each staff member belongs to in brackets, next to each of their names, so you can know which station to drop them back to if they get lost. You only need to keep your eye every now and then on the mechanics at the second station, though, because they're the only ones that move. If you notice that any of the mechanics at the 2nd station have moved, all you have to do is just just simply go to 'Park Management,' clcik the mechanics that have 'Station 2' in brackets next to their name, and just drop them off at the second station, and they'll go back to checking and fixing the rides at the second station again for a while, including the ones underground.
2. And the second important note is that I won't be uploading any theme parks I make from now on to my brother's (Nightfufry) workshop anymore, because I now have my own account. The only reason this park, my other two theme parks, (African Park UPDATED and Tropical Park), and African workshop items I've made are on my brother's workshop is because I made and uploaded them from my brother's account before I knew I could have my own separate steam account. I've been busy for a couple of days updating and uploading my three parks here with the security camera and guard update that was updated to Planet Coaster not long ago, my three parks now each of security cameras and guards! :D But, yeah, now that I'm done updating and uploading those three parks here, this is officially the last time I will be using my brother's account for Planet Coaster. Any new theme parks I make from now on will be made from my own PrplGrl3 account now (I'm thinking of making medieval and snow-themed parks next, which will appear in my PrplGrl3 workshop when they're done). So any new workshop items that pop up in my brother's workshop from now on will be his.
PrplGrl 8 Jun, 2017 @ 10:06pm 
Oh, thanks, I'll have a look at it real soon, thanks for letting me know! :)
Channel5 Gaming 7 Jun, 2017 @ 5:31am 
love your workshop!
You should come join the largest most active planet coaster community! A few hundred members posting screenshots one a daily helping on another. We have monthly contests and events with Steam game prizes! Top 10 coasters of the month votes, and much more!
To join simply download the free Discord app then add friend: Channel5 Gaming#0054 once I have accepted (within a day) send me a message with a link to your workshop and I will get you in!