Create or join shared albums in Photos on Mac
After you turn on Shared Albums, you can create a shared album to share your photos and videos. People you invite can join the shared album and like or comment on items.
Create a shared album
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Select the photos and videos you want to share.
in the toolbar, choose Shared Albums, add an optional comment, then click New Shared Album.
Type a name for the shared album, then type the email addresses of the people you want to share the album with.
If you want subscribers to be able to view the shared album from an iPhone or iPad, be sure to use the email addresses they use to sign in to their Apple Account.
Click Create.
The people you invite receive an email asking them to subscribe to your shared album.
View a shared album
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click a shared album under Shared Albums in the sidebar.
You can also click Shared Albums in the sidebar to see all your shared albums, then double-click a shared album to view it.
to see all your shared albums again.
Join a shared album
When someone invites you to join their shared album, you receive an email or text message with the invitation. In the invitation email, click Subscribe, then click Join.
If you don’t join the shared album that way, you can also do the following:
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click Activity in the sidebar, under Shared Albums.
Click Accept.
Note: The person who created the album receives a notification when someone accepts the invitation to join a shared album.
Delete or remove yourself from a shared album
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click Shared Albums in the sidebar.
Control-click an album, then choose Delete Shared Album or Unsubscribe from Shared Album.
WARNING: Before you leave or delete a shared album, make sure you’ve downloaded any photos and videos that others have added to the album and that you want to keep. If you think your subscribers might want to keep any photos or video from the album, you should alert them to save the items before you delete the shared album. The photos you shared aren’t deleted from your Photos library.
View activity, like and comment on a photo in a shared album
You can see the latest activity in your shared albums, including photos that have been recently added and who added them.
Go to the Photos app
on your Mac.
Click Activity below Shared Albums in the sidebar, then scroll to view changes.
To like or comment, double-click a photo, then click
in the lower-left corner of the photo.
Do any of the following:
Like a photo or video: Click Like.
Add a comment to a photo or video: Click Add a Comment, then type your comment.
Click Send.
When you like or comment on an item, a notification is sent to the shared album’s creator and all subscribers. To delete a comment you added to an item, hold the pointer over the comment and click the Delete button.