Play video clips in Photos on Mac
You can play video clips you’ve imported into your Photos library, and even trim the length of a clip. You can also display and change slow-motion and time-lapse video clips imported from an iPhone.
For information about playing or editing Live Photos, see Play Live Photos and Edit a Live Photo.
Play a video clip
In the Photos app
on your Mac, double-click the video clip to open it.
When you hold the pointer over a video, the video controls appear.
Click the Play button
You can use the video controls to pause the video clip, fine-tune the sound, and more.
Tip: To view a video frame by frame, position the pointer over the clip to display the player controls, then click the Action pop-up menu
and choose Show Frame Stepping Buttons.
Trim a video clip
You can trim a video clip so only a certain part of it plays. Trimming a video clip doesn’t actually delete footage; you can recover any trimmed footage later.
In the Photos app
on your Mac, double-click the video clip to open it.
Position the pointer over the clip to display the player controls, then click the Action pop-up menu
and choose Trim.
Drag the yellow trim handle at either end to shorten the clip, then click Trim.
Tip: To make more precise edits, click and hold a trim handle to see the individual frames of a video.
To cancel the trim, click the Action pop-up menu and choose Reset Trim.
Change slow-motion video
You can change when a slow-motion video slows down and speeds up again.
In the Photos app
on your Mac, click the disclosure triangle next to Media Types in the sidebar, then click the Slo-Mo album in the sidebar.
Double-click a video clip to open it.
Drag the slow-motion controls to change when the clip begins to slow down and speed up again.