Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Half-Life 2 Beta Weapons Pack V2
Showing 1-10 of 13 entries
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Update: 5 Dec, 2021 @ 8:13am

// Misc //
- Moved stickybomb hook into autorun

Update: 1 Dec, 2021 @ 10:05pm

// Bug Fixes //
- Added Draconic base workaround for stickybombs
- Fixed missing AR1 sounds and bullet effects in multiplayer
- ViewPunch is no longer applied if the weapon owner is an NPC
- Guard gun ammo is no longer hidden
- 2021 hopwires thrown by an invalid owner will now properly explode and remove themselves upon detonation.
- Fix rocket launcher projectiles and molotovs causing player weapons to ignite and keep burning after respawn

// Prototype Features //
- irifle is semi-usable by NPCs now.
- sniper is almost npc-usable
- npcs can throw 2021 hopwires (for better or worse...)
- npcs can throw molotovs (for better or worse...)

Update: 19 Sep, 2021 @ 3:39pm

// New Features //
+ Added new version of the Hopwire that is a bit more faithful to the behavior seen in the HL2 leak. The original hopwire remains unchanged.

Update: 29 Aug, 2021 @ 11:34am

// Fixes //
+ Brickbat (cremator) no longer causes sporadic viewmodel corruption / replacement (thanks Button.)

Update: 1 Feb, 2021 @ 7:02pm

* ACTUALLY fix the irifle ammo consumption...

Update: 1 Feb, 2021 @ 6:56pm

// Bugfix //
+ irifle ammo consumption has been corrected

Update: 31 Jan, 2021 @ 10:01am

// Fixes //
+ Flaregun ammo consumption was improperly deducting two ammo for each shot. This has been fixed.

Update: 31 Jan, 2021 @ 9:55am

None Provided

Update: 26 Jul, 2020 @ 4:30pm

// Asset Changes //
+Added crusty c_hands implementation to AlyxGun
+Removed unused alyxgun, stunstick, extinguisher, and tripmine sounds.

// Minor Changes //
+Hopwires no longer weirdly collide with the player when thrown.
+Reduced flare scale from 10 to 5 for the IRifle and Flare Gun. This should make the flares less performance-intensive.
+Changed AlyxGun sounds to be less painful to the left ear.
+AlyxGun now uses unique reload sounds that were previously unused.

Update: 22 Jul, 2020 @ 4:35pm

// Functional Changes //
+Sticky bombs now stick to players, NPCs, vehicles, and weapons. Does not stick to props yet.
+If a player dies after shooting stickybombs, all of their bombs are removed.
+Manhack should now be fun to use (greatly increased rate of fire) and show a worldmodel (kinda)
+Radio is now admin-only, as was originally intended. (whoops)

// Lua Fixes //
+Removed radio print calls
+Fixed errors complaining about missing cl_init.lua files
+OICW grenade now properly collides with NPCs and props.
+Cremator brickbat no longer collides with the player upon being thrown.
+Missile Launcher now initializes to the correct hold type.
+Hopwire now initializes to the correct hold type.
+Stickybomb Launcher will no longer spew errors if unarmed bombs are present when the weapon owner dies.

// Asset Fixes //
+Fixed materials/models/items_leak/buckshot.vmt duplicate base texture
+Fixed materials/models/items/ml_grenade.vmt duplicate base texture

// Minor Changes //
+Moved AR1 from slot 3 to slot 2.
+Changed Tau Cannon holdtype from "smg" to "crossbow"
+Changed Flare Gun holdtype from "pistol" to "revolver"
+Changed HMG1 holdtype to be "crossbow" by default, "ar2" when zoomed in.
+Changed Sniper Rifle holdtype to be "crossbow" by default, "ar2" when zoomed in.
+Changed Cubemap holdtype from "pistol" to "normal".
+Renamed weapon and ammo categories from "HL2 Beta..." to "Half-Life 2 Beta..."
+Shotgun secondary fire now plays the correct sound.