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Innovation Hubs

Embark on a journey of innovation with Textile ETP! Since 2023, we are coordinating dynamic Innovation Hubs that serve as vibrant place for collaboration.

Join forces with other textile companies, research organisations, brands, and retailers in a thriving ecosystem. Uncover, network, and collaborate on the latest hot topics shaping the future of the textile industry.

Circular & Biobased Textiles Innovation Hub

Together with STFI (DE), RISE (SE), Centexbel (BE), Centrocot (IT), and CETI (FR), the Textile ETP has launched the Circular & Biobased Textiles Innovation Hub to help textile companies, research organisations, brands and retailers to learn, network and collaborate on the hot topics of circular and biobased textiles.

Combining online and in-person events, the Innovation Hub offers a wide scale of formats and targets a broad range of textile sustainability and circularity topics, so that textile professionals from different backgrounds can all find relatable and valuable content.

SmartX Innovation Hub

Together with Titera (DE), AEI Tèxtils (ES), CeNTi (PT), IVGT (DE), University of Borås's Swedish School of Textiles (SE), Science Park Borås (SE), the Textile ETP has launched the SmartX Innovation Hub to help e-textile and high-performance textile companies, research organisations and brands to learn, network and collaborate.

The Hub follows the conclusion of the SmartX Europe project, a Horizon2020 initiative dedicated to boosting e-textiles and wearables into the market. One of the most notable achievements of the project was the realization that learning, sharing, and cross-sector collaboration can play a significant role in innovation.
