Hitchhike your way to freedom in this crazy procedurally generated road trip. No one's road is the same!
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Megjelenés dåtuma:
2021. aug. 16.

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Nézd meg a teljes Ravenscourt gyƱjteményt a Steamen.
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Road 96 vĂĄsĂĄrlĂĄsa

Road 96: Mile 0 – Full Journey vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: Road 96: Mile 0, Road 96

HK$ 203.30

Caravan SandWitch x Road 96 vĂĄsĂĄrlĂĄsa CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: Caravan Sandwitch, Road 96

HK$ 229.46

Road Trip Bundle vĂĄsĂĄrlĂĄsa CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: Heading Out, Road 96

HK$ 260.06
HK$ 216.27


“one of the best indie video games of the whole year”
90 – IGN

“Often funny, hard-hitting, and tense, Road 96 is a wonderful game”
9 – God is a Geek

“Interactive storytelling at its finest”
100 – NME

A jåtékról

Summer 1996, Today is the day! You hit the road. Adventure. Freedom. Escape. Run. Flee the Regime. Try to survive.

On this risky road trip to the border, you’ll meet incredible characters, and discover their intertwined stories and secrets in an ever-evolving adventure.
But every mile opens up a choice to make. Your decisions will change your adventure, change the people you meet, maybe even change the world.

There are thousands of roads across the authoritarian nation of Petria.
Which one will you take?

Road 96 is a crazy, beautiful road-trip. The discovery of exciting places, and unusual people on your own personal journey to freedom.

An ever-evolving story-driven adventure inspired by Tarantino, The Coen Brothers, and Bong Joon-ho. Made by the award-winning creators of Valiant Hearts and Memories Retold. Announced as part of the OMEN Presents initiative from HP Inc.

Moments of action, exploration, contemplative melancholy, human encounters and wacky situations. Set against a backdrop of authoritarian rule and oppression.

A stunning visual style, a soundtrack filled with 90s hits, and a thousand routes through the game combine so each player can create their own unique stories on Road 96.


    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: Intel Core i5 4460 or AMD Ryzen 3 2300U
    • MemĂłria: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: NVIDIA GTX 1060 or AMD RX 5700
    • DirectX: VerziĂł: 11
    • TĂĄrhely: 15 GB szabad hely
    • EgyĂ©b megjegyzĂ©sek: Road 96 does not support Intel Xe graphic chipset. The game needs a dedicated GPU in order to run correctly.
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: Intel Core i5 8600K or AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT
    • MemĂłria: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafika: NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super or RX 5700XT
    • DirectX: VerziĂł: 11
    • TĂĄrhely: 15 GB szabad hely
    • EgyĂ©b megjegyzĂ©sek: Road 96 does not support Intel Xe graphic chipset. The game needs a dedicated GPU in order to run correctly.

A(z) Road 96 đŸ›Łïž vĂĄsĂĄrlĂłi Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©sei




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