A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time

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Mod Request: Undertale Yellow
Okay, so I got up this morning with a question: Has someone added a custom model for Undertale Yellow's Clover's hat in this game as a hat flair? I mean, it would make sense, both Hat Kid and Clover wear hats, are kids, and even have funny dances.
Well, I checked the workshop, and nobody has made any Undertale Yellow mods yet. I also checked the forums, and it doesn't seem anyone has brought up the idea yet. So, I thought I would.

I have three main requests, and then an extra two requests just for fun. First, I am asking if someone is willing to model and add an outfit for Hat Kid and Bow Kid that is Clover's outfit, and Clover's hat well. Finally, it would be neat if you added an animation for Clover's dance (I think it's already similar to Hat Kid's Smug Dance, but Clover keeps their arms raised, and twists their body more).
As for what Clover's hat would do, I have an easy option, and a hard option (based much time each would take to program). The easy option: Just make it a Sprint Hat Flair. Undertale Yellow did introduce dashing, so it makes sense to me.
The hard option: Clover's hat will give Hat Kid / Bow Kid Clover's Neutral Special (that's a gun, for those of you who don't know Smash Bros. memes). Hold down the hat ability button to have Hat Kid pull out Clover's gun, putting you into an over-shoulder aiming mode (or something, I don't know, it's up to the modder). Then you can press the attack button to fire! I'd prefer if each shot just did the normal 1 damage, I don't want something overpowered, in try to give it an ammo limit, before the hat enter's cooldown, which acts as your reload. Also, it would be funny if you pulled out the gun, and the Mafia started running in fear, just the same if you're covered in mud and look like a goop monter. They don't know how to handle kid with gun!

Now for my extra requests. One, another outfit, this one based on Kanako's outfit. I'd think it would be cute. And two, I'd love to see Cereba's mask, the one Kanako made for her, and that she uses in her pacifist route boss, as a Dweller's Mask flair. The default Dweller's Mask is already a fox mask, so just take that mask, edit the eyes, and change the color. Easy.

If any modder is willing to take up my requests, I'd love to know!