1: 名無しさん@ 2024/07/19(金) 13:12:45.41 ID:PCnx53hq0● BE:886559449-PLT(22000)

スクリーンショット 2023-11-08 191522

Leeds streets in flames after violent thugs spark chaos and hurl bricks at police

Violent mobs have forced police to flee Leeds streets after hurling missiles at officers and setting fire to a bus.

Harehills, a multi-ethnic suburb in the northern city of Leeds in West Yorkshire, has been gripped
by mob chaos tonight which is spiralling into total 'lawless' carnage.
完全な "無法地帯 "の殺戮に発展している。

Angry gangs flipped over a police car, as footage shared on social media saw gangs of youths
punch a police car's windows and throw objects at it with officers inside, before breaking
into the windows while mobs look on and film the carnage.
怒りに燃えたギャングたちがパトカーをひっくり返した。ソーシャル・メディアで共有された映像では、若者たちのギャングがパトカーの窓ガラスを殴り、警察官が中にいるパトカーに物を投げつけ、 暴徒たちが殺戮の様子を撮影している間に窓ガラスに侵入する様子が映し出された。

Police had returned to the area after the bus was set alight but were then forced to
flee for their lives for the second time in a matter of hours according to locals.

no title

66: 名無しさん@ 2024/07/19(金) 16:51:59.68 ID:nq7DppRM0

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