Paint the Town Red

Paint the Town Red

Dream Your Nightmare
bignate630 19 Nov, 2023 @ 11:46pm 
I've commented here before (a long time a ago) but, do you remember the name of the song that plays when you first get inside your house at the beginning? I've always wondered but never managed to ask.
TeddyBearPringle 6 Nov, 2023 @ 6:17pm 
TeddyBearPringle 6 Nov, 2023 @ 6:17pm 
can you teach us on how you made the ragdoll guy
krebs08142 25 Feb, 2023 @ 6:24am 
This map is amazing in the end it gave me chills
MooMin 4 Jul, 2021 @ 6:30am 
well you should make a remake because your a god of addons
Kersher  [author] 19 May, 2021 @ 10:49pm 
he was just pinned with a trap. When it turned off, he was able to get up
wamcrash999 19 May, 2021 @ 5:12pm 
I don't understand how you made that one guy in the chair who was basically alive but in ragdoll form actually stand up, but that's really cool.
Kersher  [author] 17 Mar, 2021 @ 2:05am 
AAAAA dont play my old maps theyre ugly D:
But thanks for review, ill see how i can rework this one
Yhteys 17 Mar, 2021 @ 12:15am 
Wow. This is actually amazing. Very well done.
Not sure if its possible to add checkpoints but they would be pretty useful imo
fettygreen 19 Jan, 2020 @ 9:50pm 
can you make it so when u jump u dont die
Kersher  [author] 12 Dec, 2019 @ 8:07pm 
pechaps thant's not the katana you should be looking for
bignate630 12 Dec, 2019 @ 7:27pm 
why did you make the katana un grabbable
Kersher  [author] 23 Oct, 2019 @ 11:20am 
well, you can just speedrun this map :/
Ramin Inuras 23 Oct, 2019 @ 10:48am 
i feel more anger even a acared because of this hardcore, i want to kill him more, than they want to kill me!
Kersher  [author] 11 Oct, 2019 @ 6:14am 
Basically the kitchen knifes + a few bottles from the neighborhood should be enough :yazdsmile:
Puntato 11 Oct, 2019 @ 2:46am 
this is horrifying! thanks!

also, sidenote, how the fuck do you kill the first guy???? broke like 10 weapons on him, including all of the knives/sharp objects
Wolflover5235 7 Aug, 2019 @ 3:56pm 
i jumped at the first jumpscare
76561198849626961 1 May, 2019 @ 4:48am 
That was great! I like it
★ Leo ★ 18 Apr, 2019 @ 8:08am 
Wow, really great job!
nos.insidious 18 Jan, 2019 @ 2:38pm 
nos.insidious 18 Jan, 2019 @ 2:38pm 
i seen captain sauce play it
Dahcuesta 12 Jan, 2019 @ 11:24am 
Awesome level Kersher
LedRazor 3 Jan, 2019 @ 5:56pm 
Scary. Too scary. Far, far too scary D:
Ultimate Doge 11 Dec, 2018 @ 2:08pm 
Kersher  [author] 11 Dec, 2018 @ 6:46am 
Ultimate Doge 11 Dec, 2018 @ 5:33am 
yes i just downloaded it
Kersher  [author] 11 Dec, 2018 @ 12:02am 
lol somebody still plays this map
Ultimate Doge 10 Dec, 2018 @ 5:29pm 
the dude who burned his face and chest on a stove was scary but the spiders upstairs with their arms crossed was kinda funny
WendStar7 29 Nov, 2018 @ 11:25am 
best map pls make more thx
Nameless 26 Nov, 2018 @ 1:26pm 
2/10 Nice scripted sequences but unfair.
MooMin 26 Nov, 2018 @ 2:38am 
hi kersher good work/jobb how long time take it to make this map?
Gumpie 8 Nov, 2018 @ 6:32pm 
You know You say its not that scary, But who cares? YOU BASICALLY MADE A WHOLE GAME! I mean Come on? Who Does that? Great Effort and at this point its not Effort its work, its Genuine work.
henryhatty 8 Nov, 2018 @ 1:02pm 
Literally the best description I have ever seen. Nice work!
ticorex 8 Nov, 2018 @ 12:01pm 
this level genuinly scared me at some points, the setting and sounds are extremly well done.
How did you make a ragdolled guy come alive though? thats the only part of the map i really dont understand!
Quintinator1 7 Nov, 2018 @ 6:45pm 
10/10 best level made on the workshop
Leafain 7 Nov, 2018 @ 3:57pm 
i cant do muti player it keeps kicking my friend out
Raphen811 7 Nov, 2018 @ 3:36pm 
The part when that guy is in the kitchen, that scared me. But still a good map.
Bot_Ryan487 6 Nov, 2018 @ 5:59pm 
Great map mate, the jump scary got me and i love you put little detail you put like the platform jump stuff i look behide me and i saw the zombie looking thing looking at me and i got jump scared from that but the jump platform is hard :p but other then that the map is great!!! Keep up the good work!!! :D
Ocean Man 5 Nov, 2018 @ 10:58am 
Beautiful work of level design and artistic horror. :2016trophy:
Shadow Templar 5 Nov, 2018 @ 8:27am 
Very creative good job
FentGoblin 5 Nov, 2018 @ 2:56am 
i shat myself
Eternic  [developer] 4 Nov, 2018 @ 7:04pm 
Amazing! Great job.
Mr.Mulle 4 Nov, 2018 @ 4:26am 
It is incredible! One of the best levels ive ever played.
very good job and keep up.
Also the jumpscares are really good.
Just really hard on the platform section.
I would defenitly recommend it. :D
goose 4 Nov, 2018 @ 1:45am 
This is too scared do anyone want do it COOP? );
goose 4 Nov, 2018 @ 1:30am 
My name its kevin!
SaucySomething 3 Nov, 2018 @ 11:16am 
Kersher  [author] 2 Nov, 2018 @ 11:31pm 
@christmasgivingween, you should wait until the platforms get into the light zone before jumping into nowhere
创视者比涅恩 2 Nov, 2018 @ 8:36pm 
This is the best level I've ever played,but it's really scary
OH GOD IT'S HIM 2 Nov, 2018 @ 8:15pm 
scary game but I can't effectively platform if I can't fucking see