ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Unlock Haircuts and Emotes
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7 Jun, 2017 @ 9:02pm
1 May, 2020 @ 11:11pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Unlock Haircuts and Emotes

Mod ID: 942185438

  • Craftable "Unlock Hairstyles" and "Unlock Emotes" consumable items that unlock all hairstyles and emotes. Can be crafted easily at level 1 by default, allowing players to jump into character customization early.
  • Craftable "Hair Tonic" that can be used to instantly regrow hair. Useful for restoring hair after a style change. Balanced crafting requirements to avoid unlimited "Human Hair" from haircuts.
  • Craftable "Styling Gel" that can lock your hair in place, preventing hair growth.
  • Craftable "Flint Razor" that allows players to cut their own hair in early game (does not produce usable Human Hair)
  • INI Configuration Options (see patch notes and/or discussions threads for more info)

Version 2.0 - Patch Notes
  • New Feature: The "Unlock Hairstyles" and "Unlock Emotes" consumables can now always unlock all hairstyles and emotes in the game (even if they add more in the future).

  • New Item: "Flint Razor"
    • A crude flint razor for cutting your own hair. Will break after one use, and is too crude to yield usable human hair, but is cheap/easy to craft in early game.
    • Engram Requirements: 0
    • Min Level: 1
    • Crafting Requirements: 1x Flint, 1x Stone.

  • New Item: "Styling Gel"
    • A thick gel that locks your hairstyle in place, and prevents hair growth, allowing for mid-length hairstyles that do not require maintainence. Can be removed with Hair Tonic to return hair to normal growth.
    • Engram Requirements: 0
    • Min Level: 1
    • Crafting Requirements: 1x Organic Polymor.

  • Updated Item: "Hair Tonic"
    • Now regrows hair in real time over 5 seconds, rather than instantly restoring the hair.
    • Will remove Styling Gel.
    • Updated sounds/effects to make it clear that you're not drinking the tonic, you're applying it to your head. =)

  • New INI Config Options:
    • Both the "Unlock Hairstyles" and "Unlock Emotes" consumables can now be configured to behave differently.
    • Each unlock consumable can have the "Number To Unlock" specified, if server admins would like the consumables to only unlock 1 or more random hairstyles/emotes, rather than all of them. This is useful in cases where server admins have made the unlock consumable difficult to craft (requires artifacts, etc) or the consumables aren't normally craftable (server rewards, raffle prizes, etc).
      • Players will always recieve a new unlock (no duplicates).
      • If the player has already unlocked all items, the consumable will be refunded so that it's not wasted.
    • Each unlock consumable now supports whitelisting or blacklisting specific hairstyles and/or emotes. For example, this could be useful if server admins wanted to keep certain hairstyles or emotes locked (holiday events, etc).
      • Each item on these lists must be the Emote/Hairstyle name (more on that, next) in a comma-seperated list without quotes.

        For example: UnlockEmotes_Whitelist=EmoteSnowball,EmoteTurkey
    UnlockHaircuts_NumberToUnlock=0-99 (Zero = Unlock All)
    UnlockEmotes_NumberToUnlock=0-99 (Zero = Unlock All)

  • Server Admin Tools: Server admins can generate a list of all hairstyles/emotes in the game (useful for setting up Whitelists or Blacklists) by going to the console and typing one of these commands:
    admincheat ScriptCommand UnlockHaircutsAndEmotes ListHaircuts
    admincheat ScriptCommand UnlockHaircutsAndEmotes ListEmotes

  • Optimizations: Mod install size reduced by about 40%.

When you install:
  • All haircuts become available to anybody who crafts/uses the unlock items. This does not effect your steam achievements in any way, it simply enables all of the haircuts and emotes on the character that consumes the item, instead of requiring the achievements.
  • When you use the unlock item, that one character on that one server will have all hairstyles and emotes permanently unlocked, even if you remove the mod.

When you uninstall:
  • Players will lose all of the items from this mod, but the players will still have all of their hairstyles and emotes unlocked.

Unlock Hairstyles
admincheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/UnlockAchievementRewards/PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockAchievementRewards_UnlockHairAndEmotes.PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockAchievementRewards_UnlockHairAndEmotes'" 1 1 0

Unlock Emotes
admincheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/UnlockAchievementRewards/PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockAchievementRewards_UnlockHairAndEmotes.PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockAchievementRewards_UnlockHairAndEmotes'" 1 1 0

Hair Tonic
admincheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/UnlockAchievementRewards/PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockAchievementRewards_HairTonic.PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockAchievementRewards_HairTonic'" 1 1 0

Flint Razor
admincheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/UnlockAchievementRewards/FlintRazor/PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockAchievementRewards_FlintRazor.PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockAchievementRewards_FlintRazor'" 1 1 0

Styling Gel
admincheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/UnlockAchievementRewards/StylingGel/PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockAchievementRewards_StylingGel.PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockAchievementRewards_StylingGel'" 1 1 0

Mod ID

Feedback or suggestions? Join my discord!

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Special Thanks

A very special thanks to the following people who helped me along the way:
  • Everybody in the Discord chat, especially:
    • Ghazlawl
    • jslay
    • Mezzo
    • Orionsun
    • Tao
    • Woeful Macabre
    • thewookie91
    • P0k3r
    • ... and everyone else I'm forgetting!
  • Everyone who made Unreal engine videos and tutorials. Thanks!
  • My incredibly patient wife, who puts up with my long hours spent coding silly things like this. =D
  • WildCard, for making such an addicting game!
Popular Discussions View All (5)
17 Jun, 2022 @ 6:28am
PINNED: Servers Running this Mod
30 Aug, 2020 @ 2:50am
PINNED: Bug Reports
25 Jun, 2020 @ 4:35am
PINNED: Suggestions
Breadbeard 3 Nov, 2023 @ 4:25pm 
@RedDwarf: This would be AWESOME! :D
RedDwarf  [author] 3 Nov, 2023 @ 2:21pm 
@Breadbeard: Awesome, glad you like it =D There’s currently no way for you to modify the flint razor, but maybe I can add that at some point down the road =)
Breadbeard 3 Nov, 2023 @ 11:03am 
I really like this MOD!
The flint razor fits perfectly in my currenz SP Game configuration since I overrided the Metal Emgrams to unlock at Lvl 50+. Is it possible to edit it myself, so I get a small amount of hair from the flint razor?

I was inspired by your Mod to try Modding Ark myself but sadly my PC is to slow / low for the Dev kit );
zzKingSatan 26 Aug, 2023 @ 7:39pm 
i did downloaded love it!
RedDwarf  [author] 22 Aug, 2023 @ 6:03pm 
@zzKingSatan: Yep =)
zzKingSatan 21 Aug, 2023 @ 7:19pm 
does these mod works as of today's game version? Just asking before adding it. thanks
RedDwarf  [author] 16 Jul, 2023 @ 2:51am 
Hey Candy, try re-validating your ARK install — it sounds like something got corrupted. Mods can’t break the game the way you’re describing, and thousands of people use this mod without any problems — this is just a problem with your local copy of ARK, and a file verification should clear it up =)
Candy Cultist 16 Jul, 2023 @ 12:45am 
Mod breaks game.
i just activated it, added it to my Singleplayer game, started a NEW SP game, crash.
I deactivated the mod, started a SP game.. still crash...
Cant start any game anymore since I installed this mod. even after uninstalling it.
RedDwarf  [author] 9 Jun, 2023 @ 12:09pm 
@Chitoge Senpai: Is something broken?
AkameOnLy 9 Jun, 2023 @ 2:01am 
Update Please