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Aviaplan LLC

Aviaplan LLC

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CEE region Strategic Aviation Consultancy

Про нас

AVIAPLAN considers its mission for Ukrainian, CEE and CIS aviation industry in the support of its efficient integration with global aviation and implementation of the best international practices and managerial techniques. In this respect we are able to offer really independent aviation consulting to the different companies within aviation and tourism industries, public sector, financial institutions, as well as individuals.

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  • AIRLINES IN 2024: STARTUPS VS FAILURES 28 : 19 https://lnkd.in/dEPHH9gJ

    Переглянути сторінку організації для International Air Transport Association (IATA)

    867 192 послідовники

    In 2024, 28 new airlines started operations, while 19 airlines ceased flying. This marks the lowest number in a decade for both new entrants and exits, which may signal a temporary market stabilization. Looking back at 2024 and the past decade, Europe and Asia-Pacific emerged as the leading regions for new airline launches. This can be explained by the market liberalization and the robust economic growth respectively. In contrast, North America saw a relatively small number of new operators, reflecting its status as a mature and consolidated market. Learn more about the #WeeklyChart, new operations, and why the number of airlines that ceased operations has declined 👉 https://bit.ly/3Q7m9vO #aviation #airlines #flying #economics #business #supplychain #airtravel

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  • Aviation industry provides 87mln well paid jobs worldwide and represents 3.9% of the global GDP (4.1 trillions USD) - According to IATA reference on ATAG recent report

    Переглянути сторінку організації для International Air Transport Association (IATA)

    867 192 послідовники

    Aviation plays a critical role in the global economy. Consider this: In 2023 alone, the world’s #airlines collectively transported 4.4 billion passengers to airports all over the globe and carried 61.4 million tonnes of freight. To enable this activity, according to the latest ATAG Aviation Benefits Beyond Borders report, the industry supported a total of 87 million jobs and added USD 4.1 trillion of economic activity, equivalent to 3.9% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP). To put that into context, if #aviation were a country, it would rank 5th in size by GDP, similar to the size of Japan or India. Aviation serves as the only rapid global transportation network, making it indispensable for international business and #tourism. It plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and prosperity, particularly in developing countries, and is vital for the global distribution of goods, wealth, and #employment. The industry generates #jobs, facilitates #trade, and stimulates #tourism, among other benefits. Learn more about the #WeeklyChart and the significant value of air transport, including on a regional level 👉 https://bit.ly/3PXvHcI

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  • A five day in-depth & offline course in modern airport design by the most reputable Cranfield University Book the dates: 10-14 February 2025 Plan your upgrade!

    Переглянути сторінку організації для Cranfield University

    130 927 послідовників

    Step into the future of aviation with our transformative 5-day short course on Airport Design. Discover cutting-edge trends, from seamless passenger experiences and sustainable infrastructure to the urban integration of airports as dynamic hubs. Learn from world-class academics, industry trailblazers, and global leaders in aviation, all while gaining hands-on experience in designing tomorrow's airports. Be part of the change - register now: https://bit.ly/4gTzOCt

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  • Ukrainian software solution for air cargo market is extenting its global recognition

    Переглянути сторінку організації для Awery Aviation Software

    3 093 послідовники

    Voting is still open for STAT Times' International Awards for Excellence in Air Cargo… 🏆 Awery Aviation Software is proud to be shortlisted for International IT Systems Provider of the Year! 💪 Thank you to STAT Times for this recognition - we're looking forward to the awards ceremony in Nairobi. 🇰🇪 Voting closes on 3rd February, so don’t forget to have your say. Cast your votes here ➡ https://lnkd.in/eTW8PBkd The winners will be announced at this year’s Air Cargo Africa event, where our Customer Success Officer, Phaedra den Hertog, will be attending from 20th-21st February. ✈️ #AweryAviation #STATTimes #STATAwards #aircargoAfrica2025 #AirCargo

  • Multi-modality & Air Trasnport : challenges and preferences by #A4E - Airlines for Europe in advance of the European Commission’s workshop scheduled for 22JAN 2025

    Переглянути сторінку організації для Airlines for Europe (A4E)

    15 559 послідовників

    When it comes to transport, multimodal is word being spoken of quite a bit in Brussels at the moment. ✈️ 🚆 🚌 Tomorrow, the European Commission will host a workshop on the proposals on Single Digital Booking and Ticketing (SDBTR) and Multimodal Digital Mobility Services (MDMS). It will focus on the new impact assessment study, covering its methodology, timeline, and key policy objectives. For airlines, finding a way to connect modes of transport as seamlessly as possible is a worthwhile goal. But before rushing to legislate and offering what look like quick fix solutions, we need to make sure we're tackling the actual challenges that make achieving this goal difficult. Strengthening what already works and overcoming those challenges can go a long way in improving multimodal transport. A4E has looked at what makes integrating rail and air travel difficult. On top that, we've identified gaps between modes of transport for when things go wrong, something that is critically important to ensure seamless multimodal transport. Take a look below. 👇 #Multimodality #EUTransport #MDMS #SDBTR

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  • Believe it or not - Eurowings will replace their 40x Airbus with strong Boeing’s 737-8 MAX fleet Not far ago the global ‘MAX’ fleet was on ground to fix the serious safety issues… Competition never sleeps!

    Переглянути сторінку організації для Eurowings

    110 585 послідовників

    Breaking news! 📣 We're launching the largest fleet modernization in our history with 40 new Boeing 737-8 MAX aircraft! ✈️ These state-of-the-art jets consume up to 30% less fuel and significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Starting 2027, the new aircraft with 189 seats and extended range will replace our A319 fleet. 👏 More details: https://bit.ly/3Ee3onB Investing in the future - for our customers and our environment. 🍃 #eurowings

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  • ACI Europe has piblished #APOC - Airport Operations Center Guidebook

    Переглянути сторінку організації для Airport Suppliers

    26 251 послідовник

    The APOC (Airport Operations Center) Guidebook, recently published by ACI Europe, is a comprehensive resource, designed to give airports worldwide the reference for establishing and optimizing Airport Operations Centers, tailored to meet the demands of the modern airport ecosystem. AI is proud to have been able to contribute to the creation of this insightful document. Airport Intelligence ACI EUROPE #APOC #AirportOperationsCenterGuidebook #Airports

  • Italian the ITA Airways #AZ has joined the Lufthansa Group

    Переглянути сторінку організації для Lufthansa Group

    196 884 послідовники

    As of today, the Lufthansa Group holds a stake of 41 percent in ITA Airways.  The Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) have appointed new members to the Board of Directors of ITA Airways. As agreed, two out of five members of ITA Airways' executive board are nominated by the Lufthansa Group with immediate effect: Joerg Eberhart is appointed as new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ITA Airways. This also makes him a managing member of the Board of Directors of the Italian airline, which is based in Rome. Lorenza Maggio will take over the position of “Chief Strategy and Integration Officer” (CSIO) and will become a member of the Board of Directors of ITA Airways. Michael Trestl will be responsible for the holistic integration of ITA Airways into the Lufthansa Group as “ITA Implementation Officer” and will transfer from Austrian Airlines to the Lufthansa Group headquarters in Frankfurt for this purpose. More information: https://lnkd.in/e9n7EXby

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Aviaplan LLC

    221 послідовник

    With 18% of year-on-year growth, Prague airport has crossed 16M pax margin in 2024 The UK market worth of 2M pax/annum remains the largest country-to-country for PRG since the bilateral Czech-British Open Sky was inked down in 1998

    Переглянути сторінку організації для Letiště Praha

    19 114 послідовників

    Jaký byl rok 2024 z pohledu čísel? ✈️ 📊 Za rok 2024 prošlo Letištěm Václava Havla Praha dohromady 16 353 522 cestujících a bylo vykonáno 134 609 startů a přistání letadel. Počet cestujících meziročně vzrostl o 18 %. V loňském roce jsme ve spolupráci s leteckými dopravci zprovoznili 41 nových linek a celkem nabídli přímé spojení do 181 destinací. 🌏 „Počet cestujících za rok 2024 je třetí nejvyšší v historii, což je velmi pozitivní zpráva například pro ekonomiku České republiky. Mne navíc těší, že letadla létala s vysokou obsazeností – v průměru přes 83 %. Větší a obsazenější letadla znamenají nižší zatížení našeho okolí a celkově životního prostředí,“ přibližuje Jiří Pos, předseda představenstva Letiště Praha, a doplňuje: „V roce 2025 bychom měli dosáhnout historického rekordu 18,4 milionu odbavených cestujících. Stojí za tím systematická práce v oblasti rozvoje leteckých spojení s Evropou i světem, konkurenceschopnost v oblasti poplatkové politiky a pobídkových programů a provozní podmínky Letiště Praha. Během loňska se podařilo otevřít 41 nových linek, u 66 linek jsme pak dosáhli navýšení frekvence letů.“ V letošním roce se z Prahy začne létat do nových dálkových destinací, jako je Abú Dhabí (letecká společnost Etihad) či Toronto (letecká společnost Air Canada). Potvrzen je i příchod dalších nových dopravců – jihokorejská letecká společnost Asiana Airlines bude provozovat pravidelnou linku do Soulu a německá letecká společnost Condor Flugdienst GmbH bude pravidelně létat do Frankfurtu nad Mohanem. Nabídku destinací bychom měli letos navýšit na více než 190, jednotlivé trasy bude obsluhovat zhruba 80 leteckých společností. Budeme rádi, když nám zachováte přízeň i v roce 2025. Tak vzhůru do oblak za novými cestovatelskými zážitky 🗺️ 😊

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  • Small European airlines have their right to sustain! ERA - a strong voice of such regional carriers in Europe has just unveilled an interview with CEO of Croatia Airlines

    Переглянути сторінку організації для European Regions Airline Association

    12 099 послідовників

    ERA Board member Jasmin Bajic, CEO of Croatia Airlines makes a very important point in this interview about how regulation can disproportionally affect smaller airlines. "We are critical to connectivity," he says of his airline, "But we are more vulnerable to poor regulation and escalating costs .... There should be a greater understanding of our operating circumstances." ERA represents the interests of regional airlines, ensuring their collective voice is heard by policymakers, and that their unique circumstances and vital contribution are taken into consideration when regulations are being developed. Read the full interview: https://lnkd.in/epHGzePZ

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