Change Advanced preferences in Safari on Mac
In the Safari app on your Mac, use Advanced preferences to increase accessibility, specify a style sheet, change the default encoding and turn on the Develop menu. To change these preferences, choose Safari > Preferences, then click Advanced.
Option | Description | ||||||||||
Show full website address | Have the Smart Search field show the full address of the website you’re viewing instead of just the domain name. For example, www.apple.com/uk/osx/whats-new/ instead of apple.com. | ||||||||||
Never use font sizes smaller than | Set a minimum font size for text in web pages (doesn’t affect text in images). If you’re unsure what to choose, try 12 or 14. This option may change the appearance of some web pages. | ||||||||||
Press Tab to highlight each item on a web page | Move around a web page to highlight links and buttons without using the mouse. | ||||||||||
Save articles for offline reading automatically | Keep the web pages in your Reading List available for times when you’re not connected to the Internet. | ||||||||||
Style sheet | To use your own CSS instead of web page style sheets, click the pop-up menu, then choose Other. | ||||||||||
Default encoding | Use an encoding appropriate for the language of the web pages you view most often. This option is useful if web pages appear garbled. To change the encoding for a specific web page, view the page in Safari, then choose View > Text Encoding. | ||||||||||
Proxies | Adjust settings related to accessing the Internet through a firewall. | ||||||||||
Show Develop menu in menu bar | Access tools for developing websites with Safari. |