PRISON OF HUSKS is a nostalgic, single-player souls-like set in a bittersweet, melancholic world inspired by the interconnected level design of earlier souls games. Awaken as a doll and seek your beloved. Explore a painted afterlife full of secrets and adversaries.
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About This Game

Your soul has found its new vessel in the Lithos Plateau, a heavenly afterlife painted by the hand of a pure heart. Yet, all that is left is a desolate landscape that is crumbling beneath your feet.

What put its painter to rest? Where is your love?

She depends on you. Seek your beloved.


Overcome adversity in whichever method you desire. Inspired by the complex level design of earlier souls games, PRISON OF HUSKS aims to recapture the magic of wandering a compact and dense world in any way you like.

As you search for your dear, you may assist others whose hearts ache and restore love. However you will also face off against bosses whose desires for one another stand in your way to ringing the carillons.


From parries to pistols, PRISON OF HUSKS offers an arsenal of weapons to experiment with. Modify your build with Rings and Brooches to suit your playstyle.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: TBD
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: TBD
    • Storage: 1 GB available space
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