MainStage User Guide
- Welcome
- Overview of Edit mode
- Select patches and sets in the Patch List
- Copy, paste, and delete patches
- Reorder and move patches in the Patch List
- Add and rename patches
- Create a patch from several patches
- Overview of the Patch Settings Inspector
- Select patch settings in the Patch Library
- Set the time signature for patches
- Change the tempo when you select a patch
- Set program change and bank numbers
- Defer patch changes
- Instantly silence the previous patch
- Change patch icons
- Transpose the pitch of incoming notes for a patch
- Change the tuning for a patch
- Add text notes to a patch
- Overview of channel strips
- Add a channel strip
- Change a channel strip setting
- Configure channel strip components
- Show signal flow channel strips
- Hide the metronome channel strip
- Create an alias of a channel strip
- Add a patch bus
- Set channel strip pan or balance positions
- Set channel strip volume levels
- Mute and solo channel strips
- Use multiple instrument outputs
- Use external MIDI instruments
- Reorganize channel strips
- Delete channel strips
- Overview of the Channel Strip Inspector
- Choose channel strip settings
- Rename channel strips
- Change channel strip colors
- Change channel strip icons
- Use feedback protection with channel strips
- Set keyboard input for a software instrument channel strip
- Transpose individual software instruments
- Filter MIDI messages
- Scale channel strip velocity
- Set channel strips to ignore Hermode tuning
- Override concert- and set-level key ranges
- Add text notes to a channel strip in the Channel Strip Inspector
- Route audio via send effects
- Screen Control Inspector overview
- Replace parameter labels
- Choose custom colors for screen controls
- Change background or grouped screen control appearance
- Set screen controls to show the hardware value
- Set parameter change behavior for screen controls
- Set hardware matching behavior for screen controls
- Reset and compare changes to a patch
- Override concert- and set-level mappings
- Overview of mapping screen controls
- Map to channel strip and plug-in parameters
- Map screen controls to actions
- Map a screen control to multiple parameters
- Use screen controls to display PDF document pages
- Edit the saved value for a mapped parameter
- Set drum pads or buttons to use note velocity
- Map screen controls to all channel strips in a patch
- Undo screen control parameter mappings
- Remove screen control mappings
- Work with graphs
- Create controller transforms
- Share patches and sets between concerts
- Record the audio output of a concert
- Overview of concerts
- Create a concert
- Open and close concerts
- Save concerts
- How saving affects parameter values
- Clean up concerts
- Consolidate assets in a concert
- Rename the current concert
- Overview of the Concert Settings Inspector
- Set MIDI Routing to channel strips
- Transpose incoming note pitch for a concert
- Define the program change message source
- Send unused program changes to channel strips
- Set the time signature for a concert
- Change the tuning for a concert
- Set the pan law for a concert
- Add text notes to a concert
- Control the metronome
- Silence MIDI notes
- Mute audio output
- Layout mode overview
- Screen control parameter editing overview
- Lift and stamp screen control parameters
- Reset screen control parameters
- Common screen control parameters
- Keyboard screen control parameters
- MIDI activity screen control parameters
- Drum pad screen control parameters
- Waveform screen control parameters
- Selector screen control parameters
- Text screen control parameters
- Background screen control parameters
- How MainStage passes through MIDI messages
- Export and import layouts
- Change the aspect ratio of a layout
- Before performing live
- Use Perform mode
- Screen controls in performance
- Tempo changes during performance
- Tips for performing with keyboard controllers
- Tips for performing with guitars and other instruments
- Tune guitars and other instruments with the Tuner
- The Playback plug-in in performance
- Record your performances
- After the performance
- Tips for complex hardware setups
- Overview of keyboard shortcuts and command sets
- Concerts and layouts keyboard shortcuts
- Patches and sets (Edit mode) keyboard shortcuts
- Editing keyboard shortcuts
- Actions keyboard shortcuts
- Parameter mapping (Edit mode) keyboard shortcuts
- Channel strips (Edit mode) keyboard shortcuts
- Screen controls (Layout mode) keyboard shortcuts
- Perform in Full Screen keyboard shortcuts
- Window and view keyboard shortcuts
- Help and support keyboard shortcuts
- Use MIDI plug-ins
- Arpeggiator overview
- Arpeggiator control parameters
- Note order parameters overview
- Note order variations
- Note order inversions
- Arpeggiator pattern parameters overview
- Use Live mode
- Use Grid mode
- Arpeggiator options parameters
- Arpeggiator keyboard parameters
- Use keyboard parameters
- Assign controllers
- Modifier controls
- Note Repeater controls
- Randomizer controls
- Use Scripter
- Use the Script Editor
- Scripter API overview
- MIDI processing functions overview
- HandleMIDI function
- ProcessMIDI function
- GetParameter function
- SetParameter function
- ParameterChanged function
- Reset function
- JavaScript objects overview
- Use the JavaScript Event object
- Use the JavaScript TimingInfo object
- Use the Trace object
- Use the MIDI event beatPos property
- Use the JavaScript MIDI object
- Create Scripter controls
- Transposer controls
- Alchemy overview
- Alchemy interface overview
- Alchemy Name bar
- Alchemy file locations
- Alchemy source overview
- Source master controls
- Import browser
- Source subpage controls
- Source filter controls
- Source filter use tips
- Source elements overview
- Additive element controls
- Additive element effects
- Spectral element controls
- Spectral element effects
- Pitch correction controls
- Formant filter controls
- Granular element controls
- Sampler element controls
- VA element controls
- Wide unison mode
- Source modulations
- Morph controls
- Alchemy master voice section
- Alchemy Extended parameters
- Playback plug-in overview
- Add a Playback plug-in
- Playback interface
- Use the Playback waveform display
- Playback transport and function buttons
- Playback information display
- Playback Sync, Snap To, and Play From parameters
- Use the Playback group functions
- Use the Playback Action menu and File field
- Use markers with the Playback plug-in
- Sample Alchemy overview
- Interface overview
- Add source material
- Edit mode
- Play modes
- Source overview
- Synthesis modes
- Granular controls
- Additive effects
- Additive effect controls
- Spectral effect
- Spectral effect controls
- Filter module
- Lowpass, bandpass, and highpass filters
- Comb PM filter
- Downsampler filter
- FM filter
- Envelope generators
- Mod Matrix
- Modulation routing
- Motion mode
- Trim mode
- More menu
- Sculpture overview
- Sculpture interface
- Global parameters
- Amplitude envelope parameters
- Use the Waveshaper
- Filter parameters
- Output parameters
- Define MIDI controllers
- Extended parameters
- Studio Piano
- Copyright

Alchemy Transform pad in MainStage
When simple view is active, or if the Perform button is on in the Perform/Arp/Effects section in other views, the performance controls subpage is displayed.
Alchemy presets contain eight snapshots of performance control settings, numbered 1 to 8. By default, snapshot 1 is selected. This is indicated by the framing box.

Transform pad controls
In addition to the parameters outlined, you can Control-click directly on snapshots in the Transform pad to open a shortcut menu with a number of snapshot and other commands. See the tasks in this section for details about use of these commands.
Transform pad: Drag the framing box to different positions to morph between performance snapshots in real time. The performance control knobs update, modulating the associated parameters.
Action menu button: Open a pop-up menu with a number of snapshot-related commands.
Copy Snapshot: Store all performance control settings of the selected snapshot in a buffer.
Paste Snapshot: Paste all performance control settings from the buffer to the selected snapshot.
Copy 1 To All: Copy all performance control settings of snapshot 1 into snapshots 2 to 8.
Clear: Capture the current performance control values and apply them directly to target parameters, preserving the current sound. Following use of the command, all performance control and Transform pad assignments are cleared, all controls are reset to zero, and the knob and pad name fields are wiped.
Randomize Snapshots: Create random performance control values for all snapshots except the currently active snapshot.
Auto Assign All: Automatically assign all performance controls to appropriate parameters in the current preset. This command also generates a random set of snapshots that are derived from the settings in snapshot 1. This is the quickest way to start with the performance controls.
Auto Assign Empty: Automatically assign all unused performance controls to appropriate parameters in the current preset. Existing performance control assignments are not affected, and no snapshot settings are created.
Snapshot Update: Enable to immediately write changes of performance control values to the nearest Transform pad snapshot. This prevents the performance knob from reverting to its previous position when you move a performance knob and then move the Transform pad framing box slightly.
Tip: This parameter is on by default, but you can enable or disable it as preferred and then save the default preset in the plug-in header to recall this behavior in new presets.
Octave pop-up menu: Define an octave range used to switch between Transform pad positions when you play notes within the specified range.
Rate field: Drag vertically or use the arrows to set the speed of movement (interpolation) between snapshots when switching from a MIDI keyboard.
ModWheel pop-up menu: Assign your keyboard modulation wheel to a performance control. This can be any knob, the x- or y-axis of pads, or the envelope controls. Set to None to disable modwheel control of performance controls. A setting of None is remembered between presets. See Alchemy performance control knobs in MainStage, Alchemy XY pads in MainStage, and Alchemy performance control envelopes in MainStage.
Each modwheel target offers an inverted option. This is useful when using a spring-loaded modulation wheel as it stops the target performance control from closing when the modulation wheel is released.
Snap Vol field: Set the intensity of change from one snapshot to the next. In essence, this sets an initial level between snapshots.
All snapshots should be approximately the same volume, with a peak level around –5 dB. You should also be mindful of relative volume levels between snapshots. For example, a soft pad and a distorted lead could both peak at –5 dB, but the lead may seem louder. In this scenario, lower the volume of the lead, rather than increase the pad level, so that relative volume levels seem similar between the pad and lead sounds.
Create and store a Transform pad snapshot
Unique variations should be created for each snapshot. Though the degree of variation is up to you, the changes should be significant, rather than simple filter or effect level changes. If your snapshots all sound like basic variations of the same sound, look at changing your performance control assignments to make them more flexible and complex. This will allow you to create more interesting and dynamic snapshots.
In Alchemy in MainStage, click the Transform pad snapshot you want to use.
Set each of the performance controls as required.
Control-click anywhere on the Transform pad, then choose Store Current Snapshot from the shortcut menu.
Note: Store Current Snapshot only applies if; Update Snapshot is disabled in the Transform pad File pop-up menu, if the framing box is not directly aligned with a Transform pad slot, or if you want to save the current settings to a different Transform pad slot.
Name or rename the selected Transform pad snapshot
Aim for a unique and descriptive name for each snapshot. Keep things simple and clear; if snapshot 1 is a bass, snapshot 2 is a pad, and snapshot 3 is arpeggiated, this should be represented in the name. If your variations are less straightforward to differentiate, use a name that describes the effect on the sound.
Note: Snapshot names are indexed and appear as text search results in the Browser. Snapshot names are also passed to Smart Controls.
In Alchemy in MainStage, click the Transform pad snapshot you want to name or rename.
Control-click anywhere on the Transform pad, then choose Rename Current from the shortcut menu.
Enter text in the highlighted text input field, then press Enter.
Replicate the selected Transform pad snapshot
In Alchemy in MainStage, click the Transform pad snapshot you want to replicate.
Control-click anywhere on the Transform pad, then choose Store Current Snapshot from the shortcut menu.
Control-click anywhere on the Transform pad, then choose Store Snapshot > (target snapshot) 1-8, or All from the shortcut menu.
The stored snapshot is replicated in the target snapshot. If All is chosen, all eight snapshots are identical.
Swap a Transform pad snapshot
In Alchemy in MainStage, click the Transform pad snapshot you want to swap.
Control-click anywhere on the Transform pad, then choose Swap Current Snapshot from the shortcut menu.
Choose the target snapshot 1-8 from the submenu.
The positions of the two snapshots are swapped.
Switch between Transform pad snapshots with your MIDI keyboard
In Alchemy in MainStage, select a MIDI note name, such as C4 from the Octave pop-up menu below the Transform pad.
The first eight notes of the chosen octave are assigned to snapshots 1–8.
Press one of the assigned keys on your controller to select the corresponding snapshot.
Note: MIDI notes assigned to snapshots do not trigger Alchemy voices. Choose Off from the Octave menu to make notes play across the entire range of MIDI note numbers.
Drag vertically in the Rate field to set the speed of movement between snapshots. You may also want to adjust the Snap Vol field value to set initial levels between snapshots.