Проєкт USAID “Економічна підтримка України”

Проєкт USAID “Економічна підтримка України”

Міжнародні справи

Kyiv, Kyiv 1 678 послідовників

Підвищення експортного потенціалу та модернізація пунктів перетину кордону України з метою зменшення продовольчої кризи

Про нас

ПІДТРИМКА ЛОГІСТИКИ ЕКСПОРТУ ЗЕРНА В РАМКАХ ІНІЦІАТИВИ «AGRI-УКРАЇНА» Проєкт Агентства США з міжнародного розвитку (USAID) «Економічна підтримка України» (Проєкт USAID) є одним із ключових партнерів USAID, що реалізує Ініціативу стійкості сільського господарства України («AGRI-Україна»), бюджет якої складає 350 млн доларів США. Ця ініціатива була започаткована в 2022 році з метою зміцнення українського аграрного експорту та пом’якшення глобальної кризи продовольчої безпеки, що загострилася внаслідок війни. В рамках ініціативи «AGRI-Україна» Проєкт USAID співпрацює з державними та приватними підприємствами, щоб доповнювати та залучати інвестиції в транспортування та перевалку зерна, яких вкрай потребує Україна. ПОКРАЩЕННЯ ІНФРАСТРУКТУРИ Проєкт USAID також надає безпосередню підтримку Урядові України, зокрема Державному агентству відновлення та розвитку інфраструктури України (Держвідновлення), Державній митній службі та Укрзалізниці, в модернізації 42 пунктів перетину кордону України (ПП). Сучасна та більш ефективна прикордонна інфраструктура та митні процедури скоротять витрати на експорт і збільшать експортний потенціал, що дозволить Україні розширити обсяги торгівлі та просунутися на шляху до інтеграції в ЄС. ПРО ПРОЄКТ USAID Зусилля України здобути майбутнє – вийшовши з розв’язаної Росією повномасштабної війни готовою прискорити свій розвиток як суверенної, незалежної, демократичної та процвітаючої держави – вимагають динамічного, інклюзивного економічного відновлення. Завдяки партнерству з урядом та активному залученню приватного сектору Проєкт USAID підтримує економічне зростання та стійкість України з 2018 року. Після жорстокого вторгнення Росії в Україну в лютому 2022 року та подальшої окупації частини України, Проєкт USAID змістив фокус своєї діяльності зі сходу України на пріоритети розвитку всієї країни, які відповідають її нагальним потребам в удосконаленні експортної логістики та інфраструктури.

Міжнародні справи
Розмір компанії
51-200 працівників
Kyiv, Kyiv
Некомерційна організація


Працівники у Проєкт USAID “Економічна підтримка України”


  • DAI, implementer of USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), is on the lookout for a Cost Estimating Engineer to become a part of our team. 📍 Location: Kyiv, Ukraine Detailed requirements for the candidate in both English and Ukrainian languages are available at USAID ERA website. Please review them to ensure your skills and experience align: ↗ https://lnkd.in/dbNj8NJg Please note that this job advertisement is aimed at locally based candidates in Ukraine. If you're interested in making a difference and meet our criteria, we would love to hear from you! 📩 Please send your resume by October 24, 2024 to: ukraine@dai.com

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  • DAI, implementer of the USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) in Ukraine, invites qualified local vendors to submit quotations for the ➡ Development and Implementation of an Intelligent Traffic Management System at Yahodyn Border Crossing Point (BCP). Please take note of these important dates and email addresses: 1️⃣ RFP Release Date: October 10, 2024 2️⃣ Pre-Proposal bidders’ conference: An online pre-proposal bidders’ conference will be held on October 17, 2024, at 12:00 pm, Kyiv, Ukraine Time), to be held online in Teams. Please send to ProcurementERA@dai.com e-mails and company name of online conference participants by October 16, 2024 by 4:00 pm, Kyiv, Ukraine Time. Information of interest to all prospective Offerors will be presented. While attendance at the pre-proposal conference is not mandatory, all interested prospective suppliers are encouraged to attend in order to prepare acceptable proposals. Questions asked at the Pre-Proposal Bidder’s Conference, that would benefit all bidders, shall be provided in an amendment to the RFP. 3️⃣ Site Visit: Site Visit for Bidders is scheduled for November 07, 2024, at the international checkpoint for automobile traffic “YAHODYN” at the address: Volyn region, Starovoitove village, Prykordonnykiv street.There is a two-person limit per organization. To visit the site, the Bidder shall provide a list of its representatives with the position and name of the company and a copy of their passports no later than October 24, 2024. 4️⃣ Deadline for Receipt of Questions: November 14, 2024 no later than 4:00 pm, Kyiv, Ukraine Time to the email address ProcurementERA@dai.com. All questions will be collected and replies to them will be sent via email to tender participants. 5️⃣ Submission of Proposals: December 09, 2024, no later than 5:30pm Kyiv, Ukraine Time to the email address: ProcurementERAInbox@dai.com. Interested vendors are encouraged to review the full RFP details, submission guidelines, and required documents on the USAID ERA website: 🖥 ↗https://lnkd.in/d2ypV65T All information and documentation is available in both Ukrainian and English. Find more about USAID ERA on DAI.com: https://lnkd.in/ebeegyFw

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  • Ukrainian Grain Traders Explore Export Opportunities with Top Irish and European Importers From September 16 to 19, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), in partnership with the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club Association (UCAB), visited Ireland with 9 representatives of UCAB's member companies to explore and expand agricultural commodity export opportunities. With close to five million tons of imports annually, Ukrainian grain traders were able to identify strong market opportunities for export to Ireland during the meeting with TOP 3 commodities importers in Ireland and continental Europe, including R&H Hall, Cefetra Group, and ADM. The Waterford Port visit provided the delegates with an understanding of the port operations dynamics in Ireland and highlighted specific opportunities for handysize combi-load shipments to Ireland. The delegates attended fruitful meetings with Sustainable Food Systems Ireland (SFSI), Teagasc and got valuable insights into global agri-food best practices, sustainability trends and evolving market requirement needs within the European Union.

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  • Amid the unprecedented challenges brought on by the war, Ukrainian enterprises have demonstrated remarkable resilience and innovative approaches to restoring critical infrastructure. 🤝 A prime example is the collaboration between USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) and the Ukrainian manufacturer Dneproresurs LLC. Read more in the article 👇  

    Small Engines for a Big Cause: Collaboration Between USAID ERA and Dneproresurs LLC

    Small Engines for a Big Cause: Collaboration Between USAID ERA and Dneproresurs LLC

    Проєкт USAID “Економічна підтримка України” на LinkedIn

  • DAI, the implementer of the USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), is currently seeking talented professionals for two positions: 🔗 Quality Assurance Engineer / Construction Site Inspector ↗https://lnkd.in/dwhYwhYj 🔗 Quality Assurance Engineer / Construction Site Inspector | Certified with СС2, CC3 ↗ https://lnkd.in/dc7W-F_y You can find the specific qualifications and requirements for both roles in English and Ukrainian on the USAID ERA website. Please ensure your skills and experience align with the requirements before applying. 📌These opportunities are open to candidates based in Ukraine. 📅 If you're passionate about making a difference and meet the criteria, we encourage you to apply! Please send your resume by October 21, 2024 to: ukraine@dai.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

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  • USAID ERA to Cover 30% of the Cost of Grain Transshipment Equipment for Agri MSMEs  With support from USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), at least 20 Ukrainian agricultural logistics companies can purchase grain handling equipment from the Kobzarenko Plant, an agricultural machinery manufacturer in Ukraine, at a 30% discount, potentially increasing the country’s grain exports and transshipment capacity by 2.5 million tons per year. This USAID ERA initiative is available to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) with annual revenues of less than EUR 40 million. Ukrainian agro-holding companies and firms that have already received or will soon receive assistance from USAID ERA are not eligible. Qualified agri companies can purchase equipment to improve the efficiency of grain transshipment processes at critical nodes along the export route, including:  ◾ Mobile wagon unpacker RWМ-180 (tractor and electric power variations)  ◾ Ground transshipment bunkers BNP-12 “Kovcheg” (tractor and electric power variations)  ◾ Ground transshipment bunkers BNP-3 “Kovcheg” (tractor power variation)  ◾ Belt loader СN-25 (electric power variation) ERA will cover 30% of the cost for 51 pieces of equipment from the Kobzarenko Plant. 

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  • USAID equips lab at university to attract engineering students     On September 27, teachers and students of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (EUNU) presented the new USAID-equipped Digital Prototyping and Manufacturing Laboratory (FabLab) to 15 students from the Kyiv Technical School of Electronic Devices and representatives of USAID.   The FabLab is one of three new labs equipped by USAID through its Economic Resilience Activity (USAID ERA) to help EUNU attract more students to study engineering and provide a space where they can gain practical skills working with cutting-edge equipment. Originally located in Luhansk Oblast, EUNU was forced to move twice following Russia's invasions of Ukraine in 2014 and again in 2022, eventually settling in Kyiv. More than 5,200 students are currently studying at EUNU in eight different departments.      At the event, EUNU teachers and students demonstrated a 3D printer making engine parts and a laser cutter creating a phone holder out of plywood. The university also presented a mockup of an agricultural drone produced with the USAID-provided equipment. Attendees discussed the lab's possibilities and professional prospects for engineering graduates, and EUNU invited students to join their new "scientific circle," a free club that will host workshops.    💬 "I have been studying software engineering for several years and am particularly interested in using a 3D printer for design," said Bohdan Ihnatiuk, a 4th-year student at the Kyiv Technical School of Electronic Devices. "I think that in the future engineering will be in great demand, especially for the reconstruction of Ukraine, and workshops like the one today help us understand certain aspects of the profession, and even try to make something practical."   From September to November 2024, EUNU plans to hold 10 similar events for applicants of various educational institutions of Kyiv to help attract more students to the university and the field of engineering.     Serhii Kudryavtsev, Dean of the Engineering Faculty, said,   💬 "Through such events, we popularize engineering majors among applicants and promote the reorientation of young people to the professions needed for the economy of Ukraine."

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  • X-ray scanners purchased by USAID ERA will speed up vehicle inspections at the borders USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has purchased and delivered 10 of 20 handheld scanners to the State Customs Service of Ukraine. The total cost of the equipment is about $1 million euro. The scanners will be deployed at the following 12 road BCPs: Yahodyn, Porubne, Uzhhorod, Luzhanka, Krasnoilsk, Diakivtsi, Chop (Tysa), Mamalyha, Rososhany, Starokozache, Mohyliv-Podilskyi, and Rava-Ruska BCPs. Customs officials will use the U.S.-made hand-held scanning systems to detect third-party objects in vehicles. The use of these portable scanners is expected to speed up vehicle inspections and help prevent the movement of prohibited substances across the state border. 💭 Cameron Berkuti, USAID ERA BCP Director, noted: "USAID ERA is actively modernizing Ukraine's borders to expedite customs processes and overall border crossings. The scanners will enhance border security, speed up vehicle inspections at the borders." Handheld X-ray scanners are a fast and effective way to scan vehicles, eliminating the need for in-depth inspections and preventing contraband. 💭"Thanks to USAID ERA, modern scanners will now help us inspect vehicles and buses, detecting prohibited or undeclared goods that might be transported across the border. Previously, Сustoms officials relied on other technical means and visual inspections, but these new devices will increase the efficiency of Сustoms officers and speed up inspections at the border," said Valerii Zhaldak, Director of the Department of Logistics and Property Management of the State Customs Service of Ukraine. A tablet is used along with the scanner to show what the scanner "sees" on its screen, allowing Customs officers to work together to screen vehicles and luggage. 💭"The detailed inspection of one passenger car now takes up to thirty minutes because, if suspicious objects are detected, the paneling must be removed and hard-to-reach places checked. With this scanner, the inspection time will be reduced to ten minutes, significantly speeding up traffic," shares Artem Mulenko, head of the department of mobile scanning systems at the Volyn Customs Service. "This scanner is designed to scan, for example, a single bag or the side wall of a car." Between 2023 and 2026, USAID, through ERA, is dedicating $115 million to support the Government of Ukraine. This support includes the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine (Ministry for Restoration), the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine (Agency for Restoration), the State Customs Service, and Ukrainian Railways (UZ) to upgrade 42 of Ukraine’s border crossing points (BCPs).

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  • DAI, implementer of USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), is on the lookout for a Technical Assistance Coordinator to become a part of our team. 📍 Location: Lviv, Ukraine Detailed requirements for the candidate in both English and Ukrainian languages are available at USAID ERA website. Please review them to ensure your skills and experience align: ↗ https://lnkd.in/dyBeadFK Please note that this job advertisement is aimed at locally based candidates in Ukraine. If you're interested in making a difference and meet our criteria, we would love to hear from you! 📩 Please send your resume by October 11, 2024 to: ukraine@dai.com

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  • DAI, implementer of the USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) in Ukraine, invites qualified local vendors to submit quotations for the ➡ Repair of road surfaces and facilities, replacement of modular buildings at the Bronnytsya border crossing point. Please take note of these important dates and email addresses: 1️⃣ RFP Release Date: September 17, 2024 2️⃣ Site Visit: A Site Visit for Bidders is scheduled for September 25, 2024, at the international checkpoint for automobile traffic “Bronnytsia-Ungur” at the address: Ukraine, Vinnytsia region, Mohyliv-Podilskyi district, Bronnytsia, Ostrovska street.There is a two-person limit per organization. To visit the site, the Bidder shall provide a list of its representatives with the position and name of the company and a copy of their passports no later than September 19, 2024. 3️⃣ Deadline for Receipt of Questions: October 02, 2024, 6:00 PM, Kyiv, Ukraine Time to the email address ProcurementERA@dai.com. All questions will be collected, and replies will be sent via email to tender participants. 4️⃣ Submission of Proposals: October 11, 2024, 6:00 PM, Kyiv, Ukraine Time to the email address ProcurementERAInbox@dai.com Interested vendors are encouraged to review the full RFP details, submission guidelines, and required documents on the USAID ERA website: 🖥 ↗ https://lnkd.in/dDAfFXzu All information and documentation is available in both Ukrainian and English. Find more about USAID ERA on DAI.com: https://lnkd.in/ebeegyFw

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