Use VoiceOver with automation in GarageBand for iPad
In GarageBand for iPad, you can use VoiceOver gestures to create and edit volume automation points for each track.
To learn more about using automation in your song, see Automate volume changes in GarageBand for iPad.
Open automation
Navigate to a track icon, turn the VoiceOver rotor to Actions, swipe up or down until you hear “Automation,” then double-tap.
Activate automation lane
After you open automation, swipe horizontally until you hear the track name and number followed by “Automation Points,” then double-tap.
The automation lane is activated and the VoiceOver cursor moves to an automation point at the beginning of the first bar.
Create automation points
After you activate the automation lane, do one of the following:
Create an automation point at the next beat: Turn the VoiceOver rotor to Actions, swipe up or down until you hear “Create New Automation on the Next Beat,” then double-tap.
Create an automation point between existing automation points: Swipe left or right to select the automation point to the left of where you want the new automation point to appear. Turn the VoiceOver rotor to Actions, swipe up or down until you hear “Create New Automation Point Between This and the Next Point,” then double-tap.
Select automation points
After you create automation points, navigate to an automation point, then double-tap.
To select multiple automation points, navigate to each point you want to add to the selection, then double-tap. To deselect an automation point, navigate to it, then double-tap again.
Move automation points
Select one or more automation points, double-tap and hold until you hear three rising tones, then drag horizontally or vertically.
Delete automation points
Select one or more automation points, turn the VoiceOver rotor to Actions, swipe up or down until you hear “Delete,” then double-tap.
Close automation
Navigate to the Done button, then double-tap.
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