

Showing 1-10 of 57 entries
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Update: 24 Nov, 2024 @ 7:04pm Patch

/// Changes
- Added Isabelle, an NPC that sells vehicle spray paints on the dock of Icarus.
- Replaced screenshots with new ones reflective of map currently.

- Fixed Police Colt going way too fast.
- Fixed Duneslayer going way too fast.
- Fixed Duneslayer height.
- Fixed Firetruck tires.
- Fixed Land Explorer tires being too far inside chasis.
- Fixed missing some missing engine audio.
- Fixed lots of errors of missing components.
- Fixed missing new weapon spawns.
- Fixed quests to use SMG magazines instead of Viper magazines.
- Fixed vendors to sell SMG magazines instead of Viper magazines.
- Fixed some broken textures around the map.
- Fixed missing Linux masterbundle.

Update: 22 Nov, 2024 @ 5:33pm Patch (Take 2)

/// Changes
- Added a bunch of new vehicle stuff.
- Added new 'Guardian' vehicle.
- Added new tires for all vehicles.
- Added new suspension system to all vehicles.
- Renamed 'Stallion' line of vehicles to 'Colt'.
- Adjusted Sedan mesh.
- Added two new guns.
- Atakovat; (5155) A new ranger AR sidegrade to the Duststorm based off the AEK-971.
- Regensturm (5153) A new police SMG sidegrade to the Viper, based off the UMP.
- Added SMG Magazine (5154)
- Added new park & detailing around Kuwait Towers monument.
- Added new markings to Saqr Airbase runway.
- Added some more foliage and materialwork around the map.
- Added another Embassy flag.
- Remade Khiran Campground's detailing.
- Remade radiotower location.
- Remade Miral crane model. (Again.) ((nth time's the charm, right?))
- Remade Oasis Oil branding + signage.
- Remade palm tree mesh to be much fuller.
- Remade some colourways/textures around the map:
- Remade some foliage colours.
- Remade palm trunk texture.
- Remade some poster colours.
- Remade vending machine textures.
- Remade some kiosk textures.
- Remade all industrial colours.
- Remade industrial top/bottom textures.
- Remade pillow textures.
- Remade shipping container textures with 5 new company logos.
- Remade Bag'O'Bricks texture (and model) to reflect the proud BAYB construction brand.
- Remade some NPCs looks.
- Consolidated some NPCs.
- (Removed Zavah, Jamie, Jimmy H).
- (Combined all boss zombie quest NPCs into one; Yousef).
- Adjusted some ambience lighting.
- Adjusted location of main NPC palace on Icarus to be closer to main square.
- Adjusted amount of acid spitters around the map to be less.
- Adjusted vending machines item spawns.
- Adjusted a few water items to restore less water.

- Fixed Outlands' train cabin using incorrect mesh.
- Fixed two misaligned tent textures.
- Fixed billboards' texture cutoff.
- Fixed Police HQ nav.
- Fixed whip LOD being too low.
- Fixed misleading tip about 'taking cover' in sandstorms.
- Fixed industrial fence model mesh clipping.
- Fixed industrial shelf missing nav.
- Fixed Sandspitter plane missing interior material.
- Fixed missing stars in 'void' locations.
- Fixed traditional building misaligned UV from batching.
- Fixed sadu pillow misaligned UV from batching.
- Fixed northern militia bunker misaligned UV from batching.
- Fixed (unused) stone fence misaligned UV from batching.
- Fixed broken police top metallic.

Update: 22 Nov, 2024 @ 5:14pm

Undid update.
Some things were missing.

Update: 22 Nov, 2024 @ 5:11pm Patch (Take 1)

Update reverted. Reuploading momentarily.

Update: 27 Jan, 2024 @ 10:33pm Patch

/// Changes
- Fixed broken 'Escaping Outlands' boss fight missing turrets.
/// I really apologize for this, major oversight on my part.
- Fixed Laila the Night Vendor's broken dialogue and shop options.
- Fixed floating foliage west of Miral.

Update: 3 Nov, 2023 @ 8:35am Patch

/// Changes
- Remade Miral.
// This was done to make the city much more smartly designed; getting rid of lots of empty space and bad sightlines.
- Adjusted Fibreglass Fishing Rod handle mesh.
- Adjusted Police HQ Building to include more windows.
- Adjusted Stallion vehicle mesh to not be as flat.
- Adjusted holiday lights to not be as performance heavy.
- Adjusted/Retconned a couple of 'Escaping Outlands' details.
- Fixed a couple of 'Escaping Outlands' details.
- Fixed some more batching error textures.
- Fixes some other misc. texturing errors.
- Fixed missing clips on a couple of objects.
- Fixed some NPC texturing.
- Fixed some missing objects around the map.
- Removed all 'muzzle' attachment suppressor sounds.
- Implemented performance upgrades.

Update: 28 Jul, 2023 @ 10:09pm Patch

Misc. changes mainly to Miral.

/// Changes
- Replaced Miral apartments with new glass highrises with destructable glass. All floors are empty but accessible.
- Removed teleportation mechanic in Miral apartments and replaced with Washington-esq ladders.
- Added some more greenery to Miral.
- Added Jasper memorial somewhere on Kuwait.
- Adjusted duneslayer speed slightly.
- Fixed unanimated Miral screen advert in the center square.
- Fixed some more broken textures.
- Fixed missing rich information on GPS.
- Fixed some particle LODs.
- Implemented performance upgrades.

Update: 28 Jul, 2023 @ 10:06pm

Missing multi-platform masterbundle.

Update: 28 Jul, 2023 @ 10:05pm

Update: 28 Jul, 2023 @ 10:05pm