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  • Voice of Conscience

The Voice of Conscience

Voice of Conscience is dedicated to raising human awareness on issues of concern that get lost in today's fast-paced living. It uses impactful visuals, numbers, facts to highlight issues that remind us to pause and spare a thought for the consequences of human actions.
Haunting call to action
James Nachtwey
TOI take:
Published on: Sep 04, 2024
This photo of a famine-stricken people in Somalia spurred global action. It broke through global apathy, leading to the Red Cross’s largest operation since WWII, saving 1.5 million lives. This documentation of human suffering exemplified power to provoke change and ignite human empathy.
Falling man
Richard Drew
TOI take:
Published on: Aug 28, 2024
The photograph of "The Falling Man" from September 11, 2001, powerfully captures one man’s desperate escape, symbolizing individuality amid mass tragedy. The image, both haunting and iconic, represents the human face of the catastrophe and served as a reminder of the personal losses within collective disaster.
Bloody Saturday
H S Wong
TOI take:
Published on: Aug 26, 2024
This haunting photograph of a Chinese baby amidst the ruins of the Shanghai South railway station captured the devastating impact of Japanese aggression during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Its wide dissemination galvanized global outrage, making it a powerful symbol of the atrocities inflicted upon innocent civilians, and igniting international condemnation.
The migrant mother
Dorothea Lange
TOI take:
Published on: Aug 19, 2024
The "Migrant Mother" photograph encapsulates the despair and resilience of a mother during the Great Depression. This haunting image became a symbol of the era's suffering, driving awareness and relief efforts. The photograph transcended mere documentation, sparking change through its raw portrayal of human endurance.
TOI take:
Published on: Aug 11, 2024
This iconic image, capturing workers perched high above the city, humanizes the immense risks faced by those who built America's skyscrapers. The photo immortalizes their bravery and the precariousness of their lives, while also highlighting the anonymity of the countless laborers whose efforts shaped the skyline yet remained unsung.
Eyes of starvation
Don McCullin
TOI take:
Published on: Aug 06, 2024
This photograph of starving children in Biafra captured the world's attention during the Nigerian Civil War. The stark depiction of suffering and malnutrition not only raised global awareness but also galvanized humanitarian efforts. The image underscored urgency for aid and contributed to establishment of welfare organizations.
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 30, 2024
The image from World War II, etched in history, captured the fear and innocence of a young boy surrendering to a German soldier. This image epitomizes the profound impact of war on children, stripping away their innocence and subjecting them to unimaginable horrors and trauma.
Tragic fire escape
Stanley Forman
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 30, 2024
In the tragic photo, a nineteen-year-old woman and two-year-old child plummet from a collapsing fire escape. Amidst the chaos and a firefighter’s rescue attempt, the fire escape gives way, resulting in a fall. The woman’s body cushioned the child, showcasing a heartbreaking moment of love and loss.
The Terror of War
Nick Ut
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 24, 2024
The Terror of War is a photograph by Nick Ut, capturing nine-year-old Kim Phúc running naked after a napalm attack during the Vietnam War on June 8, 1972. It became an iconic symbol of the war's brutality and civilian suffering, influencing public perception and policy on conflict.
Emotional homecoming
Louie Favorite
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 23, 2024
The photo poignantly captured a mother’s reunion with her daughter after a year-long deployment in Iraq. The emotional embrace highlighted the intense joy and relief of being reunited, symbolizing the profound sacrifices and deep bonds that military families endure during long separations.
The Burning Monk
Malcolm Browne
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 18, 2024
The Burning Monk refers to Thích Quảng Đức, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who self-immolated in Saigon in protest against the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government. His act became an iconic symbol of resistance against oppression.
The Tank Man
Jeff Widener
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 17, 2024
The Tank Man, depicts a Chinese man standing alone in front of a column of tanks during the Tiananmen Square protests. His act of defiance against military force symbolizes courage and resistance against oppression, making it an iconic symbol of peaceful protest worldwide.
Compassion amid flames
Mark Pardew
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 15, 2024
After Australian wildfire, a firefighter offered water to an exhausted koala, captured in the photo. This act of compassion highlighted the bushfires' severe impact on wildlife and brought global attention to environmental conservation efforts. The image underscored the urgent need to protect both human and animal lives.
Fragile hope
Mike Wells
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 10, 2024
This photograph by Mike Wells from 1980 captures the hands of a Catholic missionary and a malnourished boy from Uganda. The stark contrast between the healthy, robust hand of the missionary and the fragile hand of boy highlighted the devastating impact of the famine. This image underscored the dire circumstances of famine victims and drove attention to collective responsibility to provide humanitarian assistance and address the root causes of such suffering.
Cost of consumption
AI image
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 08, 2024
The image starkly illustrates the industrial scale of modern animal farming, driven by rising meat demand. Daily, over 9 lakh cows, 1.4 million goats, 1.7 million sheep, 3.8 million pigs, 12 million ducks, and 202 million chickens are slaughtered, significantly contributing to carbon emissions and environmental degradation, highlighting unsustainable meat consumption trends.
Cost of war
Aaron Thompson
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 07, 2024
The poignant image of 8-year-old Christian Golczynski receiving the flag from his father's coffin, who was killed in Iraq in 2007, symbolizes the personal cost of war. His restrained tears reflect the deep sacrifices of soldiers and their families, evoking empathy and highlighting the enduring pain and impact of conflict on loved ones.
The starving child
Kevin Carter
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 04, 2024
Kevin Carter’s photograph of a starving Sudanese girl, who collapsed on her way to a feeding centre while a vulture waited nearby, will always remain controversial. Carter was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his work. Tragically, just months after receiving the prestigious award, Carter took his own life.
Championing childhood
Lewis Hine
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 04, 2024
Lewis Hine's photograph of "breaker boys" powerfully depicted the harsh realities of child labor in coal mines. The young boys, dressed in worn clothes, stand solemnly, their faces marked by the strain of their grueling work. By documenting these boys' struggles, the photo helped ignite a movement for change. Hine's photograph, along with others like it, played a crucial role in raising public awareness and support for child labor laws.
Victims of human warfare
Brent Stirton
TOI take:
Published on: Jul 03, 2024
In Virunga National Park, a sanctuary for gorillas, the echoes of human strife left deep scars. In 2007, rangers discovered the lifeless body of Senkwekwe, a majestic male silverback gorilla, brutally murdered by individuals involved in the illegal charcoal trade. After Senkwekwe's death drew global attention, Virunga's gorilla population has witnessed significant growth.