If you can’t see songs in iTunes on PC
When you insert a CD into your computer’s disc drive (or an external drive connected to your computer), iTunes finds the CD in the Gracenote media database on the internet and displays the name and other track information for each song. If songs appear as “Track 01”, “Track 02” and so on, either you aren’t connected to the internet or iTunes can’t find the CD’s information.
If you’re not connected to the internet, you can import the songs anyway and look up the CD information the next time you’re connected.
If your network uses an HTTP proxy, make sure the settings in the internet Options control panel are correct.
Look up CD information in the Gracenote media database
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Make sure you’re connected to the internet and have a CD inserted in your computer’s disc drive (or external drive connected to your computer).
If you can’t see information for the CD, click
near the top left of the iTunes window.
Select a song or songs (press and hold the Shift key to select multiple adjacent songs, or the Control key to select multiple non-adjacent songs).
near the top right of the iTunes window, then choose Get Track Names.
Select the entry for the CD.
If there’s more than one entry for the CD you’re looking up, select the first one to see if it includes the correct information. If it doesn’t, choose Get Track Names again and try another entry. (A CD can have more than one entry if more than one person submitted information for the same CD to the Gracenote service.)
Send CD information to Gracenote
If the Gracenote service has no entry for a CD, you can enter your own song information and submit it to Gracenote so other people can use it. Don’t submit information for custom CDs you created, because those aren’t available to other iTunes users.
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Make sure you’re connected to the internet and have a CD inserted in your computer’s disc drive (or external drive connected to your computer).
If you can’t see information for the CD, click
near the top left of the iTunes window.
Enter the song information of any of the songs.
near the top right of the window, then choose Submit CD Track Names.
Enter the artist and album information, then click OK.