
Keyboard shortcuts for Pages on Mac
You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly accomplish many tasks in Pages. To use a keyboard shortcut, press all the keys in the shortcut at the same time.
Note: Some keyboard shortcuts can be changed in System Settings and may not match what is listed here.
Action | Shortcut |
Start dictation | Fn-D To change your dictation settings, choose Apple menu |
Create a new document (open the template chooser) | Command-N |
Open the template chooser and show the Language pop-up menu | Option-Command-N |
Close the template chooser | Esc |
Open an existing document (open the document manager) | Command-O |
Save a document | Command-S |
Save As | Option-Shift-Command-S |
Duplicate a document | Shift-Command-S |
Print a document | Command-P |
Open the Pages User Guide | Shift-Command-Question Mark (?) |
Close a window | Command-W |
Close all windows | Option-Command-W |
Minimize a window | Command-M |
Minimize all windows | Option-Command-M |
Enter full-screen view | Control-Command-F |
Increase text size | Command-Plus Sign (+) |
Decrease text size | Command-Minus Sign (-) |
Zoom in | Shift-Command-Right Angle Bracket (>) |
Zoom out | Shift-Command-Left Angle Bracket (<) |
Zoom to selection | Shift-Command-0 |
Return to actual size | Command-0 |
Show or hide the ruler | Command-R |
Open the Page Setup window | Shift-Command-P |
Show or hide layout boundaries | Shift-Command-L |
Show formatting characters (invisibles) | Shift-Command-I |
Choose a file to insert | Shift-Command-V |
Show the Colors window | Shift-Command-C |
Hide or show the toolbar | Option-Command-T |
Rearrange an item in the toolbar | Command-drag |
Remove an item from the toolbar | Command-drag away from the toolbar |
Hide or show sidebars on the right side of the Pages window | Option-Command-I |
Open the next tab in the sidebar | Control-Accent Grave (`) |
Open the previous tab in the sidebar | Shift-Control-Accent Grave (`) |
Hide Pages | Command-H |
Hide windows of other applications | Option-Command-H |
Undo the last action | Command-Z |
Redo the last action | Shift-Command-Z |
Open Pages settings | Command-comma (,) |
Quit Pages | Command-Q |
Quit Pages and keep windows open | Option-Command-Q |
Move around within a document
Action | Shortcut |
Move one character to the left | Left Arrow |
Move one character to the right | Right Arrow |
Move one character backward (works for left-to-right and right-to-left text) | Control-B |
Move one character forward (works for left-to-right and right-to-left text) | Control-F |
Move to the line above | Up Arrow |
Move to the line below | Down Arrow |
Move to the beginning of the current or previous word | Control-Option-B |
Move to the left edge of the current word (works for left-to-right and right-to-left text) | Option-Left Arrow |
Move to the end of the current or next word | Control-Option-F |
Move to the right edge of the current word (works for left-to-right and right-to-left text) | Option-Right Arrow |
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the current text area (document, text box, shape, or table cell) | Command-Up Arrow |
Move the insertion point to the bottom of the current text area (document, text box, shape, or table cell) | Command-Down Arrow |
Move to the beginning of the paragraph | Control-A or Option-Up Arrow |
Move to the end of the paragraph | Control-E or Option-Down Arrow |
Move to the left edge of the current line | Command-Left Arrow |
Move to the right edge of the current line | Command-Right Arrow |
Scroll up one page without moving the insertion point | Fn-Up Arrow or Page Up |
Scroll down one page without moving the insertion point | Fn-Down Arrow or Page Down |
Scroll up one page and move the insertion point | Option-Page Up |
Scroll down one page and move the insertion point | Control-V or Option-Page Down |
Move to the beginning of the document without moving the insertion point | Home or Fn-Left Arrow |
Move to the end of the document without moving the insertion point | End or Fn-Right Arrow |
Center the insertion point in the center of the application window | Control-L |
Go to a specific page | Control-Command-G |
Select text
Action | Shortcut |
Select one or more characters | Click in front of the first character and drag across the characters you want to select |
Select a word | Double-click the word |
Select a paragraph | Triple-click in the paragraph |
Select all objects and text | Command-A |
Deselect all objects and text | Shift-Command-A |
Extend the text selection | Click in the text, then Shift-click in another location in the text |
Extend the selection one character to the right | Shift-Right Arrow |
Extend the selection one character to the left | Shift-Left Arrow |
Extend the selection to the end of the current word, then to the end of subsequent words | Option-Shift-Right Arrow |
Extend the selection to the beginning of the current word | Option-Shift-Left Arrow |
Extend the selection to the end of the current line | Shift-Command-Right Arrow |
Extend the selection to the beginning of the current line | Shift-Command-Left Arrow |
Extend the selection to the line above | Shift-Up Arrow |
Extend the selection to the line below | Shift-Down Arrow |
Extend the selection to the beginning of the current paragraph | Option-Shift-Up Arrow |
Extend the selection to the end of the current paragraph | Option-Shift-Down Arrow |
Extend the selection to the beginning of the text | Shift-Command-Up Arrow or Shift-Home |
Extend the selection to the end of the text | Shift-Command-Down Arrow or Shift-End |
Select a bullet and its text | Click the bullet |
Move a bullet and its text, with its sub-bullets and text | Click the bullet and drag |
Format text
Action | Shortcut |
Show the Fonts window | Command-T |
Show the Colors window | Shift-Command-C |
Apply boldface to selected text | Command-B |
Apply italic to selected text | Command-I |
Apply underline to selected text | Command-U |
Delete the previous character or selection | Delete or Control-H |
Delete the next character or selection | Control-D or Forward Delete (not available on all keyboards) |
Delete the word before the insertion point | Option-Delete |
Delete the word after the insertion point | Option-Forward Delete (not available on all keyboards) |
Delete the text between the insertion point and the next paragraph break | Control-K |
Make the font size bigger | Command-Plus Sign (+) |
Make the font size smaller | Command-Minus Sign (-) |
Decrease (tighten) the space between selected characters | Option-Command-Left Bracket ([) |
Increase (loosen) the space between selected characters | Option-Command-Right Bracket (]) |
Make the text superscript | Control-Command-Plus Sign (+) |
Make the text subscript | Control-Command-Minus Sign (-) |
Align the text flush left | Command-Left Brace ({) |
Center the text | Command-Vertical Bar (|) |
Align the text flush right | Command-Right Brace (}) |
Align the text flush left and flush right (justify) | Option-Command-Vertical Bar (|) |
Decrease the indent level of a block of text or a list item | Command-Left Bracket ([) |
Increase the indent level of a block of text or a list item | Command-Right Bracket (]) |
Decrease the indent level of a list item | Shift-Tab |
Increase the indent level of a list item | Tab |
Turn text or an object into a link | Command-K |
Add a bookmark | Option-Command-B |
Cut the selection | Command-X |
Copy the selection | Command-C |
Copy the paragraph style | Option-Command-C |
Paste the selection | Command-V |
Paste the paragraph style | Option-Command-V |
Paste and match the style of the destination text | Option-Shift-Command-V |
Copy the graphic style of text | Option-Command-C |
Paste the graphic style of text | Option-Command-V |
Add a range to (or remove it from) the selection | Shift-drag |
Insert a nonbreaking space | Option-Space bar |
Insert a line break (soft return) | Shift-Return |
Insert a paragraph break | Return |
Insert a new line after the insertion point | Control-O |
Insert a page break | Command-Return |
Enter special characters | Control-Command-Space bar |
Transpose the characters on either side of the insertion point | Control-T |
Add an EndNote bibliography | Shift-Option-Command-E |
Apply a paragraph, character, or list style using your own shortcut |
Find and delete text, use comments, and check spelling
Action | Shortcut |
Delete the previous character or selection | Delete |
Delete the next character or selection | Fn-Delete or Forward Delete (not available on all keyboards) |
Find | Command-F |
Find next (while in the Find window) | Command-G |
Find previous (while in the Find window) | Shift-Command-G |
Place the selected text in the Find & Replace text field | Command-E |
Replace text | Return |
Scroll the window to show the selected text or object | Command-J |
Hide the Find window | Esc |
Look up the word at the insertion point | Control-Command-D |
Display a list of words to complete the selected word | Option-Esc |
Check spelling and grammar | Command-Semicolon (;) |
Show the “Spelling and Grammar” window | Shift-Command-Colon (:) |
Highlight text | Shift-Command-H |
Open a new comment for the selected text, object, or table cell | Shift-Command-K |
Save a comment | Command-Return |
Show the next comment | Option-Command-K |
Show the previous comment | Option-Shift-Command-K |
Accept a change (when change tracking is on) | Option-Command-A |
Reject a change (when change tracking is on) | Option-Command-R |
Show or hide word count | Shift-Command-W |
Enter or exit Edit Page Template view | Shift-Command-E |
Move, group, layer, and resize objects
Action | Shortcut |
Select all objects | Command-A |
Deselect all objects | Shift-Command-A |
Select objects by dragging | In page layout documents, drag from a blank part of the page around objects. Option-drag to select objects outward from the starting point. |
Scroll zoom | For Magic Mouse or a trackpad: Option-Command-scroll |
Add or remove objects from the selection | Command-drag |
Select the previous object on the page | Shift-Tab |
Select or deselect additional objects | Command-click or Shift-click |
Move selected objects | Drag |
Move the selected object one point | Press an arrow key |
Move the selected object ten points | Press Shift and an arrow key |
Move the selected object one screen pixel | Press an arrow key |
Move the selected object ten screen pixels | Press Shift and an arrow key |
Copy the graphic style | Option-Command-C |
Paste the graphic style | Option-Command-V |
Apply the shape style but not its text style | Option-click the shape style in the sidebar on the right side of the Pages window |
Send the selected object to the back | Shift-Command-B |
Send the selected object one layer back | Option-Shift-Command-B |
Bring the selected object to the front | Shift-Command-F |
Bring the selected object one layer forward | Option-Shift-Command-F |
Group selected objects | Option-Command-G |
Ungroup selected objects | Option-Shift-Command-G |
Select an object in a group | Double-click the object |
Select the next object in a group | Tab |
Select the previous object in a group | Shift-Tab |
End editing an object, then select the group | Select an object in the group, then press Command-Return |
Lock selected objects | Command-L |
Unlock selected objects | Option-Command-L |
Duplicate the object | Option-arrow key or Option-drag |
Constrain the movement of the object horizontally, vertically, or diagonally (45°) | Shift-drag |
Resize the object | Drag a selection handle |
Disable alignment guides while moving or resizing an object | Command-drag |
Resize the object from the center | Option-drag a selection handle |
Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing the object | Shift-drag a selection handle |
Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing the object from the center | Option-Shift-drag a selection handle |
Rotate the object | Command-drag a selection handle |
Rotate the object 45° | Press Shift while rotating |
Rotate the object around the opposite handle (instead of the center) | Option-Command-drag a selection handle |
Rotate the object 45° around the opposite handle (instead of the center) | Option-Shift-Command-drag a selection handle |
Mask or unmask the image | Shift-Command-M |
Hide image mask controls | Return, Enter, or double-click |
Show image mask controls | Double-click the masked image |
Open the shortcut menu for the selected item | Control-click the item |
Exit text editing and select the object | Command-Return |
Choose an object to insert | Shift-Command-V |
Define the selected text as a text placeholder | Control-Option-Command-T |
Define the image or movie as a media placeholder | Control-Option-Command-I |
Modify editable shapes
Action | Shortcut |
Make a custom shape editable | Double-click the edge of the shape |
Draw a custom shape with the Pen tool | Option-Shift-Command-P |
Move a point of an editable shape | Drag the point to another location |
Delete a point of an editable shape | Click the point, then press Delete on your keyboard |
Add a sharp point to an editable shape | Command-drag the midpoint of a line |
Add a smooth point to an editable shape | Drag the midpoint of a line |
Add a Bézier point to an editable shape | Option-drag the midpoint of a line |
Change a curve point of an editable shape into a corner point | Double-click the curved point |
Reshape the curve of a smooth point | Drag the line adjacent to the smooth point |
Reshape the curve of a Bézier point | Click a Bézier point and drag the control |
Work with tables
Action | Shortcut |
Add a row above the selected cells | Option-Up Arrow |
Add a row below the selected cells | Option-Down Arrow |
Add a column to the right of the selected cells | Option-Right Arrow |
Add a column to the left of the selected cells | Option-Left Arrow |
Insert a row at the bottom of the table | Option-Return |
Select an entire row or column | Click the table, then click the letter for the column or the number for the row |
Select all rows that intersect the current selection | Option-Command-Return |
Select all columns that intersect the current selection | Control-Command-Return |
Select additional rows | Shift-Up Arrow or Shift-Down Arrow |
Select additional columns | Shift-Right Arrow or Shift-Left Arrow |
Select additional cells | Shift-click |
Select only body cells in a row or column | Double-click the letter for the column or the number for the row |
Move the cell selection to the beginning of the next row | Select a cell in the rightmost column, then press Tab |
Stop the reordering of rows or columns | Press Esc while dragging |
Select a table from a cell selection | Command-Return |
Select all content in a table | Select a cell, then press Command-A |
Delete the selected table, or the contents of selected cells | Delete |
Replace the contents of the selected cell with the contents of the destination cell | Press a cell, then drag it to another cell |
Copy the contents of the selected cell into the destination cell | Press a cell, then Option-drag it to another cell |
Copy cell style | Option-Command-C |
Paste cell style | Option-Command-V |
Paste and preserve the style of the destination cell | Option-Shift-Command-V |
Extend the selection from the selected cell to the destination cell | Shift-click in the destination cell |
Select a cell | Click a cell in a selected table (double-click a cell in an unselected table) |
Add a cell to (or remove it from) the selection | Command-click a selected or unselected cell |
Begin text editing | Return or Enter (in a selected cell) |
Auto-align cell content | Option-Command-U |
Stop editing the cell and select the cell | Command-Return |
Stop editing the cell and select the table | Command-Return twice |
Move the selected table one point | Press an arrow key |
Move the selected table ten points | Press Shift and an arrow key |
Constrain the movement of the table horizontally, vertically, or diagonally (45°) | Shift-drag the table |
Resize all columns in a table proportionately | Select the table, then Shift-drag a resize handle |
Select the next cell to the left, right, up, or down | Press an arrow key (from a selected cell) |
Extend the cell selection by one cell | Press Shift and an arrow key (from a selected cell) |
Select the next cell | Tab |
Select the previous cell | Shift-Tab |
Insert a tab when editing text or a formula | Option-Tab |
Insert a line break (soft return) when editing text in a cell | Shift-Return |
Insert a paragraph break (hard return) when editing text in a cell | Return |
Open the Formula Editor for the selected nonformula cell | Equal Sign (=) |
Open the Formula Editor for the cell containing a formula or formatted number | Double-click |
In the Formula Editor, commit changes | Return or Tab |
In the Formula Editor, discard changes | Esc |
Select the first populated cell in the current row | Option-Command-Left Arrow |
Select the last populated cell in the current row | Option-Command-Right Arrow |
Select the first populated cell in the current column | Option-Command-Up Arrow |
Select the last populated cell in the current column | Option-Command-Down Arrow |
Delete selected rows | Option-Command-Delete |
Delete selected columns | Control-Command-Delete |
Select the table name | Shift-Tab |
Select the first cell in a selected table | Return |
Expand the current selection to include the first populated cell in the current row | Option-Shift-Command-Left Arrow |
Expand the current selection to include the last populated cell in the current row | Option-Shift-Command-Right Arrow |
Expand the current selection to include the first populated cell in the current column | Option-Shift-Command-Up Arrow |
Expand the current selection to include the last populated cell in the current column | Option-Shift-Command-Down Arrow |
Merge selected cells | Control-Command-M |
Unmerge selected cells | Control-Shift-Command-M |
Add or remove the top border | Control-Option-Command-Up Arrow |
Add or remove the bottom border | Control-Option-Command-Down Arrow |
Add or remove the right border | Control-Option-Command-Right Arrow |
Add or remove the left border | Control-Option-Command-Left Arrow |
Turn on autofill mode | Command-Backslash (\) |
Autofill from the column before | Control-Command-Backslash (\) |
Autofill from the row above | Option-Command-Backslash (\) |
Edit chart data
Action | Shortcut |
Insert an equation | Option-Command-E |
Show or hide the Chart Data editor | Shift-Command-D |
Complete a cell entry and move the selection down | Return |
Complete a cell entry and move the selection up | Shift-Return |
Complete a cell entry and move the selection to the right | Tab |
Complete a cell entry and move the selection to the left | Shift-Tab |
Move one character to the left or right | Press the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key |
Move to the beginning of text or to the end of text | Press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key |
Move the chart legend one point | Select the legend, then press an arrow key |
Move the chart legend ten points | Select the legend, then hold down Shift and press an arrow key |
Create cell references in formulas
Action | Shortcut |
Navigate to and select a single cell | Press Option and an arrow key |
Extend or shrink a selected cell reference | Press Option-Shift and an arrow key |
Navigate to and select the first or last cell in a row or column | Press Option-Command and an arrow key |
Change a selected cell reference back to text | Select a reference and press Option-Return |
Specify absolute and relative attributes of selected cell references | Press Command-K or Shift-Command-K to move forward or backward through options |
Specify absolute and relative attributes of the first and last cells of selected cell references | Press Option-Command-K or Option-Shift-Command-K to move forward or backward through options |