Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

BM Ultimate Custom Background Compilation
Blessed Mother  [author] 21 Feb @ 2:11pm 
@Arthur Try unsubscribing and re-subscribing. It works fine for me. Maybe a mod compatibility issue? Not sure.
Arthur 21 Feb @ 9:59am 
it doesnt show on mod page
Blessed Mother  [author] 13 Feb @ 3:15pm 
@GarglingGlass Thank you for your feedback. I am actually fixing to learn Blender so I can make custom backgrounds that fully contain the PZ graphics. Might be a while for me to come out with something, but it’s a plan I have my eyes set on.
GarglingGlass 13 Feb @ 2:57am 
@40kTookMyName a bunch of these are AI. I say they're properly curated for the most part, but people are gonna bitch (I'm an artist that also likes AI so I just laugh at their suffering).

I would like this mod a LITTLE more if all of them were the Zomboid machinima style though.

Other than that, I find it balanced, relatively lore friendly, and I love how it also takes Spiffo out of the new game type selection screen (Apoc., Sandbox, etc.) Those little pictures make me wish this mod could find other little places to inject itself, possibly on the occupations screen (with of ton of compatibility patches lol)
40kTookMyName 31 Jan @ 9:56pm 
@ELTR101 It's because a bunch of people have an anti-AI hate fetish because it's trendy to hate anything AI.

That will last right up until a game uses AI right, by integrating it into the npcs and dynamic storytelling, environmental or otherwise. Then the FOMO will set in and they'll come around. It's just an easy hate target atm.
ELTR101 27 Jan @ 6:03pm 
Okay, so people like these but not the b42 launch ones? yall are goofy.
Yandere 26 Jan @ 3:21pm 
Great job! This is the best work in the workshop for the game's main menu
Raven-King Silent-Cry 25 Jan @ 8:45am 
Oh! SO much more added to check out on my next play! Thank you so much! Once again!
Joy Boy 25 Jan @ 7:54am 
@Blessed Mother Thank you so much !!!!
Blessed Mother  [author] 25 Jan @ 7:43am 
@UnCheat I decided to not make a "light version," because this mod is already 350.461 MBs in size, and making a light version I would have to duplicate the entire mod folder, making this an even larger mod than it already is. If you want to remove the red menu highlight and player icons, simply remove the highlight.lua and the playstyleIcons folder within the mod.
Joy Boy 25 Jan @ 12:41am 
Thanks for the info. Will surely check em out
Blessed Mother  [author] 25 Jan @ 12:26am 
@Joy Boy I just added in "10 Years Later 2" and "10 Years Later 3," both of which are 4k backgrounds (3840 x 2160). Please try them out and let me know if they work in full 4k resolution. :)
Joy Boy 24 Jan @ 11:32pm 
4k backgrounds pls
Blessed Mother  [author] 24 Jan @ 8:09pm 
@Raven-King Silent-Cry You're very welcome. :)

I just added in six more backgrounds and finally worked on more logos, adding in twelve more.
Raven-King Silent-Cry 19 Jan @ 3:17pm 
Its so beautiful! I love em all! Thank you so much!
Blessed Mother  [author] 18 Jan @ 10:20pm 
@pimastudio It's all thanks to UnCheat for making the necessary Background framework that enables the multiple background and logo selections in the mod menu in-game. :) I simply used his template he provided and modified it by adding in my own images and logos.

I didn't know you were attempting to code this, but thank you for the effort!
pimatstudio 18 Jan @ 5:43pm 
so yea, really great job, thank you very much, in the first place :D
pimatstudio 18 Jan @ 5:42pm 
WOW, you did it!! I was trying to help you out with the randomisation of the backgrounds but sadly, did not succeed. I've not yet made any mod, only licked the surface of Lua.

Who's getting credit for the code? I'd like to get in touch with whoever achieved that, hope I can get a little credit for the suggestion! ;)
Blessed Mother  [author] 17 Jan @ 12:56pm 
Thank you for the first suggestion. I will update the mod with the fix soon.

I'm not sure what you mean by your second comment?

I'll look into making a light version. :)
UnCheat 12 Jan @ 5:20am 
Requesting "light" verison as a submod with only backgrounds (no menu or start icons changes) or throw those changes to a submod
Also requesting more images for ultrawide resolution!
UnCheat 12 Jan @ 12:47am 
I suggest renaming file
backgroundFrameworkAddon to backgroundFrameworkAddon_ultimate_custom or something or it will replace other same named addons