With the vision of Bilkent University UNAM to create high quality and novel knowledge and train qualified human resources, Dr. Urartu Şeker provided the opportunity for high school students to delve into the realms of genetic engineering and synthetic #biology at the #Genetic #Engineering School, for the sixth time. A group of 23 students partook in a comprehensive program at UNAM from July 8-11, 2024, delving into the realms of genetic engineering and #biotechnology. Throughout these four days, they not only received extensive training in these subjects but also actively engaged in hands-on experiments. Throughout the program, students gained knowledge on topics such as #DNA replication, ancient DNA #research, protein analysis, and synthetic biology. They also had the opportunity to learn advanced #laboratory techniques, including Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and SDS gel electrophoresis, through hands-on experiments. Additionally, they gained detailed insights into the latest developments and applications in biotechnology and developed skills in reading and interpreting #scientific articles. https://lnkd.in/dMZddAWY --- Bilkent Üniversitesi UNAM özgün bilgi üretmek ve nitelikli insan kaynağı yetiştirmek vizyonuyla Dr. Urartu Şeker öncülüğünde 6.sı düzenlenen “Genetik Mühendisliği Okulu” ile lise öğrencileri genetik mühendisliği ve sentetik biyoloji ile tanıştı. 8-11 Temmuz 2024 tarihlerinde 23 lise öğrencisi, dört gün boyunca devam eden zengin program içeriği ile UNAM’ın altyapısında genetik mühendisliği ve biyoteknoloji konularında eğitim alırken, aynı zamanda birlikte çeşitli deneyler yapma fırsatını yakaladılar. Program süresince öğrenciler, DNA’nın çoğaltılması, antik DNA araştırmaları, protein analizleri ve sentetik biyoloji gibi konularda teorik bilgi edinmenin yanı sıra, Polimeraz Zincir Reaksiyonu (PCR) ve SDS jel elektroforezi gibi ileri seviye laboratuvar tekniklerini uygulamalı olarak öğrenme imkanı buldular. Ayrıca, biyoteknoloji alanındaki en güncel gelişmeler ve uygulamalar hakkında detaylı bilgi edinerek, bilimsel makalelerin nasıl okunup yorumlanacağı konusunda da beceriler kazandılar. https://lnkd.in/dQyNZegj Urartu Ozgur Safak Seker
UNAM Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology tarafından yayınlanan gönderi
En İlgili Gönderiler
🧬 Wrapping up my Master's Dissertation 🧫 I am thrilled to announce the completion of my master's dissertation, after two months of research and analysis. I explored the phase separation of a key protein in Arabidopsis thaliana. This research involved with utilising recombinant protein technology to generate the desired protein to analyse the phase separation behaviour in vitro 🔬. This work has strengthened my understanding of molecular plant biology and the hidden role of phase separation in plant cellular organisations. The protein under consideration is physiologically relevant and involved in plant stress responses. Interaction studies of the phase separated protein with another biologically significant enzyme will unravel the role of phase separation in plant stress responses and overall function 🌱. As part of my master's dissertation at the University of Leeds, I had got an opportunity to involved in this vital field. My work involved gene cloning, technical skills in laboratory equipment, hands on experience in protein expression and employment of bioinformatics tools to analyse the DNA sequence data. All these technical skills gave me an additional insight in studying the recombinant protein production of desired protein from the amino acid sequences 🧬. A huge thanks to my mentors Professor Alison Baker and Dr. Chi-Chuan Lin for their invaluable guidance and support throughout this journey. I'm excited to apply the skills I have gained so far for my future endeavours and research opportunities 🧑🔬. #proteinengineering #molecularbiology #plantbiotechnology #proteinphaseseparation #recombinantprotein
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Two PhD scholarships within computational host/microbiome genomics (hologenomics) The Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has two vacant 3-year PhD–position related to computational host/microbiome genomics (hologenomics), with the possibility of extension for up to one year. The positions are part of HoloGen, a MSCA Doctoral Network that will train the next generation of researchers in the emerging field of hologenomics. Microorganisms living in and on animal hosts impact nearly every biological process, and hologenomics aims to uncover how hosts and microbes interact. Understanding these interactions will transform fields spanning from basic biology to applied science in agrobiology, biomedicine, and more. HoloGen brings together experts from 18 partners across Europe (universities, research institutes and industries), and will combine expertise in symbiosis biology, microbial ecology, computational biology, and more. The network will offer the successful candidates an unprecedented learning environment, including a common training program and research visits to both academic and industry partners. https://lnkd.in/d4UYSD5N
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🚨Job Alert - 2 year Postdoc 🚨 Somayah Elsayed and myself seek an enthousiastic candidate for a two year postdoctoral position in the topic of Ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptides (RiPPs). The candidate will develop algorithms for the automated detection of characteristic #RiPP structural features in the microbial metabolome, identified through the characteristic MS/MS fragmentation pattern associated with them. This will facilitate the quick assessment of whether or not RiPPs are being produced by the bacteria, and the identification of the RiPP class being produced together with typical RiPP post translational modifications (PTMs). The resulting algorithms will be implemented into existing software solutions such as #FERMO that work with metabolomics data and will facilitate integrative omics mining for RiPPs by recognizing structural features from mass spectrometry data that can also be predicted from the genome. The postdoc will be part of two teams in Leiden and Wageningen and imbedded within a larger multidisciplinary NWO project, KIC Microbiome Mission, involving several public/private organizations in the Netherlands and abroad, that aims at the identification and implementations of RiPPs as potential plant biocontrol agents. For more information, and also to apply, go to: https://lnkd.in/gESNMnTK Please note that we will only consider candidates that apply through the link in the job advert. #Computational #Metabolomics #CompMetabolomics #MassSpec #Microbiology #Specialized #Metabolites #Peptides
Postdoc: Algorithmic developments to automatically detect RiPP structural features
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#Hiringalert Research Studentships (for PhD students): Workplan: 1. Explore the potential synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs, also known as "bioplastics") by marine microorganisms (found in coral reefs, seaweed, sea sponges, and fish) using advanced genetic exploration methods. 2. Identify the production of PHAs by the genetically favourable strains in laboratory settings using specific bioassays like Nile red staining and mass spectrometry. 3. Determine the optimal conditions for growth and biopolymer formation of selected bacterial strains using a blend of common sugars that imitate the carbohydrate composition of particular marine algae. 4. Evaluate the resistance of chosen PHA-producing bacteria to growth inhibitors that may be present in complex marine algae compounds and select a small group of potential strains (1 to 5) for further PHA production tests in small-scale bioreactors (2L). https://buff.ly/3TVJQsx
Research Studentships (for PhD students) - (BL99/2024-IST-ID)
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Pleased to share our landscaping article in Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) news regarding the current use of preprints in the fields of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, as well as the significance of preprints for early-career researchers (ECRs). Thank you, ASAPbio for your support! #Preprints #Biochemistry #MolecularBiology
Preprints: Catalysts in the publishing revolution
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I just completed LifeArc's Life Sciences: Biology Research on Forage. In the simulation I: Completed a job simulation involving optimizing experimental conditions for Lifearc's Biology Research team. Analyzed the differentiation protocol for optimization needs. Reviewed and compared experimental results. Populated presentation slides with data and conclusions. Found it difficult but really interesting and now definitely want to do a placement in research next year. Check out the simulation here: https://lnkd.in/gKHvKyY3 if you are interested in going into biochemistry/biology lab research! :)
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Two PhD scholarships (computational host/microbiome genomics (hologenomics)) Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) Norway The Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science Deadline: 10th November, 2024 ontact Professor Torgeir R. Hvidsten E-mail: torgeir.r.hvidsten@nmbu.no; phone +47 67232491 Website: https://lnkd.in/eVgQ7WaB #PhD #Bioinformatics #Microbiome #Genomics #Biotech #Foodscience #scholarship
Two PhD scholarships within computational host/microbiome genomics (hologenomics) (268532) | Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
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Submit Your Research Papers--ICBCS 2024 2nd International conference on Bioinformatics and computational studies (ICBCS 2024) September 14 ~ 15, 2024, Virtual Conference https://lnkd.in/gNgj5y8F Paper Submission Authors are invited to submit papers through the conference Submission System by August 24, 2024. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference. The proceedings of the conference will be published by International Journal on Bioinformatics and Biosciences (IJBB) series (Confirmed). Selected papers from ICBCS 2024, after further revisions, will be published in the special issue of the following journals International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES) International Journal of Advances in Biology (IJAB) Advanced Medical Sciences: An International Journal (AMS) Health Informatics - An International Journal (HIIJ) Bioscience & Engineering: An International Journal (BIOEJ) Advanced Energy: An International Journal (AEIJ) Submission Url https://lnkd.in/ghkm9dSJ Wikicfp Url https://lnkd.in/gZeGn73T Contact icbcs@itca2024.org #clinicians #genomics #humanphysiology #immunologylab #biologystudents #biotechnologists #bioinformaticslife #laboratorywork #dnatesting #immunology #multidisciplinary #lifesciences #cellbiology #medicalresearch #dnagenetics #molecularbiology #researcher #biologystudent #molecular #biotechnology #pharma #pathology #phdstudent #scientists #biochemistry #microbiology #biotech #laboratory #genetics #phd #dna #lab #research #botany #computerscience #biology #sciencefacts
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Have you ever experienced the thrill of working on a microscope? Join the conversation and share your favorite microorganism and its microscopic view in the comments below! As a science student or researcher, it's always fascinating to observe the intricacies of the microscopic world. Let's share our experiences and learn from each other. Don't forget to use the hashtags #microscope #microbiology #science #sciencestudent #letsbepractical #biotechnology #laboratory #research to connect with like-minded professionals.
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Submit Your Research Papers--ICBCS 2024 2nd International conference on Bioinformatics and computational studies (ICBCS 2024) September 14 ~ 15, 2024, Virtual Conference https://lnkd.in/g4dJjCbY Paper Submission Authors are invited to submit papers through the conference Submission System by August 03, 2024. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference. The proceedings of the conference will be published by International Journal on Bioinformatics and Biosciences (IJBB) series (Confirmed). Selected papers from ICBCS 2024, after further revisions, will be published in the special issue of the following journals International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES) International Journal of Advances in Biology (IJAB) Advanced Medical Sciences: An International Journal (AMS) Health Informatics - An International Journal (HIIJ) Bioscience & Engineering: An International Journal (BIOEJ) Advanced Energy: An International Journal (AEIJ) Submission Url https://lnkd.in/dmVB_RPH Wikicfp Url https://lnkd.in/gw4XptuS Contact icbcs@itca2024.org #clinicians #genomics #humanphysiology #immunologylab #biologystudents #biotechnologists #bioinformaticslife #laboratorywork #dnatesting #immunology #multidisciplinary #lifesciences #cellbiology #medicalresearch #dnagenetics #molecularbiology #researcher #biologystudent #molecular #biotechnology #pharma #pathology #phdstudent #scientists #biochemistry #microbiology #biotech #laboratory #genetics #phd #dna #lab #research #botany #computerscience #biology #science
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