Arma 3
Saving The SEALs
palmer88 11 Nov, 2014 @ 9:30am 
best mission maker <3
HaZZarD  [author] 12 Nov, 2013 @ 5:27am 
yeah first gear you get just 1 pistol each one with ammo and a map
(hats and googles are out of control until the second gear beacuse I made that civ trick)

well the second gear was intentional :D I know that maybe is better to wear an helmet but he is Captain Miller :P lol

I liked the hat because is very unique to the mod and look nice on the leader , the aviator glasses well , you can keep them in your inventory until sunrise XD

luckily as Miller I never get headshotted :)
St0n3bridg3 12 Nov, 2013 @ 5:08am 
Yeah ok, I did not know that :)
But the first gear is only a pistol with a soundsupresser, right?
I was thinking of the 2nd gear. There he gets the cap and pilot glasses. When the other guy(in MP) gets a cool military helmet with a mask I think :)
HaZZarD  [author] 12 Nov, 2013 @ 4:05am 
yeah I know but sadly I had to do a trick to make them wear civilian uniforms in MP , in first version they had no fancy hats or glasses but was not compatible with MP .

wearing civs uniforms is not allowed by BIS because it go against geneva conventions .

the trick was to make them civilians and link them with a Nato leader with probability of presence 0% , in this way you can give them the uniforms you want.

So they are in fact civilian and there is a bug in Arma III for civs where you can't totally remove them hats and glasses , random hats and glasses appear on civilian even if you try to force remove headgear or you give them another hat .

Between thanks for the suggestion , I can't force them to wear a certain hat when they spawn but I can maybe remove fancy hats giving them another headgear when you take the first equipment
St0n3bridg3 12 Nov, 2013 @ 3:42am 
I think you should loose the cap and glasses on miller after getting their gear. It looks stupid. Sorry, but it does. The other guy looks more like a military fella. Other then that, it was pretty hard and really good. Good job.
HaZZarD  [author] 9 Nov, 2013 @ 7:40am 
oh good ! , me and my two friends 1.30 : ) lol
Pink Bóbr 9 Nov, 2013 @ 7:39am 
1 hour 15 mins :D
HaZZarD  [author] 9 Nov, 2013 @ 6:48am 
thanks all : ) How long did it take to finish the mission ? : )

Pink Bóbr 9 Nov, 2013 @ 6:40am 
loved the mission. played with a friend, absolutely fun. :D
icjinu 9 Nov, 2013 @ 5:23am 
Lovely mission, nice timing with sunrise at EVAC. The sights are not NVG compatiable when zooming, maybe you could use some of the standard sights that are NVG compatiable when zooming. When you need to blow up the coms tower you dont have a lot of room for the explosive, I actually had to drop some items to make room. Maybe you could add a backpack to the loadout.
HaZZarD  [author] 7 Nov, 2013 @ 10:15am 
Troxxic : compliments , alone is very difficult GG

[HH]fellowricky : this is very strange , we tried multiple time the coop in multy and no problem with the equipment and the seals gear .
Maybe you have installed the mod wrong I really don't know
Zenu 6 Nov, 2013 @ 1:43am 
got to the part where you get your seals gear and it gave me no ammo no clothes no vest or anything but a gun for that matter.
Troxxic 5 Nov, 2013 @ 9:31pm 
Played through it by myself as Miller. Probably the one of the most well made missions out there. Awesome job! Can't wait to see more like it.
HaZZarD  [author] 5 Nov, 2013 @ 12:11pm 
@roy614 : that's because he installed the new FHQ pack which requires a file

see requirements

I created the mission with the old FHQ so I think that error is not a problem , all should work fine
HaZZarD  [author] 5 Nov, 2013 @ 11:34am 
updated the external link to download the mission outside steam :


! Miller must be used !
HaZZarD  [author] 5 Nov, 2013 @ 11:34am 
@aznninja568 : my fault , I forget to write that Miller must be used

Daddy Neil 5 Nov, 2013 @ 9:20am 
one does not simply save the SEALS
Bing Chillin 4 Nov, 2013 @ 7:09pm 
im stuck at the gas station i get there and nothing happens
St0n3bridg3 4 Nov, 2013 @ 6:54pm 
Yeah worked after rebooting the pc, and reinstall the rus file. But we still get the "Addon FHQ_Accessories requires addons asdg_jointrails" message.
HaZZarD  [author] 4 Nov, 2013 @ 5:46pm 
uhmm Idk what that error is , however just stay on the main build , download my pack with all the mods needed , activate them and host in multiplayer , just that and all will work fine
St0n3bridg3 4 Nov, 2013 @ 5:39pm 
He doesnt have the file _commonRedist file. Dont know if that have anything to do with it
St0n3bridg3 4 Nov, 2013 @ 5:34pm 
The game itself wont start.
St0n3bridg3 4 Nov, 2013 @ 5:33pm 
Now he get a message saying. "The handle is invalid"
Know how to fix it?
St0n3bridg3 4 Nov, 2013 @ 5:31pm 
I get the message "Addon FHQ_Accessories requires addons asdg_jointrails"
But I can still start the mission!

My brother has probmel with the file Rus_Spet_A3_v1.0
the Arma game doesnt start at all. Trying to download the file again and try it. Get back yo you
Sheep_Dipped 4 Nov, 2013 @ 1:22pm 
Thanks!!! Played with my bro and it was fun indeed!!!
HaZZarD  [author] 4 Nov, 2013 @ 5:24am 
np , first of all you need the mods , you can download all the mods you need at this link


then activate the mod from in game options

the game says you " no selected soldier " because you are trying to play the mission in SP

but like I said you need to host it in LAN or Multiplayer even if you play alone

this mission is not designed for SP because the IA would have huge problems in doing certain actions .

well let me know
Sheep_Dipped 4 Nov, 2013 @ 4:22am 
How do I play this? It says no selected soldier... Sorry for being dumb about this..
HaZZarD  [author] 3 Nov, 2013 @ 3:36pm 
just finished the Coop with a friend for the first time

started at 3:30 am and end at 5.20 , from night to sunrise :) (ArmaIII time)

so I suggest you to start the coop early and go full stealth if you want to see the EPIC end :)
HaZZarD  [author] 3 Nov, 2013 @ 3:24pm 
ok nice , let me know then

If you download my pack you are 100% sure to have all fine
icjinu 3 Nov, 2013 @ 2:52pm 
nevermind, got it working, got all the mas addons gathered in @mas folder
icjinu 3 Nov, 2013 @ 2:07pm 
Guess I'm a noob with the mods.. cant get them installed properly.. the mas mods wont work
HaZZarD  [author] 3 Nov, 2013 @ 12:43pm 
it is if you are looking for nice music , stealth actions and custom gear :)
Fritz125 3 Nov, 2013 @ 10:07am 
Thanks looks great