GCCM: Main mod
Showing 1-10 of 44 entries
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Update: 5 Dec, 2020 @ 10:54pm

Update: 23 May, 2020 @ 7:55am

  • Added the following new custom maps to Mortal Empires:
    • Luccini (Unwalled)
    • Castle Von Rauken (Unwalled)
  • Implemented SiegeAI for Dagrak's End (no more pathfinding hangs near the ice).
  • Redone Dagrak's End background (more glacials, less mountains you can go through).
  • Reworked the entire Eye of the Panther map (more fixes and improvements may come soon),
  • Fixed most of long-standing issues in Drakenhof (too many to count).
  • Reduced amount of fog in Drakenhof to help with FPS.
  • Added a defensive tower to the unwalled version of Floating Pyramid.
  • Added a defensive tower to the unwalled version of Eye of the Panther.
  • Tweaked AI in unwalled Floating Pyramid so it's more inclined to attack.
  • Tweaked AI in unwalled Eye of the Panther so it's more inclined to attack.

  • Known Bugs
    • If the AI has flyers, it'll not use them properly in unwalled maps.

Update: 29 Mar, 2020 @ 1:09am

  • Added the following new custom maps to Mortal Empires:
    • Mountain Pass (Land, New map, appears when the defender of an Empire Fort sally out).
    • Deff Gorge (New walled version).
    • Pigbarter (Same as Deff Gorge).
    • Galbaraz (Walled).
  • Added the following new custom maps to Vortex Campaign:
    • Galbaraz (Walled).
  • Implemented SiegeAI for Deff Gorge.
  • Improved defender deployment zone in Carroburg.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the walled and unwalled versions of Gor Gazan to be swapped.
  • Fixed a bug that blocked units from retreating in High Elf Beach Resort.
  • Fixed multiple pathfinding issues in Carroburg.

Update: 16 Feb, 2020 @ 3:53am

  • Added the following new custom maps to both campaigns:
    • Wellsprings of Eternity (Walled & Unwalled, same map as Xlanhuapec).
    • Zvorak (Unwalled, same map as Wissenburg, only in Mortal Empires).
  • Added the following new custom maps to Mortal Empires:
    • Fort Ostrok - Sally (Land variant of Fort Ostrok).
    • Fort Ostrok - Relief (Land variant of Fort Ostrok).
  • Implemented SiegeAI for Wissenburg.
  • Improved AI behavior in Xlanhuapec.
  • Fixed... a lot of things in Xlanhuapec.
  • Fixed units floating mid-air in the gate of Wissenburg.
  • Fixed docks of Bordeleaux, so they don't allow underwater expeditions anymore.
  • Fixed CTD when fighting a land/sally/relief battle near Drakenhof.
  • Fixed CTD when fighting a land/sally/relief battle near Schwarzhafen.
  • Fixed the vanilla bug that caused skaven-defended forts and gates to use a default land map instead of the fort one.
  • Fixed the ctd in battles near bretonian cities.
  • Fixed an issue with reinforcements in Skavenblight.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Axhotl/Floating Pyramid gates to be indestructible.
  • Fixed bugged walls in Fort Ostrok.

Update: 26 Jan, 2020 @ 4:15am

  • Added the following new custom maps to Mortal Empires campaign:
    • Skavenblight (Walled, by Kazad & AI by Kg-Cote).
    • Crookback Mountain (Walled, same as Skavenblight).
  • Temporally removed the following map from Mortal Empires and Eye of the Vortex campaigns:
    • Hotek's Column (Heavely reported as bugged).
  • Implemented SiegeAI in Quatar.
  • Fixed camera clipping through water in The Moot.
  • Fixed units able to go underwater in The Moot.
  • Fixed buildings allowing units to go through them in The Moot.
  • Fixed vanguard deployment exploits in Jaruk's Oasis.
  • Fixed vanguard deployment exploits in Karak Kadrin.
  • Fixed vanguard deployment exploits in Aquitaine/Quenelles.
  • Fixed all instances (in theory) of empty maps loading near custom settlements.

Update: 23 Dec, 2019 @ 7:22am

Update: 26 Nov, 2019 @ 11:15am

- Added the following maps to Mortal Empires campaign: - Aquitaine (Walled). - Axhotl (Walled & Unwalled). - Bitterstone Mine (Walled). - Jaruk's Oasis (Walled). - Karak Zorn (Walled). - Quenelles (Walled & Unwalled). - Port Reaver (Walled & Unwalled). - Wurtbad (Walled). - Added the following maps to Eye of the Vortex campaign: - Axhotl (Walled & Unwalled). - Hotek's Column (Walled). - Karak Zorn (Walled). - Mark of the Old Ones (Unwalled). - Port Reaver (Walled & Unwalled). - Springs of Eternal Life (Unwalled). - Tlaqua (Walled). - Xlanhuapec (Walled & Unwalled). - Added the following land maps to the Mortal Empires campaign: - Cocoahohtli (Where the starting battle of the Huntmarshall takes place). - Ruins of Zotzteocalli (where the starting battle of Harkon takes place). - Added the following land maps to the Eye of the Vortex campaign: - Cocoahohtli (River zone, north of Lustria). - Ruins of Zotzteocalli (Nor-east corner of Lustria). - Added the following naval maps to the naval map pool (both campaigns): - Wreck of the Siren's Gaze. - Island of the Old Ones. - Lost Tomb of Rakaph III. - Solitary Northern Island. - Added the following Free For All maps to the mod (because... why not?): - Aquitaine - Unwalled. - Island of the Old Ones. - Removed the following Island Maps from the naval pool (both campaigns): - Tidal Elven Island (never intended for campaign, just for showcasing). - Gaze of Ualotep (is bugged and the author couldn't find the source files, so it cannot be fixed). - Added mod info and map credits to "Options/Credits". - Added miniature to all the custom maps under "Land Battle" section. - Added miniature to a lot of maps in custom battle. - Added map showcase credit page for Aquitaine. - Added new internal custom cannons (credits to "Just a small cat" for the custom model) to Middenheim. - Cleaned and merged the main/settlements 1/settlements 2/island packs. - Cleaned the entire mod to remove extra stuff that caused a ton of random crashes. - Enabled PackFile compression (the mod now is a lot smaller). - Implemented SiegeAI in Swamp Town. - Implemented SiegeAI in Bitterstone Mine (credits to Kg-cote for this). - Implemented SiegeAI in Schwarthafen. - Improved attacker AI in Carcassonne. - Improved Karak Ungor (needs more work). - Improved Karak Kadrin walls, so the AI can use them better in both, attack and defense. - Improved AI behavior in Karak Kadrin. - Improved AI behavior in Floating Pyramid (unwalled). - Improved AI behavior in Middenheim. - Improved deployment behavior in Bretonnian Isle. - Improved pathfinding in Flooded Temples. - Improved unit deployment zones in Tropical Island. - Improved unit deployment zones in Solitary Empire Island. - Improved unit deployment zones in Solitary Tropical Island. - Improved unit deployment zones in Solitary Northern Island. - Improved unit deployment zones in Tidal Island. - Improved unit deployment zones in Scattered Tropical Island. - Improved water in Karak Izor. - Improved water in High Elf Resort. - Improved water in The Frozen Sea. - Improved water in Swamp Town. - Improved water in Floating Pyramid. - Improved water in Wolfenburg. - Fixed a bug that caused weird maps to appear in custom map locations in both campaigns. - Fixed multiple instances of maps with no name/map. - Fixed the old bugged wall in Bordeleaux. - Fixed some black textures in Bordeleaux. - Fixed Parravon gates not belonging to the defender at the beginning of the battle. - Fixed a very old bug that caused Karak Hirn to never actually show up in the campaign. - Fixed buildings you can go through in Grimhold (all variations). - Fixed multiple issues on Grimhold that caused the AI to be.... stupid. - Fixed the invisible attackers bug in Grimhold. - Fixed bugged walls in Carcassonne. - Fixed attacker using vanguard deployment being able to deploy right at the walls in Carcassonne. - Fixed buildings units could go through in Carcassonne. - Fixed Middenheim appearing in land battles. - Fixed Sartosa appearing in land battles. - Fixed Grimhold. Yes. You'll no longer get invisible attackers. - Fixed mountains the camera can go through in Karak Kadrin. - Fixed certain places in where units can go in an underwater adventure in Bretonnian Isle. - Fixed water the camera can clip through in Bretonnian Isle. - Fixed multiple wall issues in Karak Izor. - Fixed multiple missing mountains in Karak Izor. - Fixed a ton of Z-fighting issues in the swamps of Swamp Town. - Fixed water in Swamp Town not applying the Shallow Water effects to units. - Fixed camera clipping through water in High Elf Resort island map. - Fixed camera clipping through water in The Frozen Sea island map. - Fixed multiple issues with units going into underwater adventures in High Elf Resort island map. - Fixed multiple issues with units going into underwater adventures in The Frozen Sea island map. - Fixed camera clipping through water in Wolfenburg map. - Fixed multiple issues with the external wall in Sartosa. - Fixed Middenheim's north exit not working. - Fixed Sartosa custom map not appearing in Mortal Empires. - Fixed siege towers not working in most of Middenheim walls. - Fixed shallow water not applying effects in Flooded Temples. - Fixed camera clipping through water in Flooded Temples. - Fixed units able to walk under the water in Flooded Temples. - Fixed units not running away in Lost Tomb of Rakaph III island map. - Fixed shallow water not applying effects in Tidal Elven Island. - Fixed camera clipping through water in Tidal Elven Island. - Fixed boats without sails in Tidal Elven Island. - Fixed camera clipping through water in Tropical Island. - Fixed camera clipping through water in Solitary Empire Island. - Fixed camera clipping through water in Solitary Tropical Island. - Fixed camera clipping through water in Solitary Northern Island. - Fixed camera clipping through water in Tidal Island. - Fixed camera clipping through water in Scattered Tropical Island. - Fixed shallow water effect not aplying in Solitary Empire Island. - Fixed shallow water effect not aplying in Tidal Island. - Fixed shallow water effect not aplying in Scattered Tropical Island. - Fixed units clipping through terrain in Solitary Empire Island. - Fixed units clipping through terrain in Solitary Tropical Island. - Fixed units clipping through terrain in Solitary Northern Island. - Fixed (hopefully) co-op crash in Schwarthafen. - Fixed a few instances where maps didn't appear in the settlements they should appear. - Rebalanced Middenheim's Great Cannon. - Removed towers in Bitterstone Mine (Unwalled). - Revised and reworked deployment zones in Schwarthafen. - Reworked external walls and towers in Sartosa. - Reworked Middenheim's exterior textures. - Reworked Middenheim's external walls. - Tweaked the defender AI in Parravon so it uses better the map. - Tweaked the attacker AI in Parravon so it attacks both walls. - Updated catchment map to Hunter & Beast patch.

Update: 28 Apr, 2019 @ 8:59am

Compatibility update

Update: 25 Nov, 2018 @ 7:35am

Fixed some issues with dwarf maps appearing in the wrong spots.

Update: 10 Nov, 2018 @ 1:04am