Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

All's Well That Ends
nick  [author] 3 Feb @ 3:19pm 
After some initial feedback I've tidied a couple of elements in the mod:

- Tidied Action cards back into decks.
- Unlocked Lambik's Character Dashboard and removed a snap point for ease of flipping to Solo Ally side.
- Labelled Character Action and Impulse decks.
- Added a tips page of 'Survival skills for life after round 1' to the First Game Guide (page 27) - to be updated as needed.
- Corrected some minor typos in the Rulebook and First Game Guide and added some wording to better explain how Impulse cards work.

Thanks to Aaron M /@Elosh on BGG for the detailed feedback.
nick  [author] 31 Jan @ 6:18am 
While AWTE's design as a board game is pretty much done, it's porting onto TTS is relatively new, so if anyone has any comments on how I could improve the mod, please let me know in the comments.