Remove photos from an iCloud Shared Photo Library on Mac
You can move items that you contributed to the shared library back to your personal library. After you move items to your personal library, other participants can no longer see them. You can’t move items contributed by others to your personal library.
You and other participants can also delete photos and videos from the shared library. Even if you delete a photo from a shared library, that photo may still be in your or another participant’s personal library.
Move photos and videos back to your personal library
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click the Library pop-up menu in the toolbar and choose Shared Library.
Select the items you want to move to your personal library.
Choose Image > Move [number] Photos to your Personal Library.
You can also Control-click one of the selected items and choose Move [number] Photos to your Personal Library.
Delete photos and videos from a shared library
Items that you and other participants delete are placed in Recently Deleted (under Utilities in the sidebar), where they remain for 30 days and then are permanently deleted. You can recover deleted photos to the shared library before they’re permanently deleted. If another participant deletes a photo or video that you contributed, you receive a notification and continue to receive notifications every 7 days.
Note: To start or stop receiving notifications, select or deselect the Deletion Notifications checkbox in Shared Library settings. See Photos settings.
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click the Library pop-up menu in the toolbar and choose Shared Library.
Select the items you want to delete from the shared library.
Choose Image > Delete [number] Photos.
To view deleted items, click Recently Deleted under Utilities in the sidebar. Only the person who contributed an item can delete it permanently from Recently Deleted. See Delete photos and videos.
Important: If you delete photos or videos that you added to the shared library, you won’t have copies of them in your personal library. To keep these items, move them to your personal library instead of deleting them.