Actor Shanthi Priya has addressed the backlash surrounding her upcoming Tamil coming-of-age drama 'Bad Girl'. She directly responded to recent criticism from director Mohan G Kshatriyan, who took issue with the film’s depiction of Brahmins, criticising producer
Vetri Maaran and presenter
Anurag Kashyap for allegedly misrepresenting the community.
In response, Shanthi Priya defended the film’s intent, highlighting cinema’s role in reflecting real-life issues rather than targeting any particular group. She emphasised that 'Bad Girl' is designed to initiate meaningful discussions rather than create division.
check out the post here:
She wrote on X (formerly Twitter), "Art is a medium of expression, and cinema often reflects the complexities of society, relationships, and identities. Films like these aim to break stereotypes and shed light on unexplored narratives, often challenging societal norms across all communities, not just one. Portraying the life of a Brahmin girl (or anyone from a particular community) is not about 'bashing' but about storytelling—presenting raw, authentic characters that represent reality (sic)."
Shanthi Priya further extended her support to Vetri Maaran and Anurag Kashyap, recognising their distinctive approach to filmmaking. "Vetri Maaran and Anurag Kashyap are known for their bold and unflinching take on social themes, tackling inequalities and uncomfortable truths. Their intention is not to offend but to spark conversation and encourage audiences to reflect on the intricacies of life and tradition. Art doesn’t have to align with everyone’s comfort zone—it is meant to provoke thought and promote empathy for experiences beyond our own (sic)."
She concluded, "Rather than perceiving such stories as an attack, they can be seen as an opportunity for introspection and understanding. Every community has its challenges, and showcasing them in cinema adds to its richness and relevance (sic)."
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Earlier, director Mohan G Kshatriyan had criticised Vetri Maaran and Anurag Kashyap on X, stating, "Portraying a Brahmin girl’s personal life is always seen as bold and refreshing by this clan. What more can be expected from Vetri Maaran, Anurag Kashyap & Co.? Bashing Brahmin fathers and mothers is old and no longer trendy. Try featuring women from your own caste and showcase it to your own families first (sic)."
Helmed by Varsha Bharath, 'Bad Girl' stars Anjali Sivaraman, Shanthi Priya, Saranya Ravichandran, Hridhu Haroon, TeeJay Arunasalam, and Sashank Bommireddipalli in key roles.